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Short: | Detects nuke attempts, for AmIRC.. |
Author: | trebs ihug.com.au (Michael Trebilcock) |
Uploader: | trebs ihug com au (Michael Trebilcock) |
Type: | comm/irc |
Version: | 4.1 |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 2001-12-29 |
Requires: | AmIRC. Miami or MiamiDx |
Download: | comm/irc/NArrest.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/irc/NArrest.readme |
Downloads: | 592 |
What's new:
- Changed version number from 4.0 to 4.1
- Changed proxy.adl.ihug.com.au/8080 to
homepages.ihug.com.au/80 (Forgot to change it back
before uploading to Aminet)
NukeArrester is a project i started on after a friend of mine
(author of AVSearch and NapSearch) wrote a script to practically
do the same thing (oh well).. I liked his idea and decided to make
something like it myself. It detects connections to specific ports
and reports them back to the AmIRC window, showing the ip and
hostname of who connected, and the nickname if it finds it..
You can set it up to automatically act on the user, or have
it open a gui for you to choose what you would like to do..
Or of course, have them both off and just watch..
- Compressed arexx, to operate as fast as possible..
- Strict mode, to act automatically on the user
- Nice verstile arexx GUI
- On the fly configuration
- Uses Miami's system log file to detect connections
and only loads it once to save time and cpu..
- Output's results in a nice format..
- Specify your own ports for NA to scan connections to
- AutoKick, AutoBan, and Auto-Evilping..
- Update checker.. Like Kuang's.
- Optional feature to send notices to the user
- External configuration file
- Friends protection
- Sound support
- Ping flood detection
- Port flood protection/detection
- AmIRC (2.x or higher?)
- Miami/MiamiDx
- MiamiResolve
- System log file set up in miami
- IP Filter set up to log the ports you want NA to
scan connections to..
- MiamiPing, for Evilping usage..
Just copy NArrest.amirx to the AmIRC Rexx directory,
the sounds to the AmIRC sounds directory, and
NArrest.cfg and NAProtect.cfg to the AmIRC directory..
Configure NArrest.cfg and NAProtect.cfg to suit your needs.
You may want to add some handy aliases
here are some examples:
/alias NUpd /rx NArrest UPDATE %p
/alias NA /rx NArrest %p
/alias NArrest /rx NArrest 1 139 1559 1599 1666 2000 2001 2227 2333 2421 2551 2600 4096 4097 6969 12345 31337
The last one is an alias to run NukeArrester scanning for
connections to all known Amitrojan ports, i suggest using it.
You can type /rx NArrest ? in the AmIRC window for help
on Usage, and on the fly configuration.. If you don't
understand it, email me for help on how to use it..
- Maybe possible /who support. To try and find the user
When they aren't in any channel you are in..
Get the latest version always at http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~trebs/NArrest/
Betas at http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~trebs/NArrest/Betas/
Login and password needed.. Give me feedback and i might
just give you access :)
There is one bug in portflood detection, it's not that important
to go fixing straight away, so as soon as someone complains i'll
start fixing it up, or before then when i feel like doing it..
I carefully proofread NArrest.amirx.. It SHOULD be stable, but if
you find any bugs, which of course you will :) Let me know..
Michael Trebilcock
P.S I wouldn't mind some positive email saying if you think it's a good script ect.. :)
Contents of comm/irc/NArrest.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 5215 22703 23.0% -lh5- 2e54 Dec 26 2001 NukeArrester/Developer/NArrest.amirx
[generic] 4907 21647 22.7% -lh5- 99d8 Dec 26 2001 NukeArrester/NArrest.amirx
[generic] 1668 3361 49.6% -lh5- 4a91 Dec 26 2001 NukeArrester/NArrest.readme
[generic] 5402 14090 38.3% -lh5- d164 Apr 27 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/Netbus.iff
[generic] 6786 15226 44.6% -lh5- e937 Apr 27 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/Portscan.iff
[generic] 5386 14368 37.5% -lh5- 2a27 Apr 27 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/Winnuke.iff
[generic] 174 290 60.0% -lh5- 078e Dec 23 2001 NukeArrester/NAProtect.cfg
[generic] 384 812 47.3% -lh5- 986b Dec 23 2001 NukeArrester/NArrest.cfg
[generic] 6970 15520 44.9% -lh5- d98e Apr 27 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/Backorifice.iff
[generic] 13223 29884 44.2% -lh5- 9f14 Apr 27 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/OtherPort.iff
[generic] 6101 14724 41.4% -lh5- 804a May 8 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/Pingflood.iff
[generic] 6988 15426 45.3% -lh5- d5b8 May 8 2000 NukeArrester/Sounds/Portflood.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 12 files 63204 168051 37.6% Dec 29 2001
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