84783 packages online
dev/c/GED_Scripts.lha |
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Short: | Useful ARexx Scripts for C Programming |
Author: | chris mail.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de (Christian Hattemer) |
Uploader: | chris mail riednet wh tu-darmstadt de (Christian Hattemer) |
Type: | dev/c |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-09-22 |
Requires: | GoldED |
Download: | dev/c/GED_Scripts.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/c/GED_Scripts.readme |
Downloads: | 734 |
This is the fourth Release.
Here are some useful ARexx scripts I wrote for GoldED 6, they should
also work with GoldED 4 but I didn't test.
Additionally modified versions of some other plugins are included.
All code has been compiled for 68020.
Put the scripts and the data file where you want and edit line 32
of InsertMethod.rexx to contain the full path to the data file.
Put NewAutodoc and NewStruct in the GoldED scanner directory and add
them to the list in the "Show Functions" window. Remove the old entries
for these datatypes from the list.
Put NewMirror.api in the api directory and add it to the config.
Archive Contents:
This script assumes that you are writing a customclass and the
filename is the name of your class. It takes the name, removes
the .c or .h at the end and inserts it at cursor position.
Inserts a method prototype with the classname already inserted and
the cursor postioned so you can just type the methodname.
Inserts the data file which contains a template for an empty method.
The classname is automatically inserted in the instance data line and
the header line. The cursor is postioned so you can just type the methodname.
Calls GoldED's XREF function with the word under the cursor.
If nothing is found it tries again with an A appended to the end of
the search word.
When using the NewAutodoc Scanner this is obsolete.
Modified version of the autodocslow Scanner included with GoldED.
Looks for formfeeds again to make it work with the MUI Autodocs.
Additionally varargs stubs are only recognized when one of both names
ends with 'A'. This avoids double entries which happened when viewing
Modified version of the struct Scanner.
It also recognizes the MUIP_xxx structures in mui.h, but only if you remove
the space between the struct keyword and the label.
Source is included, if you find out how to fix the problem with the spaces
please mail me.
Modified version of the original mirror.api.
Now also recognizes pairs of [ and ]. Also optimized for speed.
There's also NewMirror.api-Online, if you want to use it rename it to
NewMirror.api first. It will also highlight braces as you type them.
mirro2.api has been removed from this archive since it's obsolete now.
Contents of dev/c/GED_Scripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1242 2670 46.5% -lh5- 9c68 Sep 21 1999 GED_Scripts/GED_Scripts.readme
[generic] 558 1189 46.9% -lh5- 9592 Aug 23 1999 GED_Scripts/InsertClassname.rexx
[generic] 101 107 94.4% -lh5- 7c3b Feb 2 1999 GED_Scripts/InsertMethod.data
[generic] 615 1318 46.7% -lh5- 6929 Dec 20 1998 GED_Scripts/InsertMethod.rexx
[generic] 636 1276 49.8% -lh5- 6201 Jan 12 1999 GED_Scripts/InsertProto.rexx
[generic] 232 480 48.3% -lh5- 4f39 Sep 9 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/defs.h
[generic] 2725 11642 23.4% -lh5- cfb8 Sep 13 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/funcs.c
[generic] 350 1216 28.8% -lh5- 2ba7 Sep 9 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/lib-protos.h
[generic] 1607 4607 34.9% -lh5- 79f5 Sep 9 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/lib.c
[generic] 650 2165 30.0% -lh5- 57b2 Sep 9 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/mirror.api.¶
[generic] 294 536 54.9% -lh5- ae70 Sep 9 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/mirror.api.¶.info
[generic] 112 182 61.5% -lh5- 0c3c Sep 8 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/NewMirror.api.fd
[generic] 1265 3451 36.7% -lh5- cbe9 Sep 9 1999 GED_Scripts/Mirror-Source/tag.s
[generic] 378 512 73.8% -lh5- 15c5 Feb 24 1999 GED_Scripts/NewAutodoc
[generic] 1296 3852 33.6% -lh5- 078b Feb 24 1999 GED_Scripts/NewAutodoc.c
[generic] 1515 2524 60.0% -lh5- 685f Sep 21 1999 GED_Scripts/NewMirror.api
[generic] 1581 2668 59.3% -lh5- 87e8 Sep 21 1999 GED_Scripts/NewMirror.api-Online
[generic] 322 452 71.2% -lh5- eed5 Nov 17 1998 GED_Scripts/NewStruct
[generic] 871 2423 35.9% -lh5- 647a Nov 17 1998 GED_Scripts/NewStruct.c
[generic] 616 1340 46.0% -lh5- a0cb Jan 11 1999 GED_Scripts/Reference.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 16966 44610 38.0% Sep 21 1999
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