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comm/fido/Filehatch2-2.lha |
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
291 189 35.0% 14-Nov-97 19:16:32 FileHatch/file_id.diz
4292 4020 6.3% 14-Nov-97 19:16:32 FileHatch/Filehatch-V2.2
5548 2533 54.3% 14-Nov-97 19:16:32 FileHatch/Filehatch-v2.2readme
381 171 55.1% 14-Nov-97 19:16:32 FileHatch/filehatch.cfg
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
10512 6913 34.2% 14-Nov-97 19:16:52 4 files
FileHatch v2.2 - By: Pete Moston - (c) Copyright Global Concepts 1997
------------------------All rights reserved---------------------------
FileHatch v2.2 is Giftware, which means that if you use it you are
obliged to send the author/s some sort of gift (See below for address:)
(Do not send floppy disks please - I have NO use for them!!) And
remember, if you want continuing support from programmers, then you
NEED to support them:) - I may re-write this in C, add a GUI to edit the
.cfg's and add some more features, it's dependant on how many gifts you
send me;?)
It is placed into the Public Domain providing it includes this .readme
and all accompanying files. FileHatch v2.2 may included in any public
domain library as well as your favourite BBS's filebase or similar file
site, providing no charges are made for it. If you make a charge then
my permission must be obtained in writing beforehand. Please do not
upload this or any other version/s of FileHatch onto Aminet as this
will have already been done by someone authorised to do so:)
The author/s are not responsible for any damage caused by the use or
misuse of this program, you use or abuse it at your own risk. Whereas
this program has been thoroughly tested and should cause no problems,
no guarantees are offered or implied.
If you use FileHatch and don't send me a gift I will haunt you:) Why
should you get the use of a program for free? - answers on a postcard
please and send them to Bill Gates c/o MicroSoft:)
This is a complete working version, there are NO limitations imposed:)))
V2.2 - Released (11-12-97) - Changed the way Filehatch writes .FLO files,
now checks to see if the file/s is/are already waiting. Also re-
wrote the way the log is written.
I still need to optimise some of the looping code! - it'll run
faster, which unless you hatch to a lot of people should be over
and done with in no time at all anyway:)
Still have'nt made my mind up whether to do a GUI and/or write it
in C?
V2.1 - Not released - Made some minor changes to the way the config file
was read. You now enter Point and/Node numbers as they are.
ie: 2:251/18.15 - previously which could have caused
some confusion.
V2.0b Released (14-11-97) - I wrote all pre release versions when I ran
my own BBS (Punters Palace) because Excelsior! BBS did not come
with this facility:( Updated this version to read external config
files and started a GUI to edit them, after Paul Compton had been
pestering me for ages to let him have a copy:) Decided the GUI
would look much better done in MUI, so dumped the idea and am now
pondering whether to write Filehatch in C?
Any Amiga (compatible) computer with at least OS2.24. I should imagine?
Please let me know if it won't work on your machine%)
FileHatch v2.2 is a compiled rexx program and can be used by anyone to
hatch files to anyone else, either by directly running FileHatch in a
cli or by setting up a cron tab and hatching files at set times (Multi
.cfg's are supported via the command line). An excellent way of making
sure your point/s, node/s, downlink/s or uplink/s receive their File/s,
Guides or News on a repeatable basis.
FileHatch will be especially useful for BBS Sysops who cannot hatch files
to their points other than through their console (Excelsior! for example:().
FileHatch v2.2 can be run from wherever you like. You must declare a path to
your .cfg file on the command line when running the main program. Multi .cfg
files can be used so long as they include the copyright notice and set out as
in the sample config below. Which is ideal when wanting to send different files
at different times of a given period using a cron type program.
ie: dh1:Filehatch/filehatch-v2.2 dh1:Filehatch/Configs/your.cfg
If Filehatch detects that a file already exists in their .FLO file, it will not
be appended each time Filehatch is run.
To install it, simply move it to any directory of your choice. No assigns
Please send money(pounds sterling only), gifts, bug reports and ideas to:
Pete Moston
39 Manse Road
West Yorkshire
LS29 7LB
Send emails to (pmoston@global-concepts.demon.co.uk)
They can be a real pain at times, but thanx anyway;))))
Paul Compton
Elevate BBS
(Data)Tel 01329-319028
Send emails to (pwcomp@elevate.demon.co.uk)
This config file will only work if constructed as is:)
# Signals a node number will follow.
## Signals start of file/s (if there are no files listed then a
dummy .FLO file will not be created)
### Signals the end of the config file.
All comments must be removed from this sample config if you intend
using it:)
/************************** Sample Config **************************/
FileHatch v2.2 - By: Pete Moston - (c) Copyright Global Concepts 1997
DH0:Files/ <- File Path. (This is a directory where the file are stored).
Logs: <- Logs Path. (This is the directory where your logs are stored).
Outbound: <- Outbound Path. (This is where all (Fido) mail is sent from).
.FLO <- Appended to the node number in OUTBOUND (Accepts .FLO or .HLO)
1:234/56.0 <- Node/Point number to send the files to.
AGuide <- Files to send - each node can receive as many files as you list:)
1:234/56.3 <- You can also set up dummy nodes for future use:)
/******************************* End *******************************/
Contents of comm/fido/Filehatch2-2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 465 2100 22.1% -lh5- 3039 Dec 11 1997 FileHatch.info
[generic] 209 341 61.3% -lh5- 834d Dec 11 1997 FileHatch/file_id.diz
[generic] 170 381 44.6% -lh5- 48de Dec 11 1997 FileHatch/Filehatch.cfg
[generic] 5422 5688 95.3% -lh5- 0cd5 Dec 11 1997 FileHatch/Filehatch2-2
[generic] 3110 6941 44.8% -lh5- 9964 Dec 11 1997 FileHatch/Filehatch2-2.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 9376 15451 60.7% Dec 11 1997
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