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comm/www/IBrowseImages.lha |
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I'm start using IBrowse and i want diferent gfx on its navigation buttons,
preferably MWB like. So, when i not found any, i paint them. Looks simple
and nice, exactly what i want. I hope when you find it nice/usefull.
Anyway, you can send my your blames/thanks to my email addy ;)
For gfx artist - i include template pic, to make your own painting easier,
because I waste some time by finding/verifing true size (25*22).
I'm using IBrowse 2.22 on 800x600x16bit and looks so nice and running
+-good (060/62 and PicassoIV).
If you suck with older (1.2 or so...) version of IBrowse, update... ;)
Well, if you don't want, put before the name (Navigation) "def_".
(def_Navigation) This makes the images valid for 1.x versions of IBrowse.
There are also MWB modem-like small transfer animations, only two frames,
but they are nice and if you insist on transfer animation (i not =8-))
you can use it.
WHY THERE ARE TransferAnimation and TransferAnimationRIGHT...?
Because i found that IBrowse during showing the two images move the second
one pixel down, what cause unwanted jumping (animated have to be only the
led's on modem and the chain of ones and zeroes).
The RIGHT version is for future IBrowse, that fix this bug =:*)))
They don't eat so much colors on screen, so, they are nice for AA machines!
IBrowse - any version =:-)
On poor oldie chips - first 8 colors of palete set to MWB, or the icons
will look awfull...
smail: Pavel Narozny, U Zebracky 22, 750 00, Prerov, Czech republic.
email: trodas@seznam.cz
Contents of comm/www/IBrowseImages.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 963 1676 57.5% -lh5- 0244 Oct 8 2002 MWB_IBrowseImages.readme
[generic] 1252 1572 79.6% -lh5- cfb0 Jul 26 1998 Navigation
[generic] 1368 3972 34.4% -lh5- 0dd7 Jul 26 1998 Navigation.template
[generic] 1032 1708 60.4% -lh5- 8280 Jun 19 2002 TransferAnimation
[generic] 667 887 75.2% -lh5- dcd5 Jun 19 2002 TransferAnimation.info
[generic] 968 1712 56.5% -lh5- 4526 Jun 19 2002 TransferAnimationRIGHT
[generic] 662 887 74.6% -lh5- 6e0a Jun 19 2002 TransferAnimationRIGHT.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 6912 12414 55.7% Oct 13 2002
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