Hot News
notice later in this document.
extract to the amIRC directory.Now you install K11 like any other
application.Extract it to your temp dir (RAM:) and click the
- Kuang Eleven is targeted by the malicious pirate group DC (Digital
Corruption).I suspect they will try to upload trojan versions to BBS's
or send backdoored versions through IRC.This brings on new
distribution rules and tips.
- Our new website is
- To be sure you are downloading a backdoor/trojan free version,
download the Kuang Eleven 3 archive from Aminet :
or download from out website at
- Download only from trusted XDCC distributors.Trusted distributors can
be found on Galaxynet Amiga channels.
Trusted XDCC distributers will have a text on their XDCC servers
saying : "Trusted Kuang Eleven 3 distributor"
Kuang Eleven comprises of event and command scripts. The
events you install on your amIRC's events settings. The
commands you execute at will. The objective of events is
to provide you an automated and protected irc session with
semi-bot features.
Kuang Eleven is not just "some IRC script".Not on ANY platform
have so many features been combined with a GUI interface,
extensive online help and raw POWER.
- MUI GUI for configuration and userlist.
- Easy installation.
- Works on @{b}Any @{ub}TCP/IP Stack.
- Compiled Kuang Eleven API.
- Faster DCC transfers(KDCC).
- Aliases plugin.
- Over 600 kicks, 1500 classic quotes via KSMaster.
- Extensive userlist support with many user flags and multiple hostmasks.
- Extensive bot modes with the likes of friends protection,autops,
autovoice,ban protection,screw ban protection etc.
- CTCP flood protection-better than internal AmIRC.
- Flooder's hostmask is ignored.On Undernet the flooder is /Silenced.
- DCC Bomb protection.
- Advanced and Intelligent DCC autoget (All/friends on userlist).
- Tsunami flood protection(private message+notice).
- Channel protection from MassModes,Nethack,CTCP Floods,MassJoins etc.
- BitCH mode - only you or your friends may give ops.
- Best @{"XDCC" LINK "XDCC"} ever.
- Remote Sysop options.
- Speak Kick.
- Invite Kick.
- AutoBan/AutoDeop (PermBan) a user.
- Remote authentication with password.
- Remote @{"CTCP" LINK "CTCP"} commands.
- Lamuh Vote.
- Logging messages/Hilite entries when away.
- Pager.
- Automatic messaging of text to channels on regular intervals.
- AutoSend Sounds from sounds directory.
- Auto Iconifying when away.
- KickWords.
- WallChops (Write to all ops) And WAllNops (Write to all non-ops).
- Support for other scripts.
- Unique CTCP "Plugins" support.
- Unique Public command "Plugins" support.
- Delayed/random delayed AutoOps for conserving IRC bandwidth.
- Easier requesting of XDCC packs, auto-gets the request.
- Usefull away/back options, including logging.
- Over 80 configuration options for customising.
- Small and efficient code.
- Modular design.
- Extensive online help.
Discover for yourself there are so many I don't remember them
anymore :)
Gamma version notice
As funny as it would seem to many of you who have been waiting anxiously
for this release,the release was rushed.Not in terms of stability (I hope)
but in terms of new features that have not been implimented.
There will be a final 3.0 version soon.It will have :
A greatly improved kuang11.library API (so don't get too used to the funcions)
Auto Update feature
Kuang11OPS.amirx script for channel ops
Improved AmiHunter
Improved Alias plugin
The final version will be relased as Kuang Eleven 3.0 Gold.
Wait for it.
Download the archive
Copy it somewhere on your drive, but NOT the AmIRC directory!
Extract the archive by doing
lha x KuangEleven3Gamma.lha
Now simply double click the icon "Install Kuang Eleven"
Whats new in this version
This new version delivers 4 months work of three authors,myself,KingGuppy^BRK and Bossman.
And I am sure it will blow your mind! We have great new features and most importantly, SPEED!
We use all available methods to sqweez every bit of performance from AmIRC.
So what new features does this version has to offer?
Some original new features :
- The Kuang Eleven API,rexxkuang11.library to be used from AREXX
scripts offers text styles,userlist and much more!
Thanks go to KingGuppy for writing this excellent software that
also accelerates Kuang Eleven!
- Easier requesting of XDCC packs, auto-gets the request.
Multiple files in the pack supported!
- Improved flood protection and channel protection.
- Greatly improved Away/back options.Try /AWAY ? and /BACK ? (when away).
- Faster DCC transfers(KDCC).Not the useless DCC protocol tweaking crap :
Kuang Eleven COMPRESSES files and DECOMPRESSES them transperantly
on the other end for a dramatic speed improvement.
- XDCC server improvements such as Anti-Leech.
- GUI's converted to MUIREXX 3.0a compliancy.
- New /KBAN command that replaces all the other Ban commands plus adds
time limited bans!.
- New kicks and classic 2 line jokes (called sayings) interface provided
by Bossman's KSMaster.You can now choose from over 600 kicks, 1500
sayings, and 140 greetings or make the script choose one at random.
- No more huge alias list,Kuang Eleven aliases are now included in a plugin.
- Easy installation with the C= (AT?) installer.
- Optimizations and bug fixes.YES! Kuang Eleven is yet again
faster,smaller,cheaper BETTER!
We are now uptodate with AmIRC 2.Everything that was added to AmIRC
is exploited :
- Improved AWAY/BACK
- Reduced chance of getting excess flooded by XDCC, Wallchops etc.
- The installation process is simpler.
- Plugins are used.