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Short: | (v1.1) Set systemtime by an Atomic Clock |
Author: | "Fredrik Rambris" fredrik.rambris ebox.tninet.se |
Uploader: | Fredrik Rambris <fredrik rambris ebox tninet se> |
Type: | comm/misc |
Version: | 1.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-11-24 |
Download: | comm/misc/syncwatch.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/misc/syncwatch.readme |
Downloads: | 837 |
This little nifty utility which is runnable from Workbench connects to a server
on Internet, read it's localtime and set your systemtime to it. An optional
offset may be added to the hours. Say -5 is remote time minus 5 hours. Anyway.
Some machines on Internet set their local time after an atomic clock. So when
you set your systemtime after it it will be VERY acurate!
DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk. No guaranties and resposibilities are given.
USAGE: Simple... SyncWatch [SERVER] [OFFSET]
defaultserver is timer.sunet.se and defaultoffset is zero.
ex. SyncWatch clock.timeworks.org 4
or SyncWatch OFFSET -2
These are also available as tooltypes in the icon. See icon for more info.
Other atomic clocks around the world:
tycho.usno.navy.mil the US Naval Observatory
Maybe a GUI and an automatic timezone reader or calculate the lag
between you and the remote host and correct the time acordingly or why not
utilise the NTP (Network Time Protocol)... the only one thing we know about the
future is that it will be uterly fantastic... =)
· [BUG] Fixed the shit with the offset if it went out of day. Say the date was
1998-01-01 2:34 and I set the offset to -4 the new date now becomes
1997-12-31 22:34 instead of 1998-01-01 22:34
· Initial release. A quick "slam-together".
Do go to my homepage at http://surf.to/fredrik.rambris
Contents of comm/misc/syncwatch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3570 6164 57.9% -lh5- 2609 Nov 1 1997 SyncWatch
[generic] 1230 1699 72.4% -lh5- 32a7 Nov 1 1997 SyncWatch.info
[generic] 897 1596 56.2% -lh5- c6a8 Nov 1 1997 SyncWatch.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 5697 9459 60.2% Nov 23 1997
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