84782 packages online
demo/mag/Antydresiarz3.lha |
No screenshot available
Author: | Taski (13.12.1997) |
Uploader: | mbllist friko onet pl (Mariusz Listowski) |
Type: | demo/mag |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-12-24 |
Requires: | WB3.0+ AGA (runs on WB2.04 & ECS, too but it looks bad) |
Download: | demo/mag/Antydresiarz3.lha - View contents | Readme: | demo/mag/Antydresiarz3.readme |
Downloads: | 5197 |
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AntyDresiarz Issue #3
The best polish disk magazine
Full system support
128 Colours (AGA)
relase date: 13.12.1997 (Astrosyn 97 party, Koszalin, Poland)
Antydresiarz Home Page:
If you want support AntyDresiarz Mag then write to:
PS: Amiga Rules 4Ever
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
8502 1143 86.5% 06-Jan-80 09:42:36 ad!_voooote.txt
1927 1062 44.8% 13-Dec-97 22:20:08 AntyDresiarz3.info
1317 568 56.8% 22-Dec-97 19:59:12 AntyDresiarz3.readme
375 272 27.4% 13-Dec-97 22:19:32 AntyDresiarz3/!A1200_USERS_README.TXT
8502 1143 86.5% 06-Jan-80 09:42:36 AntyDresiarz3/ad!_voooote.txt
29 29 0.0% 08-Jan-97 01:45:34 AntyDresiarz3/AntydResiarz3
5701 3243 43.1% 13-Dec-97 22:12:04 AntyDresiarz3/AntydResiarz3.info
16 16 0.0% 22-Dec-97 19:59:58 AntyDresiarz3/C/Adds.txt
3626 1702 53.0% 03-Dec-97 20:53:32 AntyDresiarz3/Catalogs/english/AntyDresiarz.catalog
4024 1964 51.1% 03-Dec-97 20:48:52 AntyDresiarz3/Catalogs/polski/AntyDresiarz.catalog
3079751 2193695 28.7% 13-Dec-97 21:59:44 AntyDresiarz3/DATA_FILE
524 47 91.0% 24-May-97 17:38:18 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Apple.font
3156 1436 54.4% 27-Jul-96 21:49:10 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Apple/13
3060 1667 45.5% 27-Jul-96 21:49:10 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Apple/8
264 34 87.1% 24-May-97 17:38:18 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_FuturaX.font
33660 8731 74.0% 27-Jul-96 21:50:40 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_FuturaX/60
784 52 93.3% 24-May-97 17:38:18 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala.font
7004 2155 69.2% 17-Mar-97 16:43:16 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala/16
4292 1569 63.4% 15-Mar-97 19:02:10 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala/16w
3428 1833 46.5% 27-Jul-96 21:48:58 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala/8
524 49 90.6% 24-May-97 17:38:18 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Topaz.font
3480 1234 64.5% 15-Mar-97 19:43:36 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Topaz/16wf
2616 1498 42.7% 24-Sep-96 10:36:08 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Topaz/8
6690 2309 65.4% 13-Dec-97 22:07:32 AntyDresiarz3/Install
2184 1182 45.8% 13-Dec-97 22:12:04 AntyDresiarz3/Install.info
70 54 22.8% 22-Dec-97 20:05:22 AntyDresiarz3/LIBS/Adds.txt
46148 30624 33.6% 31-May-97 16:12:40 AntyDresiarz3/LIBS/reqtools.library
6168 4419 28.3% 05-Apr-95 14:33:48 AntyDresiarz3/LIBS/stc.library
223456 74445 66.6% 13-Dec-97 17:27:30 AntyDresiarz3/MAG.exe
515 242 53.0% 13-Dec-97 21:59:54 AntyDresiarz3/PREFS.PRE
2062 547 73.4% 13-Dec-97 22:16:16 file_id.diz
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
3463855 2338964 32.4% 22-Dec-97 20:08:20 31 files
Contents of demo/mag/Antydresiarz3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1143 8502 13.4% -lh5- 17c4 Jan 6 1980 ad!_voooote.txt
[generic] 1062 1927 55.1% -lh5- 4865 Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3.info
[generic] 568 1317 43.1% -lh5- ca92 Dec 22 1997 AntyDresiarz3.readme
[generic] 272 375 72.5% -lh5- 3dc2 Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/!A1200_USERS_README.TXT
[generic] 1143 8502 13.4% -lh5- 17c4 Jan 6 1980 AntyDresiarz3/ad!_voooote.txt
[generic] 29 29 100.0% -lh0- ed3b Jan 8 1997 AntyDresiarz3/AntydResiarz3
[generic] 3243 5701 56.9% -lh5- e152 Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/AntydResiarz3.info
[generic] 16 16 100.0% -lh0- 2f5a Dec 22 1997 AntyDresiarz3/C/Adds.txt
[generic] 1702 3626 46.9% -lh5- 48bf Dec 3 1997 AntyDresiarz3/Catalogs/english/AntyDresiarz.catalog
[generic] 1964 4024 48.8% -lh5- 1a93 Dec 3 1997 AntyDresiarz3/Catalogs/polski/AntyDresiarz.catalog
[generic] 2193695 3079751 71.2% -lh5- d3a9 Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/DATA_FILE
[generic] 47 524 9.0% -lh5- cdfc May 24 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Apple.font
[generic] 1436 3156 45.5% -lh5- b11a Jul 27 1996 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Apple/13
[generic] 1667 3060 54.5% -lh5- 5e1b Jul 27 1996 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Apple/8
[generic] 34 264 12.9% -lh5- 646c May 24 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_FuturaX.font
[generic] 8731 33660 25.9% -lh5- 38a3 Jul 27 1996 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_FuturaX/60
[generic] 52 784 6.6% -lh5- 5a4b May 24 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala.font
[generic] 2155 7004 30.8% -lh5- 5d6f Mar 17 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala/16
[generic] 1569 4292 36.6% -lh5- ad01 Mar 15 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala/16w
[generic] 1833 3428 53.5% -lh5- cee9 Jul 27 1996 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Scala/8
[generic] 49 524 9.4% -lh5- 96c0 May 24 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Topaz.font
[generic] 1234 3480 35.5% -lh5- cabb Mar 15 1997 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Topaz/16wf
[generic] 1498 2616 57.3% -lh5- 42e2 Sep 24 1996 AntyDresiarz3/FONTS/PL_Topaz/8
[generic] 2309 6690 34.5% -lh5- 981e Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/Install
[generic] 1182 2184 54.1% -lh5- 081b Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/Install.info
[generic] 54 70 77.1% -lh5- 05a0 Dec 22 1997 AntyDresiarz3/LIBS/Adds.txt
[generic] 30624 46148 66.4% -lh5- 52f3 May 31 1997 AntyDresiarz3/LIBS/reqtools.library
[generic] 4419 6168 71.6% -lh5- cf9d Apr 5 1995 AntyDresiarz3/LIBS/stc.library
[generic] 74445 223456 33.3% -lh5- 0d0c Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/MAG.exe
[generic] 242 515 47.0% -lh5- 78f0 Dec 13 1997 AntyDresiarz3/PREFS.PRE
[generic] 547 2062 26.5% -lh5- 45c1 Dec 13 1997 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 31 files 2338964 3463855 67.5% Dec 23 1997
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