db is a fast and small OS3.0 compliant multi purpose database program.
It currently supports 13 languages (English, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian,
Danish, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, French, Spanish, Czech and Portuguese).
There are mostly minor changes this time and this is probably the last version.
If you want improvements I've released the source code so you can add what you
need. (However you are not allowed to use the source code for commercial
purposes, nor release modified versions under the name "db" without my
permission). You can find the source code on aminet:/biz/dbase/db3.4src.lha
This program is ShareWare. Previously, db used to display a shareware reminder
if not registered with a keyfile. This reminder has been removed as I've
decided to stop mailing keyfiles.
/David Ekholm
Why choose db?
I wrote after having tested numerous other PD database programs and always
found something lacking or irritating me. They might have dozzens of features
not found in db, but they lacked font sensitivity and a standard GUI look and
OS 3.0 behaviour.
Remember: db is a GENERAL database program. YOU decide what to store in it,
be it addresses, video collections spare parts or your invoices. I really
can't understand why people keep releasing databases with fixed fields all
the time.
When you use db you will notice that the user interface has been kept as
compact as possible (few gadgets, menus and windows). Still the functionality
in for example, searching and sorting is high. This is intentional.
I prefer few buttons with high functionality than the opposite.
Feature List
A partial list of db's features include:
o Dynamic memory handling. Number of records and fields only limited by
free memory.
o GadTool based. (Use fields of string, checkbox, cycle and text type)
o Support for multi-line fields through textfield.gadget
o Mouse and keyboard driven.
o User definable fields and layout.
o Multiple views of the same database.
o The views can be designed through a simple to use GUI.
o Commodore's Clipboard for flexible interaction with other programs.
o AppWindow -just drag and drop database icons on db to load.
o Online MenuHelp -Press HELP key when selecting a menu item.
o Font sensitive.
o ASL requesters for flexible loads and saves.
o Localized.
o ARexx support.
o Dial numbers using a modem or loudspeaker.
o WB and Shell usage with Commodore's template parsing.
o Fast and flexible find function using AmigaDOS patterns.
o Listview browser.
o Filter function.
o Fast and flexible sort function. Multiple sort orders can be specified.
o 'Export View' and two standard ASCII export features.
o Automatic ASCII import (tab-separated ASCII).
History of changes
97-09-24 v3.5 NEWS:
* DB is still alive (grin ;-) in spite of previous
announcements. Hope you like such news ;-)
* As David's dropped the DB project (at least for now),
starting from version 3.5 DB is developed by
Marcin Orlowski, so all your bug reports, oppinions
etc concerning DB should be mailed to him. Don't
forget to visit the DB home page (URL is placed above).
* Added TEXT type to view design toolbar.
* Added TEXTFIELD type to view design toolbar
(however you can't change its height in editor yet).
* Added abbreviations to Shell template
* Trailing ':' is no longer added to selector window's
title if the record label the title is based on,
already has it.
* Edit view related strings are now localized
* New CLI/tooltype DEFPATTERN (def. "#?")
* New CLI/tooltype DEFREXXPATTERN (def. "#?.(db|rexxdb)")
* Toolbox items call be also accessed via F1-F5 keys
directly from edit view window
* New menu item - reload current project
* New menu item - relaunch recently selected ARexx script
* Hungarian translation added. DB now supports 14 languages.
Unfortunately, most of existing translations
are a little bit outdated with this edition. Hope that
will change with next release, when all will finish their
holidays. For now you can use old catalogs so all newly
localized strings will appear in english.