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Written by
Hell's Furnace BBS
Multi-Feedback (MF for short) is a utility that will allow your users to
send feedback to not only you, but your co-sysops as well! This can/should
ease hassle for you by not having to read/forward feedback to one of your
co's about something they can handle.
I've made installation as easy as possible.
1. Copy the file MF.rexx to PFILES: or wherever you want to put it.
2. Load up BBSMENU and add the following line at the END of section
2; Available everywhere:
^ ^^^^^^^
| ^-(or wherever you put it)
3. Then find the line that says:
Change that line to read:
4. Now, Re-load BBSTEXT/MENU using the RAMIGA-T.
5. Logon to the BBS and use the "F" command to run it. It will tell you
that it could not find the config file and ask you to create it. Just
follow the instructions and answer the questions and you'll be done!
It will create a textfile in your PFILES: called "sysoplist". You may edit
this file as you wish (adding color etc...) as long as you do not add or
delete any lines.
That's it! You're done!
I'd like to hear from you if you use it! ESPECIALLY if you have any
suggestions or CONSTRUCTIVE criticisim. My number is at the top of this
doc file or I can be reached on Future World.
Be sure to check out some of my other files as well! Here's a list in case
you don't have any of them:
1+13-Feb 3 Color-V1.LHA 2K Color! V1.2 - Allows users to change the
default color and will save the choice to
their account and re-load it each time they
logon! Bug fix (In the docs... Made a bad
2+24-Dec 4 diff LHA 2K Will tell you which lines in bbstext are
different so that you can mod the new one
3+30-Nov 6 Litng LHA 2K Lightning! Login - Allows users to go DIRECTLY
to the main prompt upon login!
4+27-Jan 9 Menus LHA 8K V-Menus! Complete collection of Menus for
C-Net 3.xx PRO. ANSI and Very Colorful!!!
5+11-Apr 2 NOSNU LHA 2K This program will restrict Users under 9600
Baud from logging in as a New user. It will
let users that already have an account log in
at any speed.
6+ 8-May 2 SFX-er1 LHA 59K SFX-er V1.0 by Vermithrax! This will let your
users convert a DMS file to a self-extracting
archive. (SFX) it will convert it and then
add it to the user's select list. once the
SFX is downloaded, it is then deleted.
7+30-Jan 7 V-Start LHA 2K Allows you to use multiple random sys.start
8+28-Feb 3 V-Tag1.0 LHA 8K V-Tag V1.0! by Vermithrax!
Puts random tagline into posts/responses.
9+ 4-Mar 2 V-Tag1.1 LHA 8K Non-MCi version of V-Tag
10+30-Nov 7 VS1 LHA 2K Vermi-Statz V1.0! Much better than the normal
(ST)ats the C-Net uses. Nice color display,
easy to read.
11+23-Apr 2 VV1 LHA 3K V-Validate - By Vermithrax!
~~~~~~~23 April 1994~~~~~~~
Allows you to use different
byte ratios for each indi-
vidual file. Written for
C-Net V3.05c. (May work on
older versions though )
All these files and over 10 Megs more for C-Net by other authors can be found
on my BBS!
Until the next Pfile.....
Hasta la Pizza! |
Contents of comm/cnet/MFB.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1845 4558 40.5% -lh5- bf37 Jun 28 1994 MF.docs
[generic] 1154 3135 36.8% -lh5- 8c66 Jun 28 1994 MF.rexx
[generic] 110 145 75.9% -lh5- c3b3 Jun 28 1994 file_id.diz
[generic] 535 1498 35.7% -lh5- 727e Mar 30 1994 burn_in_hell!
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 3644 9336 39.0% Jul 10 1994
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