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Short:Amiga Game Studio
Author: cordierfr at
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Download:dev/asm/AmigaGS-Dev.lha - View contents

That archive contain the project " AmigaGS " .
This is a libraries system that should allow someone to create
game more easily and 100% assembler 680x0.
The advantage of that system is that it will ( in future versions )
AUTOMATICALLY select best libraries depending on what configuration
you have .
Only 680x0 version for the moment.
( PPC Version later ? I don't know . )

Availables libraries on ver 0.1c :
  AmigaGSMain.library   ( MAIN SYSTEM LIB§RARY )
    DisplayAGA.library  ( low resolution only for the moment )
    ScreensAGA.library  ( and ECS version )
    Chunky020.library   ( and 68040+ version )
    FileIO.library      ( Load and save files from disk/ram )
    Memorycopy.library  ( Blitter , 680x0 and 68040+ versions )
    MemoryBanks.library ( Use banks for datas )
    AGAIcons.library    ( Use 16x16 icons from 2 up to 256 colors )
    FXIlbm.library      ( Display ilbm/iff images on screens. )

Now there are examples :
    - Scrollings Vertical & horizontal
    - Aga icons
    - Ilbm show(s)
    - Castle 3D beta engine

News from 1.0a to 1.0c :
    - I fixed a bug in Memorybanks.library
    - I have added AmigaGSMain.Library that initialize environment.
    - I have added 2 libraries : FileIO.library & AgaIcons.library
    - I have added examples for libraries use and docs.
    - News MACROS availables .

Latest news on that project at :

Bugs and asks at :
------------------ or

Contents of dev/asm/AmigaGS-Dev.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  505    1204  41.9% -lh5- c2dd May  4  2000
[generic]                  113     125  90.4% -lh5- 1026 Apr 29  2000 AmigaGS/AmigaGS-EndStartup.s
[generic]                  700    2540  27.6% -lh5- 2acc May  5  2000 AmigaGS/AmigaGS-Startup.s
[generic]                 2162    8423  25.7% -lh5- 9ad0 Apr 26  2000 AmigaGS/Docs/FullDocEnglish.Asc
[generic]                  441     916  48.1% -lh5- 0538 Apr 26  2000 AmigaGS/Docs/MacroDocEnglish.Asc
[generic]                  859    1636  52.5% -lh5- 3bb9 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/
[generic]                 2756    7108  38.8% -lh5- 0116 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/AmigaGS Default
[generic]                  856    1636  52.3% -lh5- c3af May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Castle3D FPU
[generic]                55379   55379 100.0% -lh0- 95c4 May  6  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Castle3D FPU Demo/Castle3DBetaFPU.lha
[generic]                  528     815  64.8% -lh5- 1c67 May  6  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Castle3D FPU Demo/ReadMeFirst
[generic]                 4637    7081  65.5% -lh5- bee3 May  6  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Castle3D FPU Demo/
[generic]                  862    1636  52.7% -lh5- f095 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/
[generic]                   12      12 100.0% -lh0- 047b Apr 30  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Icons/Icones
[generic]                  477     972  49.1% -lh5- f092 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Icons/Icones.exe
[generic]                  880    2112  41.7% -lh5- 116e May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Icons/Icones.exe.s
[generic]                 2713    7055  38.5% -lh5- 2453 Apr 30  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Icons/
[generic]                  860    1636  52.6% -lh5- 29d6 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/
[generic]                10365   17664  58.7% -lh5- 8988 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/IlbmView.exe
[generic]                  987    2365  41.7% -lh5- b510 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/IlbmView.exe.s
[generic]                11193   24256  46.1% -lh5- 6ebd May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/IlbmViewAGA.exe
[generic]                  946    2174  43.5% -lh5- ebd7 Jan 10  1980 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/IlbmViewAGA.exe.s
[generic]                   13      13 100.0% -lh0- 417e Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/ImageViewer
[generic]                 2708    8285  32.7% -lh5- 429e May  1  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/
[generic]                   16      16 100.0% -lh0- 1f83 Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/ImageViewerAGA
[generic]                 2703    8285  32.6% -lh5- c917 May  1  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Ilbm/
[generic]                  859    1636  52.5% -lh5- 5517 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/
[generic]                10409   17792  58.5% -lh5- 7caf May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Mosaics/Mosaiques.exe
[generic]                 1048    2536  41.3% -lh5- 4aea May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Mosaics/Mosaiques.exe.s
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- 3df8 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Mosaics/ShowMosaic
[generic]                 2704    8285  32.6% -lh5- a65d May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/Mosaics/
[generic]                  861    1636  52.6% -lh5- 5281 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/
[generic]                   23      23 100.0% -lh0- 32eb May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/ScrollHorizontal
[generic]                13346   76252  17.5% -lh5- 7a73 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/ScrollHorizontal.exe
[generic]                 1123    2711  41.4% -lh5- eecd May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/ScrollHorizontal.exe.s
[generic]                 2713    7055  38.5% -lh5- a6bf May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/
[generic]                   33      33 100.0% -lh0- 0ab6 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/ScrollVertical
[generic]                38356   67724  56.6% -lh5- ce5b May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/ScrollVertical.exe
[generic]                 2711    7055  38.4% -lh5- cb39 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/
[generic]                 1159    2775  41.8% -lh5- a203 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Examples/ScreenScrolls/ScrollVertical.exe.s
[generic]                  185     752  24.6% -lh5- 26bc May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Fonts/8/Default.Font
[generic]                  247     726  34.0% -lh5- 2095 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/AmigaGSIncludeList.i
[generic]                  353     880  40.1% -lh5- a66c May  6  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/Castle3DSublib.i
[generic]                  107     160  66.9% -lh5- cfba Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/Chunky.i
[generic]                  146     235  62.1% -lh5- 424e Apr 26  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/DisplayAGA.i
[generic]                  113     233  48.5% -lh5- 9a2f May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/FastMathFFP.i
[generic]                  116     183  63.4% -lh5- 0a43 Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/FileIO.i
[generic]                  116     165  70.3% -lh5- 1a68 Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/FxIlbm.i
[generic]                   56      56 100.0% -lh0- d46a May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/FXMosaic.i
[generic]                  116     243  47.7% -lh5- dea1 Apr 29  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/IconsAGA.i
[generic]                  124     242  51.2% -lh5- a31d Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/joystick.i
[generic]                  225     460  48.9% -lh5- 3f70 Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/memorybanks.i
[generic]                   75      87  86.2% -lh5- 97e2 Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/Memorycopy.i
[generic]                  108     167  64.7% -lh5- ddf8 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/ScreensAGA.i
[generic]                  108     167  64.7% -lh5- d3d7 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/ScreensECS.i
[generic]                   72      81  88.9% -lh5- a4ef May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Includes/System.i
[generic]                 1355    5755  23.5% -lh5- 3a38 Sep  2  1992 AmigaGS/Includes/_Chips.s
[generic]                  312     480  65.0% -lh5- 4156 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Install.LisezMoi
[generic]                  281     419  67.1% -lh5- 46cc May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Install.ReadME
[generic]                 1028    2632  39.1% -lh5- aa0f May  5  2000 AmigaGS/libs/AmigaGSMain.library
[generic]                  418     688  60.8% -lh5- 7058 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/AmigaGSSystem.library
[generic]                  555     984  56.4% -lh5- 1495 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Devices/FileIO.library
[generic]                  581    1032  56.3% -lh5- e36a May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Devices/Joystick.library
[generic]                 1245    1900  65.5% -lh5- 77cd May  6  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Extensions/castle3d.library
[generic]                  981    1920  51.1% -lh5- d837 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/AgaIcons.library
[generic]                 1005    2112  47.6% -lh5- 9e17 May  6  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/chunky040.library
[generic]                  746    1244  60.0% -lh5- d7f1 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/chunky0x0.library
[generic]                 1005    2112  47.6% -lh5- 9e17 May  6  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/chunkycpu.library
[generic]                 1115    1780  62.6% -lh5- 1542 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/displayaga.library
[generic]                  840    1500  56.0% -lh5- a2e5 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/fxilbm.library
[generic]                  787    1600  49.2% -lh5- 6795 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/fxmosaic.library
[generic]                  904    1536  58.9% -lh5- df44 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/ScreensAGA.library
[generic]                  872    1452  60.1% -lh5- ad73 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/ScreensECS.library
[generic]                  561     952  58.9% -lh5- 3c20 May  5  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Graphics/textfont.library
[generic]                  527     936  56.3% -lh5- 9bbd May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Math/fastmathffp.library
[generic]                  463     760  60.9% -lh5- d073 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Memory/Memory680x0.library
[generic]                  925    2896  31.9% -lh5- 272c May  4  2000 AmigaGS/libs/Memory/Memorybanks.library
[generic]                  843    1572  53.6% -lh5- 4dee May  4  2000 AmigaGS/LisezMoi.asc
[generic]                  157     349  45.0% -lh5- 397c Jan 10  1980 AmigaGS/Macros/_DisplayAGA.Macro
[generic]                   64      64 100.0% -lh0- 4742 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Macros/_FXMosaic.Macro
[generic]                  207     513  40.4% -lh5- 40b5 May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Macros/_Libraries.Macro
[generic]                  172     558  30.8% -lh5- 0e05 May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Macros/_MemoryBanks.Macro
[generic]                  136     263  51.7% -lh5- 5a43 Jan 10  1980 AmigaGS/Macros/_ScreensAGA.Macro
[generic]                   72      73  98.6% -lh5- 098a May  3  2000 AmigaGS/Macros/_System.Macro
[generic]                  778    1384  56.2% -lh5- 24cd May  4  2000 AmigaGS/ReadMeFirst.asc
[generic]                10813   23442  46.1% -lh5- 30a7 Apr 13  2000 AmigaGS/Samples/AmigaGS.lbm
[generic]                12945   75332  17.2% -lh5- 87f2 Apr 29  2000 AmigaGS/Samples/HScroll.lbm
[generic]                  774    2608  29.7% -lh5- 7da1 Apr 29  2000 AmigaGS/Samples/Icones.FC1
[generic]                 9959   16836  59.2% -lh5- bc65 Dec 11  1990 AmigaGS/Samples/Sample.lbm
[generic]                37925   66810  56.8% -lh5- 5896 Apr 29  2000 AmigaGS/Samples/VScroll.lbm
[generic]                  184     411  44.8% -lh5- 950d May  4  2000 AmigaGS/Structures/Screens.struct
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        90 files  272832  588613  46.4%            May  9  2000
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