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dev/amos/screenedv22.lha |
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Written by Ejber Ozkan 1993
Features Include
Can now deal with icons from 8 pixels by 8 To 32 by 32
80 screens can be now worked on IN ONE BANK
ALL screens stored in A Normal DATA Bank in AMOS
Complete new Icon system to work with (NOT AMOS PRO!) looks like workbench 2
Copy Screens and Jump to screens now available for bigger projects!
A complete MAP editor to help make maze games ect!!.
Music while you work!(Power users can load BIG modules!)
Fill Screen option available!
Procedures for USING the SCREEN bank and MAP editor on disk!.
This was originally released through AMOS p.d library .I thought I would
re-release through aminet now that I can use aminet sites.
It is a screen editor that can be used along with AMOS or Amos-pro.It was
made as a sort of P.D equivalent of CTEXT.
With it you can make around 80 different screens all stored in one small bank.
You can use Icons to paste on each screen and then be able to flick between
several screens with one click of the mouse-button!.
This can be useful inorder to make platform games , alien breed type games/
puzzle games infact anything that uses one main gaming screen!.
In your own programs all you need to do is include one small procedure,your
screen bank and your icon bank graphics .To produce fast screen action.
Also for top-down game types there is a map-creater which can also be added.
You can also choose between between the different icon sizes to paste
on your screen from 8 by 8 pixels up to 32 by 32 pixels.
I am currently messing around with the a new version which you can select
icons from another page.If there is enough interest then I will release this
as well (compiled with amos-pro next time!)
Please tell me what you think of this version and what I could do to improve
it and for a general chat about AMOS either e-mail me at
or write to :
Ejber Ozkan
222 Tunnel ave
se10 opl
Awaiting your views.... :)
Ejber Ozkan 24th March 1994
Contents of dev/amos/screenedv22.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 895 1608 55.7% -lh5- a901 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/AMOSCODE/SCREENMAPPROC.AMOS
[generic] 1119 2220 50.4% -lh5- 50ae Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/AMOSCODE/ScreenPasteProc.AMOS
[generic] 82062 85700 95.8% -lh5- d28c Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/ScreenEd22
[generic] 750 2790 26.9% -lh5- 8627 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SED-EXAMPLES/example16by16.abk
[generic] 174 730 23.8% -lh5- f9a3 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SED-EXAMPLES/example16by32.ABK
[generic] 163 340 47.9% -lh5- 1b93 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SED-EXAMPLES/example16by8.ABK
[generic] 189 1370 13.8% -lh5- c721 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SED-EXAMPLES/example32by32.abk
[generic] 173 580 29.8% -lh5- 1f78 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SED-EXAMPLES/example8by16.ABK
[generic] 234 610 38.4% -lh5- 667a Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SED-EXAMPLES/example8by8.ABK
[generic] 1133 2152 52.6% -lh5- 4365 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/README.displayme
[generic] 6054 13775 43.9% -lh5- 7057 Mar 23 1994 ScreenEdV22/SCreenED22.DOCS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 11 files 92946 111875 83.1% Mar 26 1994
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