Update: June 12th '98:
Sorry for the delay, working :)
Added ObtainGIRPort to the ARastPort class (oops!)
Also added operator new and delete to ARastPort which
calls ObtainGIRPort and ReleaseGIRPort.
Made the AFileLock and AFileHandle classes inherit privately
from the AmigaDOS structures because they are BPTRs, not APTRs.
I could have overloaded operator -> and * to handle conversion
between APTR and BPTR, but there is no good reason to do so.
This is still a beta because I'm not sure what to do with
the files I've named with a trailing underscore.
Thanks to Matt Sergeant for testing ASAP with gcc and instructions
for compiling the lines demo with gcc.
Now that we know AmigaDOS 4 is going to be a developer release,
I'll be looking into encapsulating it with ASAP. My initial feeling
is that ASAP should help insulate you from API changes.
What: Zero overhead, inlined C++ wrapper classes for the Amiga API.
A collection of 90 header files, each having one class which derive
from the corresponding Amiga system structure, adding no data members,
only inlined methods which call the corresponding global prototype
substituting the 'this' pointer for the structure pointer.
Why: I'm a C++ programmer, and I think in terms of objects. The Amiga API
is a "flat" API. It helps me, and I hope many of you, to categorize these
functions into "classes" or "categories". Many of you may be concerned about
overhead using these. See below, there is absolutely *no* overhead. There are
several benefits, including fewer bugs, such as CloseWindow(pNotAWindow); Also,
if you want to work with a Window, or RastPort, for instance, you needn't worry
about what include's you need, just:
#include <ASAP/Window.h>
#include <ASAP/RastPort.h>
How: A tool called ClassBuilder which I wrote for this purpose.
When: Part time work started in late January.
How it works: Firstly, there is no run time overhead when your compiler allows
inline optimization. In effect, these are a lot of #define's. As far
as storage is concerned, these classes *are* the Amiga structures.
You can treat these classes 100% as if they were the Amiga structures,
because ultimately, they are.
Consider a structure, "Structure". There are some functions
which operate upon it, for example OpenStructure(Structure *) and
CloseStructure(Structure *). To simplify this for the beginner and
those who grow tired of typing, I write the following code:
class AStructure : public Structure
void Open() { ::OpenStructure(this); }
void Close() { ::CloseStructure(this); }
Now the instance is tied to its methods, and there is less typing.
Also, I have overloaded operator new and delete where desirable.
Now you can create/destroy a window as follows:
AWindow *pThis_Window = new(&The_NewWindow) AWindow;
delete pThis_Window;
instead of:
struct Window *pThis_Window = OpenWindow(&The_NewWindow);
Updates: These have all been compiled, but there might be one or two
logic errors (perhaps in the more obscure classes).
Additional version of the collection with abbreviated names for
those who do not mind aliases for the Amiga API functions.
eg. pThis_Window->Zip(); // instead of pThis_Window->ZipWindow();
Also, default parameters, where the OS defines special parameter
values or they are otherwise meaningful, must be added.
This is coming next.
Future: This collection is fairly comprehensive, but not complete. I'm relying
on you for feedback. Also, this is just phase I. I've got some nice code
built on top of this to allow simple, dynamic IDCMP/Boopsi event handling
(dispatching) which I hope to release some time this summer.
Decompress the archive wherever you wish.
SAS/C: Move the ASAP classes directory into your
cxxinclude directory (sc:cxxinclude)
Storm C: Put the ASAP class directory wherever you want,
only make certain the directory is in your
include path.
The files should be reachable as follows:
#include <ASAP/HeaderName.h>
Note that I have wrappers for the wizard.library and msql.library also.
Thanks to Christophe Sollet for the msql.library, and also to everyone
who has written with encouraging comments.
Please, please email me if you have any problems or suggestions/complaints.
I want to hear from you! :)