84782 packages online
dev/c/SmakeOpts.lha |
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Short: | Configuration program incl. BGUI GUI for SAS/C Smake |
Author: | suamor student.uni-tuebingen.de |
Uploader: | Reinhard Katzmann (suamor student uni-tuebingen de) |
Type: | dev/c |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-04-14 |
Download: | dev/c/SmakeOpts.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/c/SmakeOpts.readme |
Downloads: | 715 |
| SmakeOpts V0.5 BETA 1 |
Attention: This is a still a BETA version. I tested it and found no errors or
Enforcer Hits but I my have not testet all possibilities. If you find any
bugs please let me know about it.
This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The entire risk as to the quality and the performance of this program
is with you. In no event can I be liable to you for damages of any kind
arising out of the use of this program or any part of it's archive, or the
inability to use it.
The main motivation is that scopts does not support smake options so you
would either have to change the preferences every time you want to change
some options in the Editor or you have to make thousands of menus.
The main use of the program will be to call it from a Editor in my opinion,
to set the options and after that the Editor calls smake with the saved
options (it is saved to a file called "smopts").
Of course you won't need this program if you don't use SAS/C 6.x.
SmakeOpts has the following features:
- Runs as well from WB as from CLI (supported by tool types)
- Is able to run on a Public Screen
- uses a GUI created with @{"BGUI" link "BGUI"}
- includes example definition & rexx scripts for BED
- @{"BGUI" link "BGUI"} library included
- Source code included
E-MAIL (prefered):
Reinhard Katzmann
Schellingstraße 41
D - 72072 Tübingen
Listing of archive 'sd0:SmakeOpts.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
993 543 45.3% 14-Apr-96 00:11:50 SmakeOpts.info
993 541 45.5% 14-Apr-96 00:11:50 SmakeOpts/help.info
25446 10297 59.5% 14-Apr-96 00:14:22 SmakeOpts/help/SmakeOpts.guide
1397 619 55.6% 13-Apr-96 23:39:48 SmakeOpts/help/SmakeOpts.guide.info
993 539 45.7% 14-Apr-96 00:11:50 SmakeOpts/libs.info
113612 62298 45.1% 11-Mar-96 21:47:12 SmakeOpts/libs/bgui.library
373 210 43.6% 13-Apr-96 23:05:12 SmakeOpts/rexx/BED/SASC/Build.bed
223 184 17.4% 13-Apr-96 23:32:28 SmakeOpts/rexx/BED/SASC/SetSmakeOpts.bed
15572 8645 44.4% 13-Apr-96 23:28:36 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts
835 393 52.9% 14-Apr-96 00:11:50 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts.info
3593 1580 56.0% 14-Apr-96 00:16:24 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts.readme
1446 554 61.6% 14-Apr-96 00:11:50 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts.readme.info
428 281 34.3% 03-Oct-95 11:28:00 SmakeOpts/src/bgui.lib
456 237 48.0% 13-Apr-96 11:56:58 SmakeOpts/src/Smakefile
23132 5224 77.4% 13-Apr-96 23:26:30 SmakeOpts/src/SmakeOpts.c
19 19 0.0% 13-Apr-96 23:34:54 SmakeOpts/src/smopts
848 443 47.7% 07-Mar-96 16:03:02 SmakeOpts/src/stringpatch.c
3026 492 83.7% 21-Feb-96 14:01:46 SmakeOpts/src/stringpatch.h
272 198 27.2% 13-Apr-96 23:27:56 SmakeOpts/src/stringpatch.o
2403 763 68.2% 13-Apr-96 23:49:48 SmakeOpts/support/BED/SAS_C.dfn.menu
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
196060 94060 52.0% 14-Apr-96 00:17:04 20 files
Contents of dev/c/SmakeOpts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 543 993 54.7% -lh5- 7a5f Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts.info
[generic] 541 993 54.5% -lh5- 863e Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts/help.info
[generic] 10302 25446 40.5% -lh5- 955e Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts/help/SmakeOpts.guide
[generic] 619 1397 44.3% -lh5- 1ba7 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/help/SmakeOpts.guide.info
[generic] 539 993 54.3% -lh5- f6fa Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts/libs.info
[generic] 62298 113612 54.8% -lh5- ce40 Mar 11 1996 SmakeOpts/libs/bgui.library
[generic] 210 373 56.3% -lh5- af0e Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/rexx/BED/SASC/Build.bed
[generic] 184 223 82.5% -lh5- 9821 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/rexx/BED/SASC/SetSmakeOpts.bed
[generic] 8645 15572 55.5% -lh5- a510 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts
[generic] 393 835 47.1% -lh5- f938 Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts.info
[generic] 1582 3593 44.0% -lh5- 218a Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts.readme
[generic] 554 1446 38.3% -lh5- 0318 Apr 14 1996 SmakeOpts/SmakeOpts.readme.info
[generic] 281 428 65.7% -lh5- aba5 Oct 3 1995 SmakeOpts/src/bgui.lib
[generic] 237 456 52.0% -lh5- 8378 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/src/Smakefile
[generic] 5224 23132 22.6% -lh5- f0a0 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/src/SmakeOpts.c
[generic] 19 19 100.0% -lh0- 4df0 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/src/smopts
[generic] 443 848 52.2% -lh5- bf49 Mar 7 1996 SmakeOpts/src/stringpatch.c
[generic] 492 3026 16.3% -lh5- 2e3b Feb 21 1996 SmakeOpts/src/stringpatch.h
[generic] 198 272 72.8% -lh5- 193b Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/src/stringpatch.o
[generic] 763 2403 31.8% -lh5- 4428 Apr 13 1996 SmakeOpts/support/BED/SAS_C.dfn.menu
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 94067 196060 48.0% Apr 14 1996
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