DFunc® AMOS is a set of procedures which is more or less like adding new
commands to AMOSPro, kinda like the poor man's extension (One who doesn't
know how to code extensions, so he/she writes them via procedures). My
procedures of course use the help of Kenneth C. Nilsen's "dfunc.library"
which is available via Aminet (util/libs). This will allow you to use
some of his functions within your programs. For example if you wanted to know
what type of processor you are using you would just use:
Print Param
or what type of math co-processor is plugged in, if any:
Print Param
or perhaps you what to convert a hexadecimal number into a decimal number. You
would use something like this:
Print Param
To save on speed and the size of your code you could just add the procedures
that you will actually use and the rest of them you can delete.
1.0 - Released 12/16/95. This is a pre-release not all procedures have been
implemented as of yet.
Total procedures: 13
| Filename: | Size: | Description: |
| DFunc.AMOS | 8084 bytes. | Includes documention on each procedure. |
| DFunc_Procs.AMOS | 3350 bytes. | Just procedures no documentation. |
DFunc® AMOS was written with the permission of Kenneth C. Nilsen, however I
have not included his library with my archive so hence you must download his
library from Aminet (util/libs) in order to use my procedures.
The filename you should be looking for is called "DFunc3714.lha".
DFunc® AMOS is freely distributable as long as no charges are made with the
exception of a minimal fee for covering media expenses. This archive is allowed
to be distributed via Aminet, BBS's, Fred Fish, and any of the Amiga magazines
currently available (Amiga Format, Amiga Shopper, CU Amiga, ect.).
Please feel free to use my procedures in your applications, games or whatever
you program as long as you credit my work. If you want to use them in a
commercial release then you must first get written permission from me first
before using them. Shareware authors can use them without written permission,
but please give credit where credit is due. I do not require that you put my
name on your title/credit screen or anything like that ... just a little
mention in your documentations would be good enuff, but your more than welcome
to put my name in your title/credit screen :)
Special thanks too Kenneth for the dfunc.library !
® dfunc.library is a registered trademark of Kenneth C. Nilsen/Digital Surface.
Copyright © 1994, 95 Kenneth C. Nilsen/Digital Surface - All Rights Reserved.
If you need any help with these procedures then your more than welcome to
send them to me along with any comments, suggestions, and bug reports to:
Greg Cox
3004 Jemez Drive
San Diego, Ca 92117
E-Mail: gcox@cts.com
The future of DFunc® AMOS will include many more procedures as well as some
example programs to show beginners of AMOSPro how to use them. For now I
hope you enjoy and find some use for them within your programs :)
Look for future updates on Aminet (dev/amos).
Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year !!
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