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November 11, 1994
"On The Ball"
Calendar/Addressbook/To-Do List/NotePad
Version V1.30 has over 50 improvements over V1.20.
Pure Logic Software
789 Butterfly Road
Quincy, CA 95971
205-802-7345 (Voice/Fax/Tech Support)
On The Ball gracefully binds four powerful applications in a
symmetrical multiwindow environment.
* View and print adjustable appointment schedules from eye-catching:
week-at-a-glance, month-at-a-glance, or year-at-a-glance
graphical views.
* 11 Powerful repeat modes automatically re-schedule appointments:
Selected day(s) of week, Bi-weekly, Monthly, or Yearly,
Repeat on second Tuesday of each month, (example) ...and more.
* Each repeat mode can be set to repeat a certain number of times or
* Reminds you of your appointments -- up to 4 days in advance.
* Snooze bar can be clicked on to automatically remind you again later.
* Can search forward and backward through all appointments.
* Entire program iconifies to a functional, resizable calendar icon.
* Tells the number of days between two dates.
* Warns you about overlapping appointments
* Ability to update/delete a single instance of a repeating appointment
or the entire sequence.
* Create shadow appointments to remind you days in advace.
* Ability to review past appointments while the computer was off.
* Sorts and searches by any field.
* Mailing Labels: Print or copy to the clipboard all or selected records.
Choose from many built-in generic label configurations or design your
own layout.
* Attatch notes to records to associate as much personal or professional
information as you like to each record.
* Dialer/Auto-redialer can automatically bring up your contact's note and
append a new time-date stamp to help you automate transcripts of your
* Up to 21 phone numbers per entry.
* Rolodex keys and buttons for easy indexing.
* Ability to print custom phone lists or address lists.
To-Do List:
* Prioritizes things you need to get done with optional due dates.
* Print your daily agenda or a comprehensive to-do list.
* Search To-Do List.
* Jot down and organize stand-alone notes.
* Load/Save feature makes NotePad a powerful and handy text editor.
* Easily attatches notes to individual Calendar, ToDo List, and
Addressbook entries.
* Have as many notes open at one time as you like.
* Fast smooth-scrolling, resizable notes have standard editing
features such as search and replace and cut-and-paste to the
* All notes are automatically time-date stamped (and have insert time-date
stamp function.)
* Find all notes containing certain keywords.
* Create your own colorized "Tags" (ie. "Personal", "Birthdays",
"Urgent", "Project X", etc.) to help you classify and prioritize
information so you can focus on specfic categories of entries
in all applications and all views.
* Extensive Arexx support with sample routines provided on disk and in
* On-line Preferences.
* Can open under on the Workbench or on its own screen.
* Can import NagĀ®files.
* Auto-timed save feature.
* Modular save files
* For all Amigas: 500 through 4000, WorkBench 1.3-3.x compatible.
* Automatically takes advantage of many WB2.0+ features, if
available. (ie. prints compugraphic fonts, font requester, etc.)
* Multi-Lingual interface modules and interface for:
English, German, French, Swedish, & Dutch.
* Commercial price: $40. + $5/overseas + $3/CA sales tax.
On The Ball is not shareware, it is commercial. The demo of On The Ball
is a freely redistributable program under the condition that all accompanying
files are included. Users are granted a limited 30 day license to use this
demo for the purpose of evaluation only. After that time, you must send the
$40 registration fee to:
Pure Logic Software
789 Butterfly Rd.
Quincy, CA 95971 USA
Registered users will receive the latest commercial version of the
program, a professionally printed manual, and access to future upgrades
at a negligible price.
On The Ball is also available from most Amiga retaillers.
CONTACTING PURE LOGIC SOFTWARE:---------------------------------------
1) Contact the 24hr Pure Logic Software phone line for:
* techinical help
* order info
* Dealer/distributor info.
* Fax retrieval
To see why On The Ball is the best P.I.M. on the Amiga,
request that the comparison chart be faxed to you.
* send Pure Logic Software a FAX
* request promotional material for your user group.
2) Questions and comments can also be emailed to:
* Jason Freund/President, freund@cis.uab.edu, 205-802-7345
* Gabe Dalbec/VP, dalbec@cs.arizona.edu, 602-770-9561
See our review featured in Amazing Computing, November, 1994.