Integrated POS system with cash register functions, advanced stock control,
supply and ordering, powerful reporting and graphing facilities, and
provision for account and layby sales.
Designed to replace a single cash register in a retail store.
Stock Information
- Up to 32000 lines with alphanumeric stock number, description, 3 sub
descriptions, department, product range, product group, 3 selling prices,
quantity on hand, value on hand, average cost, sold this period, value
this period, date last received, serial number y/n, freight allowance,
tag message, coupon.
- Stock presets
- Preset sub-descriptions
- Department name & discount
- Items & value for today, period, year to date
- Costs & profit for today, period, year to date
- Average markup for today, period, year to date.
Product Lines
- Range name & discount
- Items & value for today, period, year to date
- Costs & profit for today, period, year to date
- Average markup for today, period, year to date.
Product Groups
- Group name & discount
- Items & value for today, period, year to date
- Costs & profit for today, period, year to date
- Average markup for today, period, year to date.
Stock Tracking
- Control & history for 53 weekly periods.
- Seasonally adjust minimum, maximum & re-order levels.
- Track past values for minimum, maximum, re-order, on hand, markup,
quantity sold, value sold, price, average cost.
- Graph performance with auto scale, zoom to item, colour line & bar
graphs, set styles, grids.
- Ramp stock settings between any 2 periods.
- Surname/company, contact name, street, locality
- 2 phone numbers, fax number
- Account balance, tag message.
Supply of Stock
- Multiple suppliers per item
- Order code, pack size, minimum order, lead time
- 3 buy prices, preferred supplier.
- Manual Ordering, Automatic Orders
- Quantity on order, date ordered & received, quantity received.
- Target Ordering for best price, best lead, preferred supplier.
- Edit any order
- Receival by supplier
- Print stock labels at receival.
Manual Adjustments
- For stock takes, non-ordered stock.
Serial Numbers
- Track serial numbers sold & in stock.
- Pick lists of unsold numbers
- View purchases by customer
- Surname/company, first name, street, locality
- Account balance, overdue balance
- Discount, tag message.
- View purchases.
- Customer presets.
- Minimum deposits, layby terms.
- Layby payments
- View layby details.
- Cash part payment, invoice terms
- Invoice payments
- View invoice details.
Sales Clerks
- Clerk name, commission %
- Staff discount %, password
- Earnings for today, period, year to date
- Sales for today, period, year to date
- Value for today, period, year to date.
- Clerk passwords
- Supervisor password
- Optional key lock device.
Cash Register
- Up to 50 lines per transaction
- Automatic startup
- 5 Tender types, Extra charges
- Stock coupons, Register coupons
- Edit past entries, Automatic volume discounts
- Print 6 types of receipt
- Log all transactions & special details
- Petty cash vouchers
- Refunds & Exchanges, Voids
- Cash in drawer warnings, Stock level warnings
- Layby & account sales
- Layby & account payments
- Hold up to 3 transactions
- Re-print last receipt
- Optional cash drawer
Marketing Comparisons
- Graph over 80 different data sets
- Show any 10 at once.
- View values for entire files
- View as values or percentage of total
- Colour line & bar graphs
- Uses report generators
- Create your own reports
- Sample reports provided
- Inventory, Departments, Product Ranges, Product Groups, Suppliers, Supply
by supplier, Stock by source, Orders, Order Printing, Customers, Laybys,
Invoices, Clerks, Daily Sales, Supplier Order, Customer Purchases, Serial
Numbers, Daily Log Files.
- Print to disk or printer
- Load and save reports.
- Printer format commands
- Information commands
- Preferences settings
- Pop up clock
- Built-in screen dimmer
- Help texts for every window, gadget & field
- Keyboard & Mouse Operation