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biz/misc/PayrollPlusDem.lha |
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DISTRIBUTION: Freely distributable in its current form. The PayrollPlusDemo.lha
file can be distributed in any form as long as it remains unchanged.
Payroll Plus is an easy to use, yet complete payroll program. Payroll amounts
are quickly entered, while withholding taxes are handily calculated by Payroll
Plus. Mistakes made at any point in the year can be easily corrected at any other
point in the year. (A real plus!)
Payroll Plus calculates and handles all Federal withholding and unemployment taxes,
and State withholding and unemployment taxes for all 50 states.
Payroll Plus puts out great reports such as:
Payroll Register
Quarterly Tax Register
Year To Date Audit
Employee Master
Multiple Labels
3 different Payroll Check formats
Pay Stubbs
Each report can be user configured in up to 45 different sorting and ordering
combinations. Ranges may also be set within each group. Payroll Plus reports
put the tax information you need at your finger tips so you can quickly do
payroll tax forms. Payroll can be tracked by department, job classification,
Reports can be run at any time to report what the payroll figures were at any
other point in the current year.
PayrollPlusDemo is limited to 3 employee records in the Employee Master file,
and only allows for payroll records to be entered for payroll periods in the
month of January. Also, there are only 35 states entered in the State Tax Code
Payroll Plus is a developed application of SBase4Pro. This archive contains a
freely distributable, fully functional demo version of SBase4Pro v1.30n. The
SBase4Pro demo version has a limit of 35 records in any database used with it.
The full version of Payroll Plus has complete functionality and comes with a
The full version of Payroll Plus may be ordered from:
Brewster Productions
669 Bluff Manor Circle
St Charles MO 63303
Tel: 314-939-2704
Fax: 314-939-2704
E-Mail: brewpro@freewwweb.com
Payroll Plus check writing is compatible with NEBS checks. The user manual
of the full version comes with a packet of information about their specific
products that are compatible with Payroll Plus, and how to order them.
Contents of biz/misc/PayrollPlusDem.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 284 632 44.9% -lh5- 24eb Feb 4 1999 PayrollPlus.info
[generic] 838 1120 74.8% -lh5- e69b Jul 6 1994 PayrollPlus/ICC/FRQC
[generic] 993 1520 65.3% -lh5- d517 Jul 6 1994 PayrollPlus/ICC/FRQF
[generic] 34472 54052 63.8% -lh5- e31b Oct 31 1998 PayrollPlus/ICC/LhA
[generic] 1376 4684 29.4% -lh5- 6afd Feb 4 1999 PayrollPlus/Install_Payroll_Plus
[generic] 308 767 40.2% -lh5- 8d65 Feb 4 1999 PayrollPlus/Install_Payroll_Plus.info
[generic] 656852 656852 100.0% -lh0- b003 Feb 4 1999 PayrollPlus/PayrollPlus.lha
[generic] 1279 2524 50.7% -lh5- c154 Feb 4 1999 PayrollPlus/README1st
[generic] 257 506 50.8% -lh5- 92d3 Mar 14 1997 PayrollPlus/README1st.info
[generic] 394 788 50.0% -lh5- 9a28 Feb 4 1999 PayrollPlus/READMEdemo
[generic] 260 506 51.4% -lh5- 3e4f Apr 18 1997 PayrollPlus/READMEdemo.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 11 files 697313 723951 96.3% Feb 5 1999
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