84782 packages online
comm/cnet/wof_cnet_641.lha |
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This is a complete archive, however only acts as a maintenance release to the previous 6.40 version. Numerous small bugs were eradicated.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
4832 2802 42.0% 26-Jun-95 00:30:34 wof/FPInstall
115144 60009 47.8% 26-Jun-95 00:30:34 wof/Installer
968 758 21.6% 26-Jun-95 00:30:34 wof/RX
226088 226088 0.0% 07-Aug-95 08:49:30 wof/WOF.LHA
17505 4098 76.5% 07-Aug-95 09:28:50 wof/WOF_Install
2713 870 67.9% 06-Aug-95 22:52:42 wof/WOF_Install.info
330 236 28.4% 06-Aug-95 22:16:10 wof/WOF_Install.Rexx1
2499 720 71.1% 07-Aug-95 07:55:30 wof/WOF_Install.Rexx2
901 375 58.3% 07-Aug-95 08:26:26 wof/WOF_Install.Rexx3
242 134 44.6% 26-Jun-95 00:30:36 wof/WOFc.FP_Install
303 145 52.1% 26-Jun-95 00:30:38 wof/WOFf.FP_Install
632 279 55.8% 06-Aug-95 22:52:42 WOF.info
1283 445 65.3% 06-Aug-95 22:37:12 READ_ME_FIRST!
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
373440 296959 20.4% 07-Aug-95 09:29:54 13 files
--- from dotoran
Contents of comm/cnet/wof_cnet_641.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2802 4832 58.0% -lh5- ab2b Jun 26 1995 wof/FPInstall
[generic] 60009 115144 52.1% -lh5- b538 Jun 26 1995 wof/Installer
[generic] 758 968 78.3% -lh5- d116 Jun 26 1995 wof/RX
[generic] 226088 226088 100.0% -lh0- 66e4 Aug 7 1995 wof/WOF.LHA
[generic] 4098 17505 23.4% -lh5- ae54 Aug 7 1995 wof/WOF_Install
[generic] 870 2713 32.1% -lh5- 7141 Aug 6 1995 wof/WOF_Install.info
[generic] 236 330 71.5% -lh5- 6093 Aug 6 1995 wof/WOF_Install.Rexx1
[generic] 720 2499 28.8% -lh5- fe7c Aug 7 1995 wof/WOF_Install.Rexx2
[generic] 375 901 41.6% -lh5- 1f0b Aug 7 1995 wof/WOF_Install.Rexx3
[generic] 134 242 55.4% -lh5- 2991 Jun 26 1995 wof/WOFc.FP_Install
[generic] 145 303 47.9% -lh5- 3f63 Jun 26 1995 wof/WOFf.FP_Install
[generic] 279 632 44.1% -lh5- 8f59 Aug 6 1995 WOF.info
[generic] 445 1283 34.7% -lh5- 92f0 Aug 6 1995 read_me_first!
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 296959 373440 79.5% Aug 7 1995
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