FindCopy is copyrighted by me, Dr. Ice in 1996-97, but is released
as FREEWARE. This program may NOT be sold for any profit, except
from disk-charge and mailing exspences. The author can NOT be held
responsible if FindCopy should crash, or damage your system..
Use it on your own risk (I do ;)), you are warned..
What is FindCopy?
FindCopy is a program that can find a filename within ABBS
in less than 5-6 seconds ;).. But, if the Filecache (togglecache)
is on, it will take 1-2 seconds to find it.. We are talking
about micro-seconds! ;).. This is quite like, but unlike the
FindFile program someone made for ABBS earlier...
Why the speed !?
The reason for FindCopy being so fast as it is, is because it's
not using/loading any .FL files to check with. In other words;
It uses the ABBS mainport! :)
I have tested this program with and without filecache (these values
are tested when NOT finding a file):
Tested with Amiga 4000/030 2+18 MB RAM
Without Filecache: 6 seconds
With Filecache : 0.40 seconds, great huh!?
Make sure you have these files:
* PPMORE - Should be located in C:
* LhA - Should be located in C:
* LZx - Should be located in C:
* ARJ - Should be located in C:
You can run this program in two ways, eigther by writing:
FindCopy filename
Or you can just write:
The last one will open a text requester asking you to enter the
name of the file you wish to find.. When found, a requester will
pop up with these choices:
Cancel, Copy to, View, Extract and About..
Cancel - Quit..
Copy to - Copy the found file to a new destination..
View - View Archieve..
Extract - Extract archieve..
About - Show some (useful) info..
This utility was created using Amiga E, thanks to Wouter for making
this possible to do .. I would also thank Øyvind Husabø for giving
me the header files to make this POSSIBLE! :)..
I must Also thank Geir Inge Høsteng for making such a good BBS
system.. To bad you are ending the history of ABBS! :((
The greetings must go to:
stC^FLD, Shaolin^LSC, Cybertracker^LSC, Isaac^CTZ, Crude^Session,
Thundercat^LSC, Cyan^LSC, Science^LSC, JEO, Darkwing^FLD, nOP^STS,
Pdy^OPS, Shag^OPS, Wivern^OPS, WhizzKid^OPS and the rest of OPS,
Splash^MGS and to all I have forgotten...
- First Release
- Fixed some small bugs..
- Added support for DIR filerequester selector..
- Added About button, guess what this does !? :)
- Added some small features, I can't recall what! :)
- Added support for Extract and View Archieves as:
* LHA, LZH Extract and View Supported
* LZX Extract and View Supported
* ARJ Extract and View Supported
* TXT, DOC, E Only View supported
- Added some new file info such as:
* FileSize
* File Comment
* File Downloads
- Added a window requester saying Extracting/viewing file, this is
much better than watching a clean screen... :)
- Rewrote some small parts of the code...
- Renamed the button "skip it" to "Cancel" :)
Contact/Bug reports/Improvements
If you like to contact me, then do it by one of the follwing ways
(or two)...:
BBS: Key Stroke BBS - +(47)-7847-1042
SNAIL: Kåre Johansen
Nordvågveien 17d
N-9750 Honningsvåg
Have fun using this great utility...