8.3 name: cP!-HBDC.LHA
HydraBBS door coders wanted
HydraBBS is a new BBS system written by myself, it offers
unmatched configurablilty for sysops and loads of nice
touches for users.
For HydraBBS to really succeed I need some coders to code some new
doors for HydraBBS, or to port doors from other BBS systems to
HydraBBS is really simple for door coders to get to grips with,
it has two shared libries that offer *complete* direct access
to any bit of information about the BBS that you could want,
as well a whole host of *really* handy functions and routines
to make accessing this data a user friendly as possible.
For instance, to get a line of 40 characters of text from the
user, that times out after 10 seconds, and displays a countdown
timer, provides full line editing and command history,and only
allows specific characters, and converts the input to upper case,
and dis-allows OLM's, and prompt the user with a text message,
you'd just do this:
'\0',40,10,"Give me some text :");
How cool is that ? Do that in AmiExpress :-) hehe...
Want to tag a file in the current conference ?
Want to display an ANSI screen, particular to the current
conference and node, with embedded commands ? No problem:
Want to display a text file ?
It's just great, m8!
For a limited period only, if you code a HydraBBS door of good
enough quality and give me the source code for release in future
versions of HydraBBS, you'll become a full registered user!
If you want to code doors for HydraBBS, you can get the full
source code to HydraBBS, with *loads* of example source code,
for free, then send an e-mail to:
And I'll sort you out!
HydraBBS has it's own website, http://come.to/hydrabbs (or for
those that like typing in long url's:
On it you can find the very latest information and upgrades
as well as a Web Bases Support Forum where you can post and
read messages from other HydraBBS users.
Notification Mailing List
There is also a notification mailing list, if you want I can send you
an e-mail when I release an upgrade. To get added to the list send a
blank e-mail with a subject of "HydraBBS ADD" to:
The Author
HydraBBS was written by Dominic Clifton
Alias Hydra^cP! ex LSD and dAT (CRoSS POiNT is my new scene group as
of March 1998!)
E-Mail: dominicc@barrysworld.co.uk
Mail: 9 Shires Copse, Southbourne, Bournemouth,
Phone: +44 (0)973 524877 (Anytime up till 10:00pm GMT)
Modem: +44 (0)1202 OFFLINE (for the moment)
WWW: http://come.to/dominicc which currently forwards to
It'd like to thank the following people for making this possible:
Cruise! Zoltrix Mr Ned [RUiNER] Saint
ShuMart Radiosity ICEBeRG malacai tHUNDERCAt
chronic nexus2 La Shawn the mixer woober
lunix axl cARNiFEX [-Spy-]
All IRC doodz!
All CRoSS POiNT members
All LSD and Ex DataDivision members
The following bands, without which I'd never have been able
to concentrate:
Placebo Seafood Rage against the machine
Bush BIS Sunny day real estate
Elastica Kenickie The Chemical Brothers
Salad Puressence The Smashing Pumpkins
Nirvana Heavy Planet Weezer
Hole Feline Cake
And YOU the user for actually reading this bit without getting bored :-)
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| `-! |-| ' !-- !-- ! __| ' ! ! T ! ` |
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| HydraBBS Door Coders Wanted! |
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| Get the full HBBS source code free! |
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