84782 packages online
comm/mail/PrintMail1.3.lha |
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Listing of archive 'PrintMail1.3.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2811 1853 34.0% 21-Jul-03 21:47:46 +YAMPrintMail_1.3.info
2274 1166 48.7% 21-Jul-03 22:16:24 +PrintMail.ReadMe
6575 3727 43.3% 21-Jul-03 21:53:20 +PrintMail.ReadMe.info
12914 3256 74.7% 21-Jul-03 22:16:52 +PrintMail.yam
6572 3604 45.1% 21-Jul-03 21:53:20 +PrintMail.yam.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
31146 13606 56.3% Operation successful.
The YAM print mail function leaves much to be desired. It doesn't print
page breaks, page numbers, headers nor footers, and it doesn't list
attachments. This ARexx script fixes all that by printing selected e-mail
messages as plain text with:
- Page Breaks
- Left, Right, Top & Bottom margins
- Headers (optional size limit)
- Page Numbers
- Word-Wrapping
- List of Attachments
1) Copy PrintMail.yam to YAM:Rexx/
2) Assign it to the YAM script menu
Select one or more mail messages and invoke the script.
1) You can adjust the margins to match your printer (and taste) by
changing line/page info variables at the beginning of the program.
2) Message body text wrapping is assumed to be performed by PrintMail.
Wrapping can be left to YAM by setting the variable: PMailWrap = 0
3) Limit the number of To and Cc address lines printed by setting
variables ToLimit and CcLimit to non-zero values.
4) HTMLread for YAM (available on Aminet) is activated when PrintMail
reads a message; either showing or canceling HTML viewing permits
PrintMail to continue.
1.3 15-June-2003
Posted to Aminet
YAM 2.4p1 "breaks" the file name retrieval code ... Fixed
Word wrapping by YAM vs Printmail is controlled by PMailWrap
1.2 20-April-2003
Limit number of "To:" lines, see variable ToLimit
1.1 19-July-2001
Posted to Aminet
Minor Improvements
1.0 28-June-2001
Original Version
To do: (when the spirit moves me ;-)
1) Print text attachments (or present a requester).
2) Add a Prefs window.
3) Consider reading page width and length from preferences.
Legal Stuff:
- This software is freely distributable.
- Disclaimer: By using this program the user accepts full liability for
any damage that could possibly be caused by its usage or misuse. The
author of this software cannot be held responsible for any damage.
Contents of comm/mail/PrintMail1.3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1853 2811 65.9% -lh5- 5488 Jul 21 2003 Uploads/YAMPrintMail_1.3.info
[generic] 1166 2274 51.3% -lh5- 36c0 Jul 21 2003 Uploads/YAMPrintMail_1.3/PrintMail.ReadMe
[generic] 3727 6575 56.7% -lh5- 57c9 Jul 21 2003 Uploads/YAMPrintMail_1.3/PrintMail.ReadMe.info
[generic] 3256 12914 25.2% -lh5- 532a Jul 21 2003 Uploads/YAMPrintMail_1.3/PrintMail.yam
[generic] 3604 6572 54.8% -lh5- dc29 Jul 21 2003 Uploads/YAMPrintMail_1.3/PrintMail.yam.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 13606 31146 43.7% Jul 27 2003
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