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dev/amos/ADBs_Games_Vol1.lha |
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ADB's Games Volume 1
These are the first 2 games I made in AMOS and are just test games
really. I did some programming on my ZX Spectrum back in the early
90's, but those games turned out crap!
These test games turned out pretty good and since making these I
have made more games and software using AMOS Basic.
All the files contained in this archive should be on a disk, called
"Games_Vol1", which must be inserted into drive DF0 (internal 3.5" DD
drive). Sorry, they won't run from a harddrive.
Do not forget to install the disk (go to execute command in workbench
and type "install df0:") before copying the files across or it won't
auto-boot from startup. You can click on the icon files to start the
games, or intro file, from workbench.
For a list of all files that should be in the archive, please read the
GV1_Readme.txt file contained in the archive.
I hope you download my other games and software which will be uploaded
to Aminet.net soon.
If you like AMOS, then please visit the AMOS-LIST Yahoo group:
- Andrew D. Burton, July 2007
Contents of dev/amos/ADBs_Games_Vol1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 10688 35468 30.1% -lh5- e1fc Jul 8 2007 GV1/ADB's_Games
[generic] 441 1682 26.2% -lh5- ae3d Jul 8 2007 GV1/ADB's_Games.info
[generic] 638 3350 19.0% -lh5- 3a7a Jul 8 2007 gv1/aj_lvl_data.abk
[generic] 36896 55484 66.5% -lh5- 50bd Jul 8 2007 gv1/alutia's jewels
[generic] 357 1682 21.2% -lh5- a025 Jul 8 2007 GV1/ALUTIA'S JEWELS.info
[generic] 13649 29584 46.1% -lh5- 849d Jul 8 2007 gv1/alutiasjewel
[generic] 261 628 41.6% -lh5- 15bf Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder.info
[generic] 972 2626 37.0% -lh5- 2c85 Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/3D_Object_mover.AMOS
[generic] 771 1812 42.5% -lh5- e2be Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/bank_merger.AMOS
[generic] 2104 21600 9.7% -lh5- f21e Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/credits_ver4.AMOS
[generic] 6500 44254 14.7% -lh5- 0460 Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/lvldata_2_bankfile2.AMOS
[generic] 889 3556 25.0% -lh5- 1678 Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/magnetic_ball_demo.AMOS
[generic] 4255 37322 11.4% -lh5- 75d4 Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/textscroller_ver3.AMOS
[generic] 1008 3374 29.9% -lh5- 7206 Jul 8 2007 GV1/AMOS_Folder/VUmeter_demo.AMOS
[generic] 87576 125536 69.8% -lh5- 77b4 Jul 8 2007 gv1/breaker
[generic] 358 1682 21.3% -lh5- 7001 Jul 8 2007 GV1/BREAKER.info
[generic] 19 19 100.0% -lh0- 52f8 Jul 8 2007 gv1/breaker_stats
[generic] 13384 25072 53.4% -lh5- 2a58 Jul 8 2007 GV1/BREAKER_title.iff
[generic] 118602 168664 70.3% -lh5- 11fa Jul 8 2007 gv1/breaker_ver3
[generic] 9143 15744 58.1% -lh5- 9808 Jul 8 2007 gv1/createtop20
[generic] 305 984 31.0% -lh5- 9ddc Jul 8 2007 GV1/Disk.info
[generic] 852 1893 45.0% -lh5- 3094 Jul 8 2007 GV1/GV1_Readme.txt
[generic] 28913 46948 61.6% -lh5- 624f Jul 8 2007 GV1/libs/AMOS.Library
[generic] 473 6420 7.4% -lh5- d479 Jul 8 2007 gv1/lvl_data.abk
[generic] 7173 12156 59.0% -lh5- a110 Jul 8 2007 GV1/s/STARTUP
[generic] 23 23 100.0% -lh0- afcc Jul 8 2007 GV1/s/startup-sequence
[generic] 204 400 51.0% -lh5- e01b Jul 8 2007 gv1/top20scores
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 346454 647963 53.5% Jul 8 2007
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