Copyright © 1989-1997 by Daniel Weber
ProAsm is Shareware
This is the postscript manual distribution of ProAsm 1.92.
The postscript file is the complete user's manual of the ProAsm assembler
and all associated utilities. It contains about 320 pages and has the proud
size of 1600078 bytes.
You find a shortened version of it in the ProAsm binary distribution splitted
into four AmigaGuide files (,,,
The manual was written using TeX and texinfo. The TeX document will be
included in a future distribution.
You may use PSUtils (pstops, psnup, psselect, psbook) from Angus J. C. Duggan
to reformat the manual. The utilities can be found on the Aminet
ProAsm and associated utility software is copyrighted 1989-1997 by Daniel Weber.
All rights are reserved worldwide. ProAsm is Shareware.
The ProAsm User's Manual is copyrighted 1994-1997 by Daniel Weber and Bryan Ford.
The information, the ProAsm program, and all the associated utilities
are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
The entire risk as to the accuracy of the information herein is assumed by you.
Daniel Weber does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations
regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, the information, the
ProAsm program, or the associated utilities in terms of correctness,
accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. In no event will Daniel
Weber be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages
resulting from any defect in the information, the ProAsm program, or the
associated utilities even if he has been advised of the possibility of such
If you have bugreports, questions, ideas, flames or complaints
(constructive criticism is always welcome), or if you just want to contact
me, write or send a letter to:
Daniel Weber
Internet: (preferred)
Mail: Daniel Weber
Hoeflistrasse 32
CH-8135 Langnau