01.10.96 Bomb! 2.0
Bomb! is an off-line message reader capable of keeping a message base.
It can handle many formats thanks to external import and export filters:
Internet mail is handled by POP3 and SMTP filters, and the QWK message
format for BBS messages is supported, together with some special format for
some italian BBS's (Amp, McLink, Agora`).
These are some of Bomb!'s characteristics:
- Handling of many email/BBS mailboxes.
- Each mailing list (or particular sender) can be kept in its own area.
- The GUI uses MUI libraries, and is thus fully configurable by the user and
can open on any public screen.
- On-line help and bubble help.
- Fully localized program and filters.
- Users list with optional auto learning.
- Automatic deletion of old messages (optional).
- Filters for importing/exporting external messages, which allow to
easily implement filters for other BBS's.
- Commands for sequential or logical reading of messages (in BBS's which
support threads).
- String search in messages with highlighting of the string itself in the
messages where it is found.
- Message printing.
- Rewrapping of quoting at the desired column; quoting highlighting.
- Multiple message addressees.
- Automatic decrunching of message packets.
- PGP handling.
- UUencode/decode.
- Sent messages can be kept in a special area.
- Highlighting styles.
...And many other features which make Bomb! a simple-to-use offline reader,
but without giving up on many advanced options.
Bomb! uses external filters to import and export messages. Up to date the
supported formats are AMP, MCLink, Agorà, QWK and POP3/SMTP.
Bug reports and suggestions are welcome.
Luca De Santis
e-address: Luca_De_Santis@amp.flashnet.it