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comm/irc/Emerod10_demo5.lha |
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1.0 Demo 5 [12-Jan-98]
o Trimmed Log: display in REPORT to maximum 20 characters
o Added ChanOP: YES|NO and IrcOP: YES|NO display to REPORT. IrcOP only
shows up in the registered Pro version.
o Fixed a bug when using REHASH that caused the bot forgot if it had
channel OP and IRCOP status.
o Added optional progdir:data/sinfo.data file for adding things like
computer model, speed, etc. If this file exists it will be read and
appended to the SINFO reply.
o Fixed SINFO showing CPU incorrectly for 040 and 060 users. Also added
(back in) FPU display.
o Added optional progdir:data/dates.data file that appends a line of text
after the TIME reply if there is a matching date in the data file.
Golden Emerod is an IRC channel bot written in ARexx by D.F. Duck for the
Amiga computer. Golden Emerod has taken almost a year of coding, revising,
and testing to make it what it is today.
Golden Emerod is not a war bot. There are no flood or takeover commands.
This bot was written to be a well mannered and personable channel bot.
Although, if the bot is an IRCOP, it can stand up for itself fairly well.
- Some Features -
o Stand-alone, runs in a shell window and displays all channel activity.
o 10 user access levels.
o Op friends when they join the channel.
o Built in message delivery system allows leaving short messages to known
users that are not currently online. The messages are delivered to them
when they join the channel.
o Keep track of the last time a known users was on the channel.
o FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) database. View, Add, Delete. Option to
send a FAQ to another user.
o Do Aminet searches by keyword.
o Built in monitor notifies bot operators of who is using the bot and what
they are doing.
o Automatic timed removal of any ban made by the bot.
o Optional plugin commands that run as a background process so the bot is
free to perform other tasks. (ain't multitasking wonderful? ¦)
o Creates html log file of channel chatter including a URL grabber that
automaticly converts URLs into hyper links. (Pro version only)
o Two programs are included for local control of the bot, you don't have
to be logged on IRC yourself to control it; EI is a one-shot command
entry that sends the command to Emerod and exits (can be used from a
cron). EIC is an input console that stays open and accepts your input
of bot commands.
o 68 different commands avaiable in Pro version when bot is IRCOP.
o If Golden Emerod has IRCOP status it knows it and adds several
additional features including KILL, CONNECT, SQUIT and a psuedo-kline
for really obnoxious trouble users. Can also send a GLine request to
an uworld server if it has IRCOP access to one. (Undernet, ARCNet)
o Can set the channel topic and modes. And can protect them from being
changed by unknown or low level users.
o Auto-reconnects to irc server when connection is lost.
o Configuration files with many user defined options to customize the
bot to suit your needs. Set up different configuration files for every
irc servers you want to run the bot on.
o Much more...
Contents of comm/irc/Emerod10_demo5.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 254 628 40.4% -lh5- 1612 Dec 21 1996 Emerod.info
[generic] 1672 2136 78.3% -lh5- 5390 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/AFind.emrx
[generic] 1512 1988 76.1% -lh5- 95ff Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/Cli.emrx
[generic] 1369 1852 73.9% -lh5- 7be4 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/Cookie.emrx
[generic] 1532 2000 76.6% -lh5- 4136 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/Monitor.emrx
[generic] 1717 2184 78.6% -lh5- b546 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/Slap.emrx
[generic] 1491 1960 76.1% -lh5- 45bc Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/Temperature.emrx
[generic] 3789 4232 89.5% -lh5- 24c9 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/cmd/TryMe.emrx
[generic] 206 383 53.8% -lh5- ff37 Jan 12 1998 Emerod/config/arcnet.cfg
[generic] 213 521 40.9% -lh5- 1d5b Dec 6 1997 Emerod/config/dalnet.cfg
[generic] 135 207 65.2% -lh5- e294 Nov 13 1997 Emerod/config/efnet.cfg
[generic] 76 77 98.7% -lh5- 3e0f Nov 2 1997 Emerod/config/StartEmerod.cfg
[generic] 224 490 45.7% -lh5- 2d81 Dec 6 1997 Emerod/config/undernet.cfg
[generic] 3813 7520 50.7% -lh5- 66c4 Oct 26 1997 Emerod/data/cookie.data
[generic] 774 1461 53.0% -lh5- bd6a Jan 12 1998 Emerod/data/dates.data
[generic] 1849 3425 54.0% -lh5- 7971 Nov 1 1997 Emerod/data/faq.text
[generic] 2146 5088 42.2% -lh5- cdeb Nov 2 1997 Emerod/data/help.text
[generic] 177 262 67.6% -lh5- 0e5d Jan 12 1997 Emerod/data/kick.text
[generic] 43 43 100.0% -lh0- 31ad Jan 12 1998 Emerod/data/sinfo.data
[generic] 162 288 56.2% -lh5- 157b Oct 16 1997 Emerod/data/smile.text
[generic] 365 641 56.9% -lh5- 8de1 Oct 24 1997 Emerod/data/yawn.text
[generic] 1119 1576 71.0% -lh5- 34b9 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/EI
[generic] 1696 2112 80.3% -lh5- 4818 Nov 2 1997 Emerod/EIC
[generic] 59152 59152 100.0% -lh0- 5492 Dec 10 1997 Emerod/Emerod
[generic] 7 7 100.0% -lh0- d3d1 Dec 8 1997 Emerod/Emerod
[generic] 810 1572 51.5% -lh5- 00d1 Dec 8 1997 Emerod/Emerod .info
[generic] 14200 40832 34.8% -lh5- dbb2 Jan 12 1998 Emerod/Emerod.guide
[generic] 187 1353 13.8% -lh5- 1095 Jul 31 1997 Emerod/Emerod.guide.info
[generic] 1745 3525 49.5% -lh5- 76a6 Jan 12 1998 Emerod/Emerod10_demo5.readme
[generic] 3726 4148 89.8% -lh5- de8d Oct 26 1997 Emerod/EmerodRegTool
[generic] 8834 9208 95.9% -lh5- cf29 Jan 12 1998 Emerod/libs/Emerod.library
[generic] 749 1585 47.3% -lh5- 80ab Nov 4 1997 Emerod/StartEmerod.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 32 files 115744 162456 71.2% Jan 23 1998
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