New version of the great Mail-checker! :)
The aim of this proggy is to help lazy people to check for new mail. Once you
have placed it on a toolmanager button(s!) and (or) in the amitcp:db/user-startnet
you must not wait some seconds to start your mailer, simply press the
toolmanager button. Getting online there will be no need to start mailer too, if
you place it in Amitcp:db/user-startnet.
Arent' you lazy?!? Great! This program is for you! If you start your mailer
every time you want to know about your mail, you lost precious time!
What is better then this proggy?
Look for superb feature in the Doc.
************************* New in this v1.0:
Added keyword MAILER, ERROR and EVERY.
Added return code for scripts.
Added srpski and deutsch catalog.