With this script you can search your Ibrowse Hotlist for a URL/Title and
load it in your browser. It shows the results in a Reqtools-Requester.
It is the *fastes* way to load a Web-site which is anywhere in your Hotlist,
you don't have to find it in your LARGE Hotlist.
A bonus script searches the current shown URL in your HotList.
You can use it before adding a "new" site to your Hotlist, to make sure that
you don't add the same URL several times.
This archive includes scripts with English and German requester texts.
changes in 1.5:
-shows complete group paths (with sub-groups)
-displays found URLs in editable ReqTools getstring window
changes in 1.4:
-keyboard shortcuts for all ReqTools-Buttons
-research and new search buttons after 'no more found urls'
-quick load function (first button)
load direct the first matching url (without info window)
-'find both' searches also URLs by IBrowse-Shortcut definitions
changes in 1.3:
-Bugfixes in German scripts > missing addlib
-more variables for default Screen/Font/Path