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dev/c/ExtractBody372.lha |
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ExtractBody is a small tool useful for MUI applications programmers.
It can extract the BODY chunk from any IFF ILBM file, and save it in
c source format. Then you can include the generated files into your
program to use the MUIC_BodyChunk classes of MUI.
The program generates two files: a code (.c) file, which must be
compiled, and a header (.h) file, which must be included (via the
#include directive) into your c source code.
The names defined into the header file are self-explanatory. There
are also an array containing the image body, and an array containing
the image palette.
ExtractBody takes two arguments: the name of the Iff image file, and
the destination file base name. The destination file name MUST NOT
have any extension, since it is appended by the program. This name
is also used in the defined names, so make sure it is composed only
by numbers and letters.
A little example:
CLI> ExtractBody Work:Images/MyBrush.ilbm Work:Sources/MyBrush
will generate two files in the Work:Sources directory: MyBrush.c
and MyBrush.h. In the header file, all the defined names will have
BODY_MyBrush_ as a prefix.
Currently, there is not a strong error checking during the process,
so please report me any bug. My address is tolaini@freenet.hut.fi,
2:332/113.3 on fidonet, or 39:102/507.3 on amiganet.
This software is FreeWare, but the source remains copyrighted by me.
If you make some ShareWare or Commercial software using ExtractBody,
you are requested to send me a free copy of your software.
Have fun,
Sandro Tolaini
Contents of dev/c/ExtractBody372.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1306 2256 57.9% -lh5- b2b1 Jun 3 1995 ExtractBody
[generic] 1629 5531 29.5% -lh5- acd4 Jun 3 1995 ExtractBody.c
[generic] 875 1754 49.9% -lh5- 356b Aug 31 1995 ReadMe
[generic] 115 174 66.1% -lh5- 24cf Nov 8 1994 scoptions
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 3925 9715 40.4% Dec 26 1995
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