I do not think the author has an Internet email address currently, else he
would surely post this himself. If you're not in FidoNet, there is a way
to translate a FidoNet address into an Internet address, but it's easier
just to find a Fido-linked BBS in your area.
I have not yet installed ProteoFido on my Proteus BBS; both Frank and I
have deviated from 100% stock .proteus ARexx scripts, and bridging the gap
is, for me, going slowly.
With that, I'll leave you with the author's own long description, as he
wrote it when uploading this archive to my BBS (the `beta test' does not
mean restricted access -- he was himself widely distributing it -- as far
as I can tell, it only indicates he doesn't want to call it `version 1'
yet, and wants a better reason than simply `it is version .8e'):
Replacement for Proteus' built-in message handling, including new scripts
to replace the Proteus default ones. The new system supports standard
Fido-style messages as produced and manipulated by such programs as
TrapToss, Confmail, MF, Extract, etc. In addition to complete Fido
support, ProteoFido offers many improvements over the Proteus standard,
including better searching and threaded reading, upload and download of
messages, form letters, unlimited number of message areas, an extensible
format for areas so that each area can have flags associated with it that
you define but each program or script which reads areas is sheltered from
flags it isn't expecting, easy message area configuration, support for
automessages such as errormail and offline file requests, files attached to
messages so users can send files to one another easily (also supports Fido
file attaches), and many other little and big improvements. This is
version 0.8e which includes renumbering of message areas and is a late beta
test version. The only feature not yet supported is editing of existing
messages. Version 0.9 will include this and bug fixes, and 1.0 will be a
final initial release.