- TurboCalc-Sheets for a simple calculation -
- of pure profit out of investments -
Sometime I wanted to compare some kinds of investments (fonds of stocks,
securities, estates, deposits etc.). The reason was to find out the pure
profit made. The only thing I want to know is the investment which yields the
most money. That was the reason for creating these sheets. Till now you can
use it for fonds of stocks, estates and securities distributing the profit.
For fonds thesauring maybe some small changes are needed, this will probably be
done in the next releases. Deposits month by month and random calls following
the first one are supported by these sheets, yet. If you've only straight
bonds, you don't need such a sheet, because of fixed interest rates. The
values calculated by these sheets are not correct to the last cent, but usable.
I don't need more accuracy. The calculated "profits" are more accurate the
longer the runtime is. If you want more features for these sheets, then you
should contact me.
New in v0.5: - second sheet for investments with deposits month by month are created
- new structure for documentation for two sheets now
- taken icons into the archive (compatible to OS3.5, too)
- TurboCalc-Tabellen zur einfachen Berechnung -
- des Reingewinns aus Geldanlagen -
Irgendwann wollte ich mal verschiedene Geldanlagen (Aktienfonds, Rentenfonds,
Immobilienfonds, Festzinssparen etc.) miteinander vergleichen. Bei diesem
Vergleich ging es mir um den Nettogewinn. Denn nichts anderes möchte ich
wissen, als mit welcher Anlage ich mehr Geld erzielen konnte. Das war der
Anstoss, diese Tabellen zu entwerfen. Bisher kann man diese Tabellen für
Aktien-, Renten- sowie Immobilienfonds mit Ertragssauschüttung benutzen. Für
thesaurierende Fonds müssten eventuell kleinere Anpassung