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Short:Motorola 680x0-series Prof. Macro Assembler
Author: dweber at
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Welcome to the shareware release of ProAsm 1.74

                   Copyright © 1989-1996 by Daniel Weber
                            ProAsm is Shareware

1.74 Release Notes:
ProAsm(TM) Software

These notes address the following topics:
  - The ProAsm Assembler
  - ASX - The ProAsm User Interface
  - ProOpts - The ProAsm Configuration Program
  - Support Libraries
  - ProAsm Software Overview
  - Documentation
  - Author

                           The ProAsm Assembler

The  ProAsm  assembler  is a traditional two pass assembler that emits code
for  the  entire  Motorola  MC68000  Family.  ProAsm is a high performance,
full-featured   assembler   with   enough  powerful  features  to  make  it
appropriate for all assembly tasks.  It produces native 68xxx code, and has
special  directives to enable the selection of the target processor and the
appropriate  code  optimization  for  that processor.  ProAsm supports both
addressing  mode  syntaxes  as defined by Motorola.  Programmers find these
capabilities  of  the  new  syntax  mode  particularly  useful for handling
advanced data structures common to sophisticated application and high level

The  output  produced  by  ProAsm  is  either  an  executable file that can
directly  be  run  under AmigaDOS or the Workbench, object modules that are
compatible with the Amiga standard linker and BLINK (the replacement linker
from  'The  Software  Distillery'),  binary  output  for ROM-able code (for
example),  pre-assembled  files,  or the Motorola S-record format.  Besides
the  normal  output files, ProAsm can also generate four types of auxiliary
output  files which reflect the results of the assembly process:  the error
file  and  the  equate  file,  the  source  listing and the cross-reference

ProAsm  has  a  tremendous number of switchable optimizations including the
multipass  facility to gain an even more optimized code.  ProAsm also has a
very  rich  set of directives including a wide range of synonyms that allow
source  code  written  for  other  assemblers  (Public  Domain software for
example) and the Commodore include files to be assembled.  Included as well
are  directives  to  deal  with  structures,  repeat loops and similar code
elements  very  easily.  Powerful macros with unlimited macro arguments and
many macro directives are available to permit code to be easily and clearly

The  rich  set  of  available  facilities  allows  exact  control  over the
performance  of  the  assembler.   This  control  includes features such as
optimization,  case dependency for symbols, syntax control, and the default
behaviour  of ProAsm to name a few.  More advanced control features such as
precise  code  control  and  selectable  symbol  search  algorithm are also

A   valuable  feature  of  ProAsm  is  the  configuration  file,  which  is
automatically  included in each assembly.  You can customize ProAsm to suit
your  particular  wishes  by  including  commonly  used  macros,  code  and
directives in the configuration file.

No  program  can  be  all  things  to  all  people.  So all assemblers have
limitations  -  ProAsm  tries  to put them as far as possible not to narrow
your  creativity.   This  results in the fact that the most limitations are
just  limited  only  by  available  memory  (line length, macro body, macro
nesting,  macro  arguments, nesting of macro directives, repeat and include
file nesting,...).

This  makes  ProAsm  an ideal assembler for the professional developer, the
high-level  language  programmer  (such  as  C,  Modula,...)  who  want  to
integrate  some  assembly language code into his programs, and the beginner
at assembly language programming.

                               Some Features

  - Completely  written  in  carefully  hand-coded  assembly  language for
    maximum speed.
  - Supports the entire Motorola M68000 Family:
    MC68000, MC68008, MC68010, MC68020, MC68030, MC68040, MC68060, MC68EC020,
    MC68EC030 processors, and the MC68881, MC68882, MC68851 coprocessors.
  - Both  addressing  mode syntax supported as defined by Motorola for the
    M68000  Family.   (The syntax modes can individually be controlled by
    using the  NEWSYNTAX,  OLDSYNTAX  and  RELAX directives.)
  - Five different output file formats:
    executable, linkable, binary, preasm (pre-assembled symbol tables and
    macros), and the Motorola S-record format.
  - Produces Amiga standard object files compatible with the Amiga standard
    linker and BLINK (the replacement linker from 'The Software Distillery').
  - Rich set of optimization possibilities.
  - Multipass optimization to gain more compact code.
  - Powerful macros (and many macro directives). (Unlimited number of macro
    arguments and nesting - limited only by available memory)
  - Configuration file supported to customize ProAsm.
  - Convenience Pseudo-Opcodes: MEA, POP, PUSH, POPM, PUSHM, APOPM, APUSHM.
  - Special directives to allow powerful string-handling.
  - Support of text substitution using textual symbols.
  - Include files supported (unlimited nesting of include files - limited
    only by available memory).
  - Conditional assembly (conditional nesting up to 231 levels possible).
  - Directives to declare initialized data with restricted range
  - Directives to define C-type, BCPL, and OS9-type strings.
  - Supports symbol segmentation.
  - Special directives to change the default behaviour of ProAsm.
  - Structure offset directives allow the declaration of structures easily.
  - Frame offset directives to define stack frame data structures.
  - Repeat loop directives to allow text repetition (unlimited repeat
    nesting - limited only by available memory).
  - Up to 256 different hunks (code, data, and bss).
  - Support of debug information for the executable and linkable output.
    ProAsm generates either a standard or compressed debug hunk format that
    is compatible with the SAS/C.
  - A directive to attach an AmigaDOS comment to the output file.
  - A directive to set the AmigaDOS file protection flags to the output file.
  - Four auxiliary output files can be generated: the listing file, error
    file, equate file, and the cross-reference listing.
  - ProAsm allows the inclusion of binary images.
  - The assembly task priority can be set from within the source file.
  - ProAsm is entirely re-entrant, and can be made resident.
  - A rich set of directives and options to control the assemblers behaviour
    and to ease programming.
  - The standard directives are compatible with the most popular assemblers.
  - Many useful build-in symbols to make programming easier.
  - Comfortable support of relative bases.
  - XPK library system supported.
  - Directives to control the report of information timing.
  - Four selectable symbol search algorithm.
  - (OSV37 & OSV39 and higher hunks supported)
  - Six types of constants provided:
    decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal, floating point, and string.
  - ProAsm (optionally) supports localization for the AmigaOS V38 and higher.
    (German error texts included to the software package).

                            System Requirements

  - Amiga with at least 512KByte of memory needed.
  - Workbench and Kickstart 1.2 or higher required.
  - Fully compatible with the entire Amiga family.

                      ASX - The ProAsm User Interface
ASX  is  a user interface for the ProAsm assembler that is implemented as a
commodity.   Through the use of the commodities.library it can be installed
on any hotkey and fully controlled with the Commodities Exchange program.

ASX  loads  the ProAsm assembler which than can be accessed using the ARexx
interface,  the  asx.library,  or the AppIcon possibility.  The asx.library
and the AppIcon can optionally be enabled or disabled.

The  ARexx  commands  provide  a method of controlling ASX from an external
program.   These  ARexx  commands  can  be  used  to  create  an integrated
programming/development  environment  with  any  application that offers an
ARexx  interface.  For example, a program can be written by a programmer on
its  favourite ARexx equipped texteditor, then an ARexx command can be sent
to ASX to assemble the source code.  Any error messages and warnings of the
assembly  are  stored  by  ASX,  and  using  commands such as NEXTERROR and
PREVERROR  the  texteditor is capable to position the cursor in the line of
the  first  error.  After correcting that error a single keystroke can jump
to  the  next  error,  or  another  keystroke can jump back to the previous

Another  method  of controlling ASX is the use of the optional asx.library.
The  various  functions  that this library offers can be used to design own
user interfaces with ease.

The AppIcon possibility is another visual user interface that allows one or
more  source  file icons to be assembled by just dropping them over the ASX

Frequently  used include files can be loaded residently and managed by ASX.
Such residently loaded include files reduce assembly time since they do not
need to be loaded each time the assembler is called.

Preferred  include file paths can be added to a database that is managed by
ASX.   During  assembly the assembler uses then this database to know where
to look for the include files.

ASX  also  provides  a  feature  called  the source manager, which offers a
possibility  to  manage the current project per hotkey.  Through the use of
an  ARexx  script file the user can easily define the action that has to be
fulfilled  when  an  entry  in the source manager window had been selected.
Almost all shooting matches of the source manager can be set by the user to
his wishes and needs to allow a wide range of flexibility.

For  an  easy  use  of  ASX,  it  comes along with an on-line help feature.
Commodore's AmigaGuide is used to display the help text to the user.

                               Some Features

  - Hotkeys to control ASX.
  - 53 ARexx commands that permits external programs to control ASX.
  - 13 asx.library functions.
  - Workbench 2.0's appicon feature supported.
  - Source manager to manage projects and source codes by a single hotkey.
  - Supports residently loaded include files to reduce assembly speed.
  - Include file paths can be stored in a database to let the assembler
    know where to look for the include files.
  - Context-sensitive on-line help using Commodore's AmigaGuide.
  - Settings can be saved and loaded.
  - Full intuition/gadtools user interface to allow all changes to be done
    using the mouse.
  - Font-sensitive user interface.

                            System Requirements

  - Amiga with at least 512KByte of memory needed.
  - Workbench and Kickstart 2.04 or higher required.
  - Fully compatible with the entire Amiga family.

                ProOpts - The ProAsm Configuration Program
ProOpts  provides a simple method of generating or changing a configuration
file  for  the ProAsm assembler.  Since ProAsm supports configuration files
to  be  loaded  each  time when it is called, the user is able to customize
ProAsm  to suit his particular wishes and needs.  The options for a project
can  be set by clicking on the gadget that corresponds to the option.  Even
options  for  which  the  ProOpts  utility  does  not  have a gadget can be
specified by a special string and listview gadget.

The  generated  configuration  file  is  an  ASCII  file  that contains the
specified options as assembly directives.  It is similar to an include file
except  that it is loaded at the very beginning of each assembly.  There is
no  restriction  on  the  use of as- sembler directives or even code in the
configuration  file.   The  user  can  also  re-edit or add options using a
texteditor.   Previously  generated config files can be loaded into ProOpts
and then be changed to the new option settings.

                               Some Features

  - Configuration can be changed by using the mouse.
  - Generates an assembly language source file.
  - Supports options that have no specific gadget.
  - Menu item to reset all options to their default.
  - Full intuition/gadtools user interface to allow all changes to be done
    using the mouse.
  - Font-sensitive user interface.

                            System Requirements

  - Amiga with at least 512KByte of memory needed.
  - Workbench and Kickstart 2.04 or higher required.
  - Fully compatible with the entire Amiga family.

                             Support Libraries
The  support  libraries  are  not  required  by  ProAsm  or  by  any of its
associated  utilities.   They  can  optionally  be  installed  to  increase
selectively the power and flexibility of ProAsm.

  - proasmlang.library	 - ProAsm localization support library for OS V38
                           and higher.
  - proasmoptim.library  - Library to enlarge ProAsm's optimization dictionary
                           to recognize more possible optimizations.
  - proasmfp.library	 - Library to boost ProAsm's floating-point support.

Please note that the last two libraries are currently not included to the

                         ProAsm Software Overview
Listed and described below is the software provided in this release.


  - Pre2Src	- Converts pre-assembled files into readable source code.
  - ProHunk	- 680x0/688xx Hunk Analyser.
  - Profiler	- Small run-time statistics utility.
  - MMUInfo	- MMU information utility.
  - StripD	- Strips debugging symbols/information from an object file.
  - CLICalc	- CLI calculator.
  - FCalc	- CLI IEEE double precision calculator.
  - FCmp	- File compare utility.
  - Bin2DC	- Converts binary data files into assembler source using the DC.x directive.
  - FD2LVO	- Converts fd files to _LVO equate files.
  - BDiff	- Small binary file compare program.
  - UnBDiff	- Small binary un-diff.
  - Blink	- Replacement linker from 'The Software Distillery'.

                               Source Codes
  - Pro68       - Shell-ASX Interface
  - crypt	- Small encryption program
  - perfmon	- Performance monitor
  - cxchange	- Controls system commodities
  - ...

Routine  files  are  a library of useful routines that provide a simple and
time  saving  method  for  assembly  programming.  Special macros have been
designed  that  ensure  that  only the called routines get assembled.  This
makes the routine files a good foundation for assembly programming.

  - alert.r		- Alert support routines.
  - amigaguide.r	- AmigaGuide support routines.
  - amigaguideasync.r	- Asynchroneous AmigaGuide support.
  - AppIcon.r		- Routines for Workbench 2.0's appicon support.
  - ARexx.r		- For ARexx support.
  - ASLSupport.r	- For support of the ASL file requester.
  - basicmac.r		- Macros for selective routines assembly.
  - commodity.r		- Contains routines for commodity support.
  - configfile.r	- Configuration file support routines.
  - conio.r		- Routines for console window input/output.
  - conoc.r		- Single console window open/close routines.
  - conread.r		- Read routines for the console window.
  - conreadpkt.r	- Read routines for the console window using packets.
  - CRC16.r		- Routines to calculate an Ansi CRC16 checksum.
  - DiskObjectSupport.r	- DiskObject support routines.
  - dosfile.r		- Contains DOS file handling routines.
  - doslib.r		- DOS library open and close routines.
  - easylibrary.r	- Routines to open and close libraries simple.
  - extmsg.r		- External message support routines.
  - GadgetGroupSupport.r - GadgetGroup support routines for use with GTFace.
  - graphicslib.r	- Graphics library open and close routines.
  - gtface.r		- Window handling and gadtools interface routines.
  - gtfdefs.r		- Definitions for GTFace.
  - gtfguido.r		- GUI macros for GTFace.
  - gtfmacros.r		- Macros for GTFace (gadgets and menus).
  - gtfsupport.r	- Various GTFace support routines.
  - gtfsupport_reb.r	- More GTFace support routines
  - gtfxdefs.r		- External definitions for GTFace.
  - intuitionlib.r	- Intuition open and close routines.
  - IntuitionSupport.r	- Routines for the intuition BusyPointer.
  - locale.r		- Support routines for locale (locale.library).
  - locks.r		- Routines for locks, files, and directories.
  - memory.r		- Memory handling routines.
  - numbers.r		- Various routines for number conversion.
  - numbers.mac		- String to number macros.
  - packets.r		- DOS packet handling routines.
  - paraliner.r		- UNIX like parameter line parser.
  - parse.r		- Routines for text parsing.
  - patch.r		- Library function patch routines.
  - ports.r		- Contains ports, signal, and message handling
  - progressbars.r	- Routines to handle progress bars easily.
  - qsort.r		- Quicksort sorting algorithm.
  - readargs.r		- Interface routines to ReadArgs().
  - readrexx.r		- Routines for a passive ARexx port.
  - requester.r		- ASL and REQ file requester routine.
  - reset.r		- Software reboot routine.
  - script.r		- Routines to deal with batches.
  - scrollbars.r	- GTFace appendum for horiz./vert. scrollbars.
  - shortcut.r		- Routine to wait for a shortcut.
  - startup4.r		- Enhanced CLI and Workbench startup code
                          (with detach).
  - string.r		- String support routines.
  - stringmacros.r	- String support macros.
  - structs.r		- Macros for various structures.
  - support.mac		- Support macros.
  - tasks.r		- Some little routines for tasks.
  - tasktricks.r	- More routines for tasks.
  - tooltypes.r		- Routines to get ToolTypes from a Workbench started
  - ToolTypeSupport.r	- ToolType support routines.
  - TypeOfProcessor.r	- Contains routine to determine installed processor and coprocessors.

You find the complete online documentation in the Help/ and the Help/english/
directory of this distribution.

A printed version of the manual with about 320 pages will be available
as soon as possible.

Read the registration.doc or the registration part in the file
for further information about registration and the shareware limitation.

If   you   have   bugreports,   questions,   ideas,  flames  or  complaints
(constructive  criticism is always welcome), or if you just want to contact
me, write or send a letter to:

                        Daniel Weber

        Internet:   (preferred)

        Mail:           Daniel Weber
                        Hoeflistrasse 32
                        CH-8135 Langnau

Contents of dev/asm/proasm174.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  841    1595  52.7% -lh5- c279 Apr 26  1996
[generic]                20566   33720  61.0% -lh5- 334f Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/asx
[generic]                  700    1318  53.1% -lh5- 7a39 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                  841    1595  52.7% -lh5- 68e1 Apr 26  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                22677   22677 100.0% -lh0- 0d81 Apr  7  1992 ProAsm/blink/BLink.lha
[generic]                 1140    1658  68.8% -lh5- ba88 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/blink/
[generic]                 4135    5980  69.1% -lh5- a7a0 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/bdiff
[generic]                 1830    2724  67.2% -lh5- d298 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/Bin2DC
[generic]                 2748    4232  64.9% -lh5- 5f50 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/CLICalc
[generic]                 3364    4624  72.8% -lh5- f5e9 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/FCalc
[generic]                 1523    2216  68.7% -lh5- 739e Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/FCmp
[generic]                 2872    4264  67.4% -lh5- a229 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/FD2LVO
[generic]                 2948    5164  57.1% -lh5- 9217 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/MMUInfo
[generic]                 2512    3684  68.2% -lh5- 88b0 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/pre2src
[generic]                 4142    5884  70.4% -lh5- b6fd Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/profiler
[generic]                11107   16376  67.8% -lh5- 1d2f Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/ProHunk
[generic]                 1743    2528  68.9% -lh5- e5a1 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/StripD
[generic]                 2850    4016  71.0% -lh5- 0e83 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/c/unbdiff
[generic]                 4219   10818  39.0% -lh5- 9b57 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/Catalogs/deutsch/proasmerrors.catalog
[generic]                 3580   11492  31.2% -lh5- 7cf6 Apr  3  1996 ProAsm/Catalogs/
[generic]                 6282   18393  34.2% -lh5- d70e Apr  3  1996 ProAsm/Catalogs/proasmerrors.ct
[generic]                  154     200  77.0% -lh5- c80a Apr  3  1996 ProAsm/env/asx.prefs
[generic]                  850    1595  53.3% -lh5- 918b Apr 26  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                  842    1595  52.8% -lh5- 18b0 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                  764    1052  72.6% -lh5- b05f Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Avail2/avail2
[generic]                 2280    7561  30.2% -lh5- 16fd Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Avail2/avail2.s
[generic]                  844    1595  52.9% -lh5- 8950 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 1576    2372  66.4% -lh5- c4ab Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Crypt/crypt
[generic]                 2593    9233  28.1% -lh5- 4cfa Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/examples/Crypt/crypt.s
[generic]                  848    1595  53.2% -lh5- 200f Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 1322    2012  65.7% -lh5- c05f Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/CXChange/cxchange
[generic]                 2654    9475  28.0% -lh5- 67b0 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/examples/CXChange/cxchange.s
[generic]                  848    1595  53.2% -lh5- c6da Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 1410    2196  64.2% -lh5- b20a Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/CXDemo/cxdemo
[generic]                 1692    5606  30.2% -lh5- 310b Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/CXDemo/cxdemo.s
[generic]                  848    1595  53.2% -lh5- d265 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 1452    2196  66.1% -lh5- ff89 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Fortune/fortune
[generic]                 1939    6835  28.4% -lh5- 27b6 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/examples/Fortune/fortune.s
[generic]                 6001   12595  47.6% -lh5- a1e1 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Fortune/fortune.txt
[generic]                 1242    1725  72.0% -lh5- fc10 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Fortune/
[generic]                  845    1595  53.0% -lh5- 6eab Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 3997    7780  51.4% -lh5- daf7 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/GTFDemo/GTFDemo
[generic]                  837    1347  62.1% -lh5- 15c7 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/GTFDemo/
[generic]                 2617    7558  34.6% -lh5- 91f8 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/examples/GTFDemo/gtfdemo.s
[generic]                  847    1595  53.1% -lh5- 5e5f Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                  136     168  81.0% -lh5- 67d9 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/HelloWorld/HelloWorld
[generic]                  481     950  50.6% -lh5- 9915 Apr 12  1995 ProAsm/examples/HelloWorld/helloworld.s
[generic]                  849    1595  53.2% -lh5- 2f8f Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 2850    4556  62.6% -lh5- 770a Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/PerfMon/perfmon
[generic]                  837    1347  62.1% -lh5- 15c7 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/PerfMon/
[generic]                 6012   20379  29.5% -lh5- 51c5 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/examples/PerfMon/perfmon.s
[generic]                  847    1595  53.1% -lh5- 24e9 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 3046    4872  62.5% -lh5- 0747 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/PerfMon2/perfmon2
[generic]                  837    1347  62.1% -lh5- 15c7 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/PerfMon2/
[generic]                 6258   21095  29.7% -lh5- 9bc8 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/examples/PerfMon2/perfmon2.s
[generic]                  844    1595  52.9% -lh5- e8c7 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 1089    1788  60.9% -lh5- b925 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Pro68/pro68
[generic]                 1741    5766  30.2% -lh5- 6132 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/Pro68/pro68.s
[generic]                  845    1595  53.0% -lh5- bd5b Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                 1475    2336  63.1% -lh5- 43b9 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/ProgressBar/pbtest
[generic]                 2355    7418  31.7% -lh5- 1168 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/ProgressBar/pbtest.s
[generic]                  719    1494  48.1% -lh5- f6c4 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/readme.txt
[generic]                 1280    1753  73.0% -lh5- 59d0 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/examples/
[generic]                  847    1595  53.1% -lh5- 9b1b Apr 26  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                  850    1595  53.3% -lh5- 474b Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                19756   79687  24.8% -lh5- 8978 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/Help/english/
[generic]                 1111    1796  61.9% -lh5- 1866 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/english/
[generic]               127151  478927  26.5% -lh5- 452c Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                 1113    1796  62.0% -lh5- 3c95 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                10079   32786  30.7% -lh5- 9148 Apr 12  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                 1118    1796  62.2% -lh5- c3c2 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                10058   34951  28.8% -lh5- 0ce5 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                 1112    1796  61.9% -lh5- f586 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                 3185    8116  39.2% -lh5- e5ad Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                 1114    1796  62.0% -lh5- b581 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/Help/
[generic]                10928   43812  24.9% -lh5- 6f35 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/include/lvo.s
[generic]                  713    1568  45.5% -lh5- b0c8 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/include/proasm/asx.i
[generic]                 2612    9922  26.3% -lh5- 64e2 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/install
[generic]                  373     723  51.6% -lh5- 3c75 Apr 26  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                  372     723  51.5% -lh5- 2044 Apr 26  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                  513     684  75.0% -lh5- 2853 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/libs/proasm/proasmlang.library
[generic]                65451  113444  57.7% -lh5- 79fa Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/proasm
[generic]                15282   25660  59.6% -lh5- 6834 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/proopts
[generic]                  319     678  47.1% -lh5- 6def Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                 6839   19637  34.8% -lh5- 01d1 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/readme.txt
[generic]                 1276    1753  72.8% -lh5- a5de Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                 2152    6152  35.0% -lh5- d397 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/registration.doc
[generic]                 1277    1753  72.8% -lh5- c6e1 Apr 25  1996 ProAsm/
[generic]                  209     319  65.5% -lh5- 6a18 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/asx/quit.asx
[generic]                 1451    4757  30.5% -lh5- af47 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/asx/SourceManager.rexx
[generic]                  524    1620  32.3% -lh5- 84a8 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ced/FirstError.ced
[generic]                  523    1620  32.3% -lh5- 9f46 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ced/NextError.ced
[generic]                  525    1618  32.4% -lh5- 9792 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ced/PrevError.ced
[generic]                 1111    3836  29.0% -lh5- 7c25 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ced/ProAsm.ced
[generic]                 1232    4290  28.7% -lh5- ef60 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ced/ProAsmSubfile.ced
[generic]                  368     684  53.8% -lh5- 3cab Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/AddASXIncDir.dopus
[generic]                  365     678  53.8% -lh5- 1173 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/AddASXResidents.dopus
[generic]                  361     665  54.3% -lh5- 7713 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/AddASXSource.dopus
[generic]                  492    1023  48.1% -lh5- 5ebe Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/ASXAssemble.dopus
[generic]                  457     877  52.1% -lh5- 7e94 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/dopus2ced.dopus
[generic]                  339     614  55.2% -lh5- db31 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/dopus2edge.dopus
[generic]                  371     701  52.9% -lh5- 47ed Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/RemASXIncDir.dopus
[generic]                  370     698  53.0% -lh5- 85b5 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/RemASXResidents.dopus
[generic]                  365     682  53.5% -lh5- 9284 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus/RemASXSource.dopus
[generic]                  343     647  53.0% -lh5- 96a2 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/AddASXIncDir.dopus
[generic]                  339     641  52.9% -lh5- 60d6 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/AddASXResidents.dopus
[generic]                  336     625  53.8% -lh5- 0c03 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/AddASXSource.dopus
[generic]                  471     977  48.2% -lh5- 0feb Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/ASXAssemble.dopus
[generic]                  541    1086  49.8% -lh5- 51e3 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/dopus2ced.dopus
[generic]                  385     714  53.9% -lh5- 9092 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/dopus2edge.dopus
[generic]                  347     664  52.3% -lh5- 546e Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/RemASXIncDir.dopus
[generic]                  343     660  52.0% -lh5- 3a18 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/RemASXResidents.dopus
[generic]                  340     644  52.8% -lh5- d028 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/dopus_341/RemASXSource.dopus
[generic]                 1306    4359  30.0% -lh5- 301a Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/edge/ProAsm.edge
[generic]                 1160    3404  34.1% -lh5- a18b Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ttx/Assemble.ttx
[generic]                  239     399  59.9% -lh5- ec65 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ttx/Execute.ttx
[generic]                  460    1132  40.6% -lh5- 49c0 Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ttx/KillAllJobs.ttx
[generic]                  605    1433  42.2% -lh5- 177b Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ttx/NextError.ttx
[generic]                  609    1437  42.4% -lh5- 7b8a Apr 29  1996 ProAsm/rexx/ttx/PrevError.ttx
[generic]                 1346    3988  33.8% -lh5- f486 Dec 15  1992 ProAsm/routines/alert.r
[generic]                  815    1895  43.0% -lh5- 49b9 Oct 16  1993 ProAsm/routines/amigaguide.r
[generic]                 1478    4739  31.2% -lh5- 1737 Mar 19  1994 ProAsm/routines/amigaguideasync.r
[generic]                 1847    5783  31.9% -lh5- f873 Mar 31  1994 ProAsm/routines/AppIcon.r
[generic]                 2442    9324  26.2% -lh5- 9fcc Dec 28  1993 ProAsm/routines/ARexx.r
[generic]                 4304   21496  20.0% -lh5- b94c Nov 14  1994 ProAsm/routines/ASLSupport.r
[generic]                  387    1002  38.6% -lh5- a512 Jul 19  1993 ProAsm/routines/basicmac.r
[generic]                 2130    6872  31.0% -lh5- 77c7 Apr 15  1994 ProAsm/routines/commodity.r
[generic]                 2694    9079  29.7% -lh5- df3e Apr  1  1995 ProAsm/routines/configfile.r
[generic]                 3984   13834  28.8% -lh5- 23be Dec 11  1994 ProAsm/routines/conio.r
[generic]                 1095    3826  28.6% -lh5- 254b Nov  3  1992 ProAsm/routines/conoc.r
[generic]                 2086    6486  32.2% -lh5- e6e2 May 25  1993 ProAsm/routines/conread.r
[generic]                 1550    5272  29.4% -lh5- 81a5 Apr  4  1993 ProAsm/routines/conreadpkt.r
[generic]                 1602    4426  36.2% -lh5- 3c61 Aug 17  1995 ProAsm/routines/CRC16.r
[generic]                 1291    5170  25.0% -lh5- e3e1 Apr 11  1993 ProAsm/routines/DiskObjectSupport.r
[generic]                 2459   10267  24.0% -lh5- 1eb1 Aug 17  1995 ProAsm/routines/dosfile.r
[generic]                  793    2675  29.6% -lh5- e5cb Oct 12  1992 ProAsm/routines/doslib.r
[generic]                 3975   14075  28.2% -lh5- 9c9f Nov 15  1994 ProAsm/routines/easylibrary.r
[generic]                  881    2784  31.6% -lh5- 62c3 Jul 10  1995 ProAsm/routines/extmsg.r
[generic]                 1538    5468  28.1% -lh5- 8900 Oct 14  1993 ProAsm/routines/GadgetGroupSupport.r
[generic]                  730    2567  28.4% -lh5- 2f25 Jan 25  1980 ProAsm/routines/graphicslib.r
[generic]                11793   48280  24.4% -lh5- 97b0 Oct 16  1995 ProAsm/routines/gtface.r
[generic]                 1987    5345  37.2% -lh5- fc2d Oct 16  1995 ProAsm/routines/gtfdefs.r
[generic]                 2131    9052  23.5% -lh5- 1f71 Oct 16  1995 ProAsm/routines/gtfguido.r
[generic]                 4209   20314  20.7% -lh5- 269f Oct 16  1995 ProAsm/routines/gtfmacros.r
[generic]                 3274   14409  22.7% -lh5- 2031 Oct 25  1993 ProAsm/routines/gtfsupport.r
[generic]                 2121   10492  20.2% -lh5- 3f17 Oct 18  1993 ProAsm/routines/gtfsupport_REB.r
[generic]                 4603   13337  34.5% -lh5- 1f9f Apr  8  1993 ProAsm/routines/gtfxdefs.r
[generic]                  735    2611  28.2% -lh5- 8a56 Jan 25  1980 ProAsm/routines/intuitionlib.r
[generic]                 1486    5383  27.6% -lh5- 8289 Sep  5  1994 ProAsm/routines/IntuitionSupport.r
[generic]                 1756    4837  36.3% -lh5- 942a Mar 31  1994 ProAsm/routines/locale.r
[generic]                 1776    7674  23.1% -lh5- b19f Apr  4  1994 ProAsm/routines/locks.r
[generic]                 1205    5402  22.3% -lh5- 0a22 May 25  1993 ProAsm/routines/memory.r
[generic]                  895    3162  28.3% -lh5- 4e3e Apr  1  1994 ProAsm/routines/numbers.mac
[generic]                 1606    5732  28.0% -lh5- c122 Nov 16  1994 ProAsm/routines/numbers.r
[generic]                 1193    4774  25.0% -lh5- 6906 Apr  4  1993 ProAsm/routines/packets.r
[generic]                 2154    6238  34.5% -lh5- d5d2 Oct 15  1993 ProAsm/routines/paraliner.r
[generic]                 1335    3740  35.7% -lh5- e6c6 Jul 17  1994 ProAsm/routines/parse.r
[generic]                  890    3360  26.5% -lh5- c2c5 Apr  1  1994 ProAsm/routines/patch.r
[generic]                 1086    3957  27.4% -lh5- a1dd Dec 28  1993 ProAsm/routines/ports.r
[generic]                 1634    5370  30.4% -lh5- 0b89 Apr 20  1995 ProAsm/routines/progressbars.r
[generic]                 1611    3908  41.2% -lh5- 08e3 Aug  5  1994 ProAsm/routines/qsort.r
[generic]                  913    2960  30.8% -lh5- 01fe May 22  1993 ProAsm/routines/readargs.r
[generic]                 1158    3836  30.2% -lh5- cb04 Nov  7  1993 ProAsm/routines/readrexx.r
[generic]                 2021    5823  34.7% -lh5- 0f5f Jul 24  1993 ProAsm/routines/requester.r
[generic]                 2382    6504  36.6% -lh5- f198 Oct 27  1994 ProAsm/routines/reset.r
[generic]                 1004    3703  27.1% -lh5- ae1d Dec 17  1992 ProAsm/routines/script.r
[generic]                 3630   16517  22.0% -lh5- 9cc3 Nov 13  1994 ProAsm/routines/scrollbars.r
[generic]                 1084    3138  34.5% -lh5- 0cbe Jan 11  1980 ProAsm/routines/shortcut.r
[generic]                 5727   18809  30.4% -lh5- f347 Feb  2  1995 ProAsm/routines/startup4.r
[generic]                 1801    7496  24.0% -lh5- dcbd Apr  5  1995 ProAsm/routines/string.r
[generic]                 2158    6736  32.0% -lh5- 50db Nov 12  1993 ProAsm/routines/structs.r
[generic]                 3068   11048  27.8% -lh5- 667f Jul 18  1994 ProAsm/routines/support.mac
[generic]                 2116    6730  31.4% -lh5- d698 Feb  3  1980 ProAsm/routines/tasks.r
[generic]                 3470   15715  22.1% -lh5- 8f6b Apr 15  1995 ProAsm/routines/tasktricks.r
[generic]                 1260    4104  30.7% -lh5- 8997 May 25  1993 ProAsm/routines/tooltypes.r
[generic]                 2549   13018  19.6% -lh5- 33ba Dec 12  1994 ProAsm/routines/ToolTypeSupport.r
[generic]                 3623   10443  34.7% -lh5- 580a Jan  2  1995 ProAsm/routines/TypeOfProcessor.r
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       177 files  603782 1720745  35.1%            May  2  1996
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