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This is a little util for sending Messages via EMAIL to SMS Gateways.
It has been tested with Itineris and SFR (French Operators).
SendSMS.cfg's ITEMs:
- SMTP=<mail.provider.com>
The SMTP Server of your ISP. (The server where you send EMAILs)
- GATEWAYS=<Number>
Number of Gateways addresses you want to use.
- GATEWAY.<Number>=<Operator's Name>:<INET-addr>
Name of the Operator and INET IP are linked to a place into the
i.e.: GATEWAY.2=TDC (Canada):sms.tdc.on.ca
Warning: <Operator's Name> can not be more than 50 chars length.
This may be used differently by each Gateway but in most of the
cases it's for sending errors or confirmations.
If no EMail is specified, a random one will be generated.
- NAMES=<Number>
Specify the number of phonenumbers you want to use.
- NAME.<Number>=<Name>:<PhoneNumber>[:<SMS-Gateway>]
Name, PhoneNumber and optionally SMS-Gateway linked to a place into
the PhoneNumbers List.
i.e.: NAME.2=Zard:0681190925:sms.itineris.tm.fr
If you select Zard, the message will be sent to me using Itineris
Warning: <Name> can not be more than 17 chars length.
Enter your Signature that will be pushed at the end of your message
if the limit of 160 chars imposed is respected.
Signature's CheckBOX is set to TRUE or FALSE at the start.
If SIGNATURE is not specified, one will be created if EMAIL's Item
has been filled in: (<EMAIL>)
Log's Checkbox is set to TRUE or FALSE at the start.
Every time a message is sent, all informations will be written into
a file.
Some words about the GUI:
- SMTP: Specify the SMTP Server of your ISP.
NOTE: Every time a new SMTP is entered and an EMail is
successfully sent using this one, SendSMS.cfg will
be completely rewritten and the new SMTP will be
- Number: PhoneNumber of the Receiver.
- Message: Your message limited to 160 chars by SMS specifications.
- SIG: If TRUE it will add a signature to your message when sending it.
- LOG: if TRUE all messages will be logged.
- Push: Put Settings of the Name specified.
- Clear: Clear the Number area.
(v0.2) - Record all new SMTP Server.
(v0.3) - PhoneNumbers List.
(v0.4) - Gateways List.
(v0.5) - "Add Signature" and "Log" Checkboxs added.
PS: If you want, you can send me a little SMS saying "Hello" or
something like that. (Add your EMAIL if you want an answer!)
Contents of comm/misc/SendSMS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 14004 24680 56.7% -lh5- 6b45 Apr 24 1998 SendSMS
[generic] 125 170 73.5% -lh5- ee7c Apr 24 1998 SendSMS.cfg
[generic] 495 2042 24.2% -lh5- cadf Apr 24 1998 SendSMS.info
[generic] 1268 2887 43.9% -lh5- e48f Apr 24 1998 SendSMS.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 15892 29779 53.4% Apr 25 1998
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