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This is an XPR 2.0 implementation of the ASCII protocol.
based on xprascii.library 0.9 by W.G.J. Langeveld
Source code modifications and additions needed for XPR are:
Copyright ©1992 Ueli Kaufmann, All Rights Reserved.
There's nothing really fancy about it..(-:
Configurable options are:
`char delay'
`line delay'
`line-feed translation',
`carriage-return translation',
`uuencode/uudecode files'
`delete received uudecoded files'
`expand blank lines',
`prompt char'
`strip high bit'
(C)har delay: C<ticks>
A numeric value in ticks (1 tick = 20msecs) which causes XPr-ASCII
to wait (also called "pacing") before transmitting each character.
Values between zero and 500 (10 secs) are valid.
(default: 0).
(L)ine delay: L<ticks>
Milliseconds to wait between the transmission of each line
of text. The same limits of the character delay option
described in the previous section apply here.
(default: 0)
Carriage-(R)eturn translation: R<n|s|x|a>
The three options available determine how an incoming carriage
return is to be handled. You can either do nothing via the
(N)one option, (S)trip it, e(X)change for a linefeed <LF>,
or (A)dd a linefeed <LF> character to it.
(default: "None")
Line-(F)eed translation: F<n|s|x|a>
Like the CR transl. feature described in the paragraph above, you
can also select how an incoming linefeed <LF> character is to be
translated. As above, you can leave it alone (None), (S)trip it,
e(X)change for a <CR> or (A)dd a carriage return <CR> character to it.
(default: "None")
(U)uencode/decode file when sending/receiving: U<0|1>
XPr-Ascii gives you the chance to uuencode binary-files `on the fly'
when they are sent. It's possible to uudecode files after receiving, too.
(default: off)
* `forwarded' from UUCode.doc/UU3722.lha by Klaus Alexander Seistrup
* These programs/functions are primarily for use with electronic
* mail systems such as FidoNet and UUCP.
* UUEncode sort of encrypts a program so that the output will only
* contain printable characters, thus allowing you to post a binary
* file in a message area.
* UUDecode does the opposite thing: it decrypts an UUEncode'd ASCII
* file into its binary origin. It is *NOT* necessary to cut out the
* UUEncode'd part of a message in order to decode it - just pass the
* whole msg to UUDecode.
* Please note that UUEncode doesn't perform any kind of compression!
* In fact, any UUEncode'd file will be *at least* one third bigger
* than the original file, due to the loss of information by convert-
* ing the file to ASCII.
* Please also note that not all moderators welcome UUEncode't files
* and remember that a lot of people will be paying money for down-
* loading your messages - so use it with care, huh? :-)
* The encode file has an ordinary text form and can be edited
* by any text editor to change the mode or remote name.
* This version of uuencode automatically adds checksums to
* each line, and an overall file size to the end. Old ver-
* sions of uudecode will ignore this extra information, new
* versions will check it and complain if it is in error.
(D)elete uudecoded file: D<0|1>
Delete received uuencoded ascii-file after uudecoding.
(default: off)
(S)trip high bit: S<0|1>
Use this option if you want the high bit of each character
reset that is received when using 8N1.
(default: off)
(E)xpand blanks: E<0|1>
When this feature is selected, XPr-ASCII will send one space
character for lines which contain only an end-of-line
character. Use this option when the on-line text editor
you're using exits its input mode whenever a carriage return
is received without any text preceding it.
(default: on).
(P)rompt char: P<char>
Instructs XPr-ASCII to wait for a specific character after
transmitting a line of text. If blank, text is sent continuously
without interruption for the duration of the transfer.
special chars are:
\0 = null (prompt-char option is disabled)
\n = newline (ASCII 10)
\r = carriage return (ASCII 13)
\\ = backslash (ASCII 47)
\dNNN = Any decimal ASCII-value fe: \27 Escape (ASCII 27)
(default: null {=\0}).
Send bug-reps, gifts, flames etc. to:
Ueli Kaufmann
uucp: Ueli_Kaufmann@augs1.adsp.sub.org
fido: 2:802/810.0 Ueli Kaufmann
Contents of comm/term/XPRA23.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2471 5368 46.0% -lh5- 100f Jan 3 1993 xprascii/ascii.doc
[generic] 157 265 59.2% -lh5- 0a68 May 10 1992 xprascii/asource/vsprintf.a
[generic] 2738 7522 36.4% -lh5- 9edc Jan 3 1993 xprascii/csource/uue.c
[generic] 132 275 48.0% -lh5- e29d Dec 28 1992 xprascii/csource/xpr.fd
[generic] 6021 24433 24.6% -lh5- 6eb7 Jan 3 1993 xprascii/csource/xprascii.c
[generic] 349 645 54.1% -lh5- 7df3 Jan 1 1993 xprascii/csource/xprascii.h
[generic] 29 29 100.0% -lh0- 7f57 Jan 17 1993 xprascii/env/xprascii
[generic] 697 1324 52.6% -lh5- fa95 Jan 4 1993 xprascii/history
[generic] 6835 12204 56.0% -lh5- 3134 Jan 17 1993 xprascii/libs/xprascii.library
[generic] 6812 12116 56.2% -lh5- 8dfc Jan 16 1993 xprascii/libs/xprascii.library.020
[generic] 634 1156 54.8% -lh5- 6d93 Jan 16 1993 xprascii/makefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 11 files 26875 65337 41.1% Jan 26 1993
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