84782 packages online
comm/www/WWWworkbenchIB.lha |
No screenshot available
- Workbench 3.+
- IBrowse 1.2
- optional FTPMount
- viewing and editing local picture directories used in web pagee design
1. copy/drag WWWworkbench drawer in the IBrowse program directory
2. configure IBrowse to be able to launch 'StartWWWworkbench.ibrx' from its AArexx menu
(go to IBrowse:preferences-General-Arexx. Enter label 'Start WWWworkbench', and install
a path to the 'StartWWWworkbench.ibrx' firle in the WWWworkbench draweer.)
3. configure the Amigados rx program as an external viewer for files with -.ibrx extension.
(Go to Prefeerences-General-External Viewers; Click ADD and enter as MIME TYPE-"arexx";
Then under EXTENSION enter "ibrx", and under ACTION select "external viewer"
Under VIEWER write the location of your rx which will probably be Sys:rexxc/rx.
Finally under ARGUMENTS you'll have "%f". CLICK OK)
4. select SAVE SETTINGS to save these changes or they will be lost on quitting.
5. start the script.(Select from the arexx menu the item 'Start WWWworkbench' to Start)
6. NOTE: if IBrowse is running on its own pubscreen you need to specify the screen name
By default the file requesters will appear on the workbench (default) screen.
To cause requesters to appear on separate "IBROWSE" pubscreen, you must inform the
program in the CONFIGURATION page.
7. configuration: select the 'config' link on the title page, and read the guide. It
is quite self-explanatory. Aside from item 6, you can run it on the default settings
for a while before modifying.
- WWWworkbenchIB is largely a set of arexx scripts that generates html documents
on the fly which it then instructs IBrowse to load.Aside from the fact that a
configuration file will be saved into WWWworkbench for next time, all action
takes place in a W4 directory in Ram. Thus it is very safe. However, since
I don't know what you will do with it, I hereby assume no responsibility for
any damages, that may result.
- It is designed so that you might view and edit remote directories with the use
of FTPMount. Since IBrowse seems to freeze when trying to load something directly
through FTPMOunt have designed it so that, IBrowse loads all maateriaal via http:
nd FTPMount is only used for directory editing operations such as FTPMount is
able to perform. This means that WWWworkbench can only be used on remote
directories wheere you have BOTH FTP access and http access. WWWworkbeench has
no direct connection with FTPMount. FTPMount (c)Evan Scott is available on Aminet.
Get it working for you independently. WWWworkbench will only utilize it if you
happen to have it. The operation of FTPMount or IBrowse are completely independent
of WWWorkbench. As I say WWWworkbench is only a set of arexx scripts that utilize
IBrowse and FTPMount, which you hve to deal with separately.
-Andres Pääbo, Box 478, Apsley, Ont. Canada K0L 1AO. Can-705-656-9387
-email paabo@bancom.net
-Another arexx program--check web site at www.bancroft.bancom.net/~paabo/WAD/WAD.html
-date of this upload Sept, 1998
Contents of comm/www/WWWworkbenchIB.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 388 547 70.9% -lh5- b13b Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/arexx/W42IFX.ibrx
[generic] 408 570 71.6% -lh5- f7e8 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/arexx/W42PP.ibrx
[generic] 1777 1777 100.0% -lh0- 0ee1 Sep 29 1998 WWWworkbench/bigpic.jpg
[generic] 1079 1079 100.0% -lh0- 8dc7 Sep 29 1998 WWWworkbench/drawer.jpg
[generic] 2017 2017 100.0% -lh0- f4b3 Sep 29 1998 WWWworkbench/html.jpg
[generic] 1798 4532 39.7% -lh5- 3b65 Sep 29 1998 WWWworkbench/StartWWWworkbench.ibrx
[generic] 493 953 51.7% -lh5- dc98 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4arexx.ibrx
[generic] 266 368 72.3% -lh5- 6b38 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4clone.ibrx
[generic] 579 1067 54.3% -lh5- 81bf Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4clonefiles.ibrx
[generic] 565 1072 52.7% -lh5- 0616 Sep 29 1998 WWWworkbench/W4config.txt
[generic] 763 1602 47.6% -lh5- 57a4 Sep 10 1998 WWWworkbench/W4copytoother.ibrx
[generic] 583 1256 46.4% -lh5- 3db5 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4delete.ibrx
[generic] 567 1174 48.3% -lh5- 0954 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4deletedir.ibrx
[generic] 278 473 58.8% -lh5- 6aea Sep 4 1998 WWWworkbench/W4guide.html
[generic] 1259 5013 25.1% -lh5- dca8 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4guidemenu.html
[generic] 427 776 55.0% -lh5- a678 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4makedir.ibrx
[generic] 854 2021 42.3% -lh5- 5f33 Sep 10 1998 WWWworkbench/W4movetoother.ibrx
[generic] 413 605 68.3% -lh5- 44d1 Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4new.ibrx
[generic] 349 561 62.2% -lh5- 2324 Sep 19 1998 WWWworkbench/W4parent.ibrx
[generic] 186 223 83.4% -lh5- e94c Sep 19 1998 WWWworkbench/W4refresh.ibrx
[generic] 547 1376 39.8% -lh5- 734e Sep 9 1998 WWWworkbench/W4rename.ibrx
[generic] 13195 33179 39.8% -lh5- ff28 Sep 19 1998 WWWworkbench/WWWwGuide.html
[generic] 3536 9406 37.6% -lh5- d565 Sep 29 1998 WWWworkbench/WWWworkbench.ibrx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 23 files 32327 71647 45.1% Sep 30 1998
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