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YamBookToMD2.rexx AREXX script.
(version 1.0, 23.07.97)
By Patrick Wullaert
1. Legal stuff & Disclaimer.
This little proggie is totally freeware. It is however provided as is.
That is, I will take no responsibility and will not be held liable for any
damage it does to your system or your equipment.
If you use this program to your contentment, I'd like you to visit my
homepage and drop me a note if you did. The URL is below.
It is allowed to make modifications to the script but you will have to
mention me as the original author.
YAM is © by Marcel Beck.
MicroDot II is © by Oliver Wagner.
RexxReqTools.library is © by Rafael D'Halleweyn.
2. What does this do ?
This is an AREXX script that copies an addressbook that you have created
with YAM, as an addressbook for MicroDot II, completely retaining the
group structure.
3. Requirements.
For the script to work, you need to have RexxMaster running. If you
haven't, you'll find it in the Sytem drawer of the WorkBench. Doubleclick
on it to start it, or better, copy it to your WBStartup drawer to start it
automatically every time you boot your system.
You will also need the 'rexxreqtools.library' to be present in your Libs
drawer. If you haven't got it, you can find it on Aminet.
Obviously, you also need YAM and MicroDot II. :-)
4. How to use it ?
First, set your YAM and MicroDot II paths in the script itself. It's
marked where to do this.
When this is done, there are two ways of using this script :
1) From the Shell. Just type : RX <your YAMpath>/Rexx/YamBookToMD2.rexx
2) Install it permanently in YAM as a menu item.
For this, you need to edit the '.config' file which is in the YAM
If you already have rexx menu items installed, just add this as another
If you haven't, put the following line as the last line in the '.config'
file : RexxMenu0 = Yam:Rexx/YamBookToMD2.rexx and save your
You can then run the macro by selecting it from YAM's ARexx menu.
That's all ! :)
5. History.
0.1 Initial version. :-(
0.2 Can now deal with groups, but doesn't retain group structure.
0.3 Now does retain group structure.
0.4 Fixed bug with path error checking.
0.41 Now uses RexxReqTools.library to pop up requesters to notify the user.
0.42 Now pops up requesters on YAM's own screen if you run one.
1.0 Cleaned up, renamed script after test phase.
6. How to contact me ?
Contact me at the following address :
Patrick Wullaert
Schooldreef 60
9170 De Klinge
My e-mail address is : patw@glo.be
Please, visit my home page. URL : http://titan.glo.be/patw/index.html
7. Thanks to...
Special thanks to John Pullicino for testing this stuff ! :)
© By Patrick Wullaert 1997.
Contents of comm/mail/YamBookToMD2.lha
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[generic] 1489 3005 49.6% -lh5- 7179 Jul 25 1997 YamBookToMD2.readme
[generic] 989 2155 45.9% -lh5- df84 Jul 25 1997 YamBookToMD2.rexx
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Total 2 files 2478 5160 48.0% Aug 12 1997
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