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Short:Skyline II BBS v2.06, release 2. Now Shareware!
Download:comm/bbs/SKYLINEIIBBS2.lha - View contents

             ______ ____  ____   _____  ______  ___  ___  ____
            / __/ //_/\ \/ / /  /  _/ |/ / __/ / _ )/ _ )/ __/
           _\ \/ ,<    \  / /___/ //    / _/  / _  / _  |\ \  
          /___/_/|_|   /_/____/___/_/|_/___/ /____/____/___/  
      Finally!!! What the world has been waiting for!! A shareware version of
      Skyline BBS!  You might have heard it was dead! Well you heard wrong!
      Omnilink Corp. took over development and distribution.
      Skyline still the best and easiest BBS program for the money, and
      just to prove it, here is all you need do to get it running.

      UNLHA the file to a blank disk in DF0:
      assign BBS: DF0:turnkey
      cd BBS:
      run main

      And that is it!!  You will be up and running with a three node system
      from a floppy!  Of course if you want to install it on your HD, just
      use the Installsky program and you will be up and running just as fast!
      You can customize EVERY feature on this BBS to your liking.
      Full docs in Amigaguide format to aid you in exploring all its features.
      You will find additional utility programs and docs in LHA format within
      the TURNKEY directory.  Just unarc them and follow directions.

      This shareware version is a FULL working bbs.  It is not crippled in 
      any way, shape or form.

      The ONLY difference between the shareware version and the registered 
      version, is that the shareware version will display the message..
      "Skyline II unregistered shareware version" upon logon.  Otherwise it
      is exactly the same as the registered version.
      Should you choose to get a registered version all you will need to do
      to update your setup is replace one file and reuse everything else. 
      No wasted effort.  It does not get any easier than that!

     The current version features the following:

      - 16 line capability (compatible with CBM's A2232 multiserial card )
      - Online conference system with many features
      - Improved message editor - built in hooks for your own screen editor
      - Archived mail
      - FIDO support with TRAPDOOR (not included)
      - XPR protocol support
      - Full featured userlog support program
      - Event scheduler
      - Highly definable SIGOP capabilities
      - Full interactive ANSI display for each line
      - Easy intuition based control of most functions
      - Password protected databases
      - Unlimited menu nesting
      - Detailed constantly updated information Window
      - 255 access levels, over 200 flag settings per user
      - access-locked message bases, databases and menus
      - Runs embedded commands from ANY online text
      - Will run most CLI doors (these can be written in ANY language)
      - Easy installation of AREXX doors
      - "C" doors capabilities
      - PARNET and CDTV compatible
      - Full textbase areas
      - Multiple BBS strings supported
      - Message quoting, uploading and downloading
      - Runs as a resident program 
      - Two 24 hrs 7 days per week Support BBS's
      - RIPScript compatible menus, messages, text
      - Run embedded commands from RIPscripts

      The official Support Boards are:


      718 846-6941 1200-14.4K ZOOM V32 V42bis


      616-922-0987  Dual Standard HST

   We want also to announce that we are working on the new 
   successor to SKYLINE II:
          __                         _              _   
         /\_\/                   o  | | o          | |  
        |    | _  _  _    _  _      | |     _  _   | |  
        |    |/ |/ |/ |  / |/ |  |  |/  |  / |/ |  |/_) 
         \__/   |  |  |_/  |  |_/|_/|__/|_/  |  |_/| \_/    (TM)
     Featuring:  New Graphics Protocols (OMNIPIX (tm), RIP, NAPLPS)
     QWK, FIDO, MCI, INTERNET compatibility
     Modular design for easy future expansion
     Network compatible (local and remote nodes)
     Multiple CPU's
     Unlimited Lines
     Real time Multiplayer games
     Programmed using SAS/C++ as well as assembler code for those speed
     intensive functions
     And much much much much much more!!!

     Due to our ongoing work on Omnilink BBS, we are no longer updating 
     the SKYLINE II BBS program.  So why should you register???????
     Well, Skyline II is a great BBS program as good as any out there.
     And for the shareware price, you will have access to the support
     BBSs, plus %25 discount on the Omnilink BBS when it becomes available.
     The support BBSs have special sysop message areas and databases that
     contain plenty utilities programs and games, plus plenty of opportunity
     for chat with other longtime BBS sysops.  So, try out Skyline and get
     your personal serialized copy, you'll be glad you did!  All serial
     version can be downloaded directly from MIDI MAGIC BBS when you 
     register your shareware version.   


     To order a registered version of SKYLINE BBS software, send check or
      money order for $30 to:

     Omnilink Corporation
     101-17 121 st. Richmond Hill
     Queens, N.Y.

Contents of comm/bbs/SKYLINEIIBBS2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  212     388  54.6% -lh5- 14ff Jul 22  1994
[generic]                18492   34364  53.8% -lh5- 7461 Jul 22  1994 Etc/Fido/packer
[generic]                 5976    5976 100.0% -lh0- 6057 Jul 22  1994 Etc/Fido/skyfido.lha
[generic]                14826   27648  53.6% -lh5- 2b9d Jul 22  1994 Etc/Fido/unpacker
[generic]                38639   38639 100.0% -lh0- ac7f Jul 22  1994 Etc/FIFO.LHA
[generic]                   49     784   6.2% -lh5- 6faf Jul 22  1994 Etc/Fonts/ssfibm.font
[generic]                 1794    3240  55.4% -lh5- 5c8d Jul 22  1994 Etc/Fonts/SSfIBM/8
[generic]                11859   18012  65.8% -lh5- 3a04 Jul 22  1994 Etc/Libs/req.library
[generic]                 1060    2324  45.6% -lh5- 4e8f Jul 22  1994 Etc/Libs/sky.library
[generic]                34925   34925 100.0% -lh0- 8fbd Jul 22  1994 Etc/Libs/xprdocs.lha
[generic]                 8193   14460  56.7% -lh5- f58a Jul 22  1994 Etc/Libs/xprymodem.library
[generic]                10333   17752  58.2% -lh5- 4a4d Jul 22  1994 Etc/Libs/xprzmodem.library
[generic]                 6276    6528  96.1% -lh5- 7eed Jul 22  1994 InstallSky
[generic]                 2392    5259  45.5% -lh5- c6d7 Jul 26  1994 offerSky.txt
[generic]                   38    3080   1.2% -lh5- 5e55 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Conferences
[generic]                  921    1773  51.9% -lh5- d2ca Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/all
[generic]                  251     353  71.1% -lh5- 1cfe Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/
[generic]                14755   50416  29.3% -lh5- 49b6 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/ANSI Color & IBM GFX.strings
[generic]                 9511   24518  38.8% -lh5- 6a9a Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/basic.strings
[generic]                   48      48 100.0% -lh0- c94a Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/Events
[generic]                  237     524  45.2% -lh5- da62 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/Globals
[generic]                   80      81  98.8% -lh5- 5f96 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/line_1
[generic]                   93      93 100.0% -lh0- e0d2 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/line_2
[generic]                   91      97  93.8% -lh5- a212 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Config/line_3
[generic]                    9     198   4.5% -lh5- 0000 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Datbase.Active
[generic]                   91    1160   7.8% -lh5- 4381 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/DBAreas
[generic]                11093   11436  97.0% -lh5- 5337 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/DBEd
[generic]                17090   33520  51.0% -lh5- 0294 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/dbfiles
[generic]                 6519    6696  97.4% -lh5- 0fab Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/FixDB
[generic]                  120     560  21.4% -lh5- cdcb Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Last_Ten
[generic]                94386  194976  48.4% -lh5- 1f7f Jul 14  1994 Turnkey/line
[generic]                  573    2593  22.1% -lh5- 6c2b Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Log_1
[generic]                  372    1580  23.5% -lh5- 54ea Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Log_2
[generic]                28492   56116  50.8% -lh5- 102c Apr  7  1994 Turnkey/main
[generic]                  450    3280  13.7% -lh5- a517 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/MBAreas
[generic]                13703   28952  47.3% -lh5- 5138 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/MBEd
[generic]                  398     692  57.5% -lh5- bdf4 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Menus/database
[generic]                  426     837  50.9% -lh5- 53f4 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Menus/Main_0
[generic]                  408     786  51.9% -lh5- e001 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Menus/Main_1
[generic]                  406     780  52.1% -lh5- 54be Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Menus/Main_255
[generic]                  327     633  51.7% -lh5- bc12 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Menus/message_base
[generic]                  358     744  48.1% -lh5- 3f5e Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Menus/User_Group
[generic]                 4031    4031 100.0% -lh0- 62f9 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/MMBBScfg.lha
[generic]                81409   81409 100.0% -lh0- 041a Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/skybbsmanual.lha
[generic]                   46     256  18.0% -lh5- 0a00 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Snapshot
[generic]                   87     102  85.3% -lh5- c27f Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Access_200
[generic]                   64      65  98.5% -lh5- 24c3 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Access_255
[generic]                   73      75  97.3% -lh5- 2bc2 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Banner
[generic]                  122     163  74.8% -lh5- 7a47 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/DidntRegister
[generic]                  128     171  74.9% -lh5- af96 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/DontRegister
[generic]                  145     220  65.9% -lh5- b99d Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/FirstTimeCallers
[generic]                 4570   12286  37.2% -lh5- c267 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/CommandHelp
[generic]                  274     433  63.3% -lh5- 3c28 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/DisplayHelp
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- 2bad Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/Main_0.hlp
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- 2bad Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/Main_1.hlp
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- 2bad Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/Main_255.hlp
[generic]                  238     481  49.5% -lh5- bb23 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/MainHelp
[generic]                   92     108  85.2% -lh5- a808 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/MembershipInfo
[generic]                  241     448  53.8% -lh5- fbfb Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/MemberStats
[generic]                 4821   12932  37.3% -lh5- cb44 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/RealMainHelp
[generic]                  165     212  77.8% -lh5- 2db7 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Help/SkylineInfo
[generic]                   73      81  90.1% -lh5- 3d39 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/LineDown
[generic]                   30      30 100.0% -lh0- 3284 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Logoff
[generic]                   58      58 100.0% -lh0- 1bef Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/MailWaiting
[generic]                  168     300  56.0% -lh5- 5088 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Members
[generic]                  121     173  69.9% -lh5- ec19 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/NoHumans
[generic]                  313     495  63.2% -lh5- ab5a Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/NoviceHints
[generic]                   34      34 100.0% -lh0- 9fbd Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/PostCallback
[generic]                  377     822  45.9% -lh5- fb99 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/PostRegister
[generic]                  163     255  63.9% -lh5- 3072 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/PreBio
[generic]                  177     257  68.9% -lh5- efce Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/PreCallback
[generic]                  155     223  69.5% -lh5- 0f96 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/PreRegister
[generic]                   94     121  77.7% -lh5- c3aa Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/PreULDescriptions
[generic]                   92     116  79.3% -lh5- 5575 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/RatioExceeded
[generic]                  224     380  58.9% -lh5- 1204 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Registration
[generic]                  137     164  83.5% -lh5- 5790 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/SkySopSetup
[generic]                   69     230  30.0% -lh5- 08bf Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/Text/Welcome
[generic]                26635   27708  96.1% -lh5- 5f67 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/ulog
[generic]                  221    3470   6.4% -lh5- bbd9 Jul 22  1994 Turnkey/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        79 files  482000  785211  61.4%            Jul 28  1994
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