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comm/bbs/FL_144_Update.lha |
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V1.0 - 25.07.94 : First public release
V1.1 - 29.07.94 : The CONTINUE-prompt now has also an entry in the
language files (thanks to Chris).
Demarking in the download-menu no more cause a crash.
31.07.94 : Filelister now recognices idle timeout.
04.08.94 : GetFile was rewritten to C. This causes a speed
improvemt while pattern searching up to 7 times.
10.08.94 : GetFile can now search through the complete fileline.
This mean you can also search for a descriptions,
dates and filelenths. Patterns are also possible.
New parameter : CompleteLine or CL
V1.2 - 12.08.94 : Serious bug while using the timer.device removed.
Filelister should no longer drop out users with the
idle-timeout-message when they call a filelist. Thanks
to Thomas for the BlitzBlank source.
12.08.94 : LOADINDEX was replaced by a C-Tool (ReadFLData). It
sorts the index up to 8 times faster.
15.08.94 : ReadFLData (Index-Load-Replacement) acknowledges if
an index is already in memory. GetFile no more says
a listed file doesn't exist.
27.08.94 : Filelister know uses the right system-path of TA every-
time and get the right idle time.
28.08.94 : Example.Trans corrected. Thanks to Michael Schaffner.
V1.3 - 18.09.94 : The moment is here :-) Filelister can be registered
and this version will check if there's a correct
V1.31 - 21.09.94 : Bug removed while using command key stacking with
country specific keys (J/A/...). ReadFLData got a
workarround for Kickpascal. Protocolnames now should
have the correct name :-)
New versions : Filelister[_NC]
V1.32 - Testversion, not released.
V1.33 - 06.10.94 : Thanks to Thomas for reporting a serious bug that
allowed standard users to mark files out of the Sysop-
Area ! (Patternmarking was possible :-((( )
V1.4 - 19.10.94 : Because of nerving users ( ;-) ), you can now select
the areas to list while new/search/all-files scan.
Simply say NO to the question to scan all areas.
V1.41 - 09.11.94 : Filelister, TACfl, ReadFLData sometimes crashes with
some Files.BBS of the AmiNet-CD Vol. 4. The reason was
that there're line longer than 100 characters. Thanks
to Harald Meinzer for detailed reporting.
19.01.94 : Now GetFile also shows ALL occurrence of one file if
there are more than one. Additional you can select
the areas to be scanned.
28.01.95 : Added parameter "DELEMPTY" to TACfl (see doc)
V1.42 - 03.03.95 : Total length of files will now be calculated correctly
in download menu even if some files was unmarked.
V1.43 - 12.03.95 : Filelister now aborts the trial of marking a file that
contains a : or / . Before there was some strange
AmigaDOS requesters.
V1.44 - 21.05.95 : From now on there comes a info line if new/search/all/
area/list-scan was unsuccessful. Texte 111-115 added
to config file.
15.07.95 : FreeFLData NOW frees ALL memory allocated by ReadFLData
Contents of comm/bbs/FL_144_Update.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5169 8324 62.1% -lh5- 1472 Jul 15 1995 FreeFLData
[generic] 1596 3710 43.0% -lh5- a694 Jul 15 1995 History.DOC
[generic] 7921 12812 61.8% -lh5- ce71 Jul 15 1995 ReadFLData
[generic] 7938 12788 62.1% -lh5- e3a6 Jul 15 1995 ReadFLData.020
[generic] 7939 12788 62.1% -lh5- 60d9 Jul 15 1995 ReadFLData.040
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 30563 50422 60.6% Jul 17 1995
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