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Short:Assembler course, for beginners
Author: gc at (Geert Coelmont)
Uploader:horror smartnet co za (Mike Erasmus)
Download:dev/asm/Asm_course.lha - View contents

This is a Motorola 68000 assembler course on which the emphasis is on the
Amiga, what else?

It starts at the verrrrry beginning - introducing you to loops and decision
making using amiga assembler. The whole purpose is to create a an "intro".
Look at demo/intro for the basic ideas on Aminet.

NB!!NB!! The hard coded assembler and copper addresses etc (spare me the
techy stuff, please?!?) was supposed to work on pre-AGA machines like the
A500, A600, A2000, A3000 etc etc. It will however still work on AGA
machines. I reccomend using the tool KillAGA  on Aminet if you want to test
out your masterpiece. Remeber, that was 1992.

The little "demo" was one we actually used, put together by C00L-G/Silents.

1. An Amiga, duhhh? Whats that? Is it PeeCee compatible...
2. An assembler, like DevPac 3 or Barfly(on Aminet). I have, however
   included AsmOne. Which is quite old, but will do the job.
3. Get the Amiga Includes for assembler, it sounds difficult but it should
   be on the Amiga developersCD, as well as on numerous Fish CD-ROMs
   available from  You will have to know your
   stuff to be able to work without that includes, if you want to write
   system frienldy things.
4. Amiga ROM Kernel Manuals. Not needed, but believe me, verrrrry handy.
   You may just need it. If you just want to code demos, then it may not be

I was asked not to spread this, that was 5 years ago. Well, since the Amiga
is in pretty dire straightsI reason there may be people who want to start
asm coding on Amiga, but hopefully Geert won't mind this being put on
Aminet for the sake of the Amiga's future ;-))

The reason I have upped this is coz i have had this for over 5 years now,
yes - since April 1992 when Geert sent me this, at that stage there was no
such thing as e-mail. The Internet was still 2 years away...

1. Geert Coelmont ( - present e-mail address). If you
  have any queries rather contact Geert, please take note that his Amiga is
  gathering dust, so don't think you will get any luck with him these days.

Without Geerts, you will not have been able to do ANYTHING. Thanx thanx,

End Notes:
The .za in my e-mail address is NOT Zambia or Zaire as many of you think,
it is Zuid-Afrika!!! South Africa, hard to believe but the Internet is old
news here, so are telephones fax machines, cellphones, satellite T.V and
houses made of stone with tarred roads. There is(hard to believe) some
civilized life in Afrika. Yea thats true! 4 airlines fly in total *25*
flights weekly to the U.K, and you can catch DAILY flights from Miami, Los
Angeles and New York to our wonderful country.

Sorry for the above geography lessons but I dunno what you think, you know
we have Amigas here so then it MUST be a civilized place !!!

Please xcuse my English, I am actually Afrikaans! :-)))

This text was written on 10-May-1997 by Mike Erasmus
( as I am awaiting both the new A\Box and PIOS One.

Greets to my friends on EffNet, #amiga, this comes from "KatseNova".

Contents of dev/asm/Asm_course.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  313     640  48.9% -lh5- 2dd6 May 22  1989 assembler course/fonts/FONT-AMIGA
[generic]                  310     640  48.4% -lh5- f03b May 22  1989 assembler course/fonts/FONT-AMIGA2
[generic]                  279     640  43.6% -lh5- 1834 May 22  1989 assembler course/fonts/FONT-COMPUTER
[generic]                  342     640  53.4% -lh5- e82e May 22  1989 assembler course/fonts/FONT-GREEN BERET
[generic]                  298     640  46.6% -lh5- 4f8f May 22  1989 assembler course/fonts/FONT-STEALTH
[generic]                 1389    3725  37.3% -lh5- c08b Apr 27  1992 assembler course/MENU_WINDOW+LOAD.S
[generic]                 1379    3834  36.0% -lh5- adbd Apr 27  1992 assembler course/MENU_WINDOW.S
[generic]                  789    6400  12.3% -lh5- 3d47 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/ what...
[generic]                 2226   17640  12.6% -lh5- f9f5 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/mp.288x245x2
[generic]                  748    1562  47.9% -lh5- 072e Jan 10  1980 assembler course/registers1_PRINT!!
[generic]                  655    1299  50.4% -lh5- 9557 Jan 10  1980 assembler course/registers2_PRINT!!
[generic]                 1810    4180  43.3% -lh5- 4a31 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/SIMPLE_WINDOW.S
[generic]                  912    2132  42.8% -lh5- 224f Sep  1  1989 assembler course/10.s
[generic]                  807    1598  50.5% -lh5- db6f Apr 27  1992 assembler course/2.s
[generic]                 1217    2389  50.9% -lh5- 9529 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/3.s
[generic]                  284     455  62.4% -lh5- 73cd Aug 31  1989 assembler course/4.s
[generic]                  925    2075  44.6% -lh5- b24c Sep  1  1989 assembler course/5.s
[generic]                 1637    3766  43.5% -lh5- 71bf Apr 27  1992 assembler course/6.s
[generic]                 2006    4564  44.0% -lh5- af35 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/7.s
[generic]                 2468    5332  46.3% -lh5- b0ed Apr 27  1992 assembler course/8.s
[generic]                  784    1614  48.6% -lh5- bbf9 Sep  1  1989 assembler course/9.s
[generic]                 5165   38064  13.6% -lh5- 532d Apr 27  1992 assembler course/abyss.320x190x5
[generic]                 5713   14520  39.3% -lh5- 9831 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/abyss.iff
[generic]                12409   14668  84.6% -lh5- 2653 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/demo
[generic]                 8036   24292  33.1% -lh5- 3aec Apr 27  1992 assembler course/demo.s
[generic]                10501   25116  41.8% -lh5- 9726 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/doctext-assembler
[generic]                21167   52123  40.6% -lh5- 7210 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/doctext2-assembler
[generic]                 6902   16028  43.1% -lh5- 61e1 Dec 25  1980 assembler course/doctext3-assembler
[generic]                 1149    2390  48.1% -lh5- 8804 Apr 27  1992 assembler course/1.s
[generic]                12361   17100  72.3% -lh5- fdc4 Jun 11  1990 assembler course/libs/arp.library
[generic]                16010   27052  59.2% -lh5- a6a3 Mar 13  1980 assembler course/libs/boxer.library
[generic]                 1109    1488  74.5% -lh5- e2f7 May 22  1989 assembler course/libs/explode.library
[generic]                 9812   14524  67.6% -lh5- 9b2b May 22  1989 assembler course/libs/req.library
[generic]                52646   53920  97.6% -lh5- 9647 Mar 29  1992 asm1.6
[generic]                  842    1347  62.5% -lh5- b67b May  4  1997
[generic]                  332     540  61.5% -lh5- 5e65 Oct 24  1991 examples/BinaryConv.S
[generic]                 2130    5563  38.3% -lh5- 74f6 Oct 24  1991 examples/BootBlock.S
[generic]                 1131    3218  35.1% -lh5- 7a25 Oct 24  1991 examples/Directory.S
[generic]                 4353   12393  35.1% -lh5- 27c0 Oct 24  1991 examples/GettingStarted.S
[generic]                 2424    6737  36.0% -lh5- 631d Oct 24  1991 examples/LineDraw.S
[generic]                 1472    3985  36.9% -lh5- 1105 Oct 24  1991 examples/NonSystemStartUp.S
[generic]                 1676    4601  36.4% -lh5- ac0f Mar 28  1992 examples/Playfield demo.S
[generic]                 2582    7179  36.0% -lh5- b004 Oct 24  1991 examples/ScrollExample.S
[generic]                 3268    9005  36.3% -lh5- 310f Oct 24  1991 examples/SystemStartUp.S
[generic]                  993    3125  31.8% -lh5- e11f Oct 24  1991 examples/WindowExample.S
[generic]                  186     284  65.5% -lh5- c98f Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/diskfont.offs
[generic]                 2055    5457  37.7% -lh5- d582 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/exec.offs
[generic]                  531    1229  43.2% -lh5- 037e Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/expansion.offs
[generic]                 2326    6233  37.3% -lh5- 8fd9 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/graphics.offs
[generic]                  378     819  46.2% -lh5- 2b22 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/icon.offs
[generic]                  575    1469  39.1% -lh5- 4602 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/layers.offs
[generic]                  292     732  39.9% -lh5- 192b Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/mathffp.offs
[generic]                  126     173  72.8% -lh5- c731 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/potgo.offs
[generic]                  143     178  80.3% -lh5- 7e91 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/console.offs
[generic]                  702    1517  46.3% -lh5- 20a9 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/dos.offs
[generic]                 1798    4814  37.3% -lh5- d199 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/intuition.offs
[generic]                  258     659  39.2% -lh5- cd10 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/mathieeedoubbas.offs
[generic]                  323     847  38.1% -lh5- fc94 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/mathieeedoubtrans.offs
[generic]                  346     856  40.4% -lh5- 1415 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/mathtrans.offs
[generic]                16333   16340 100.0% -lh5- 2be0 Apr 10  1992 offs1.3/Structure.offs.PP
[generic]                  113     176  64.2% -lh5- ee51 Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/timer.offs
[generic]                  117     139  84.2% -lh5- 1d4d Oct 24  1991 offs1.3/translator.offs
[generic]                 1700    3155  53.9% -lh5- 4937 May 10  1997 Asm_course.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        63 files  234063  469820  49.8%            May 11  1997
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