Thomas Aglassinger <agi@giga.or.at>
Ged6indent is an ARexx-script which indents a C-source currently
displayed in GoldEd by using GNUindent.
None; simply does its job.
o GoldEd, release 6.x (http://members.tripod.com/golded/)
o GNUindent (aminet:dev/c/Indent191.lha)
Public Domain.
No responsibilities are taken for trashed sources, damaged Amigas
or any other components or data involved while using ged6indent.
This script is based on material written by Michael Bauer. His
scripts are available from `aminet:dev/c/GEDindent.lha', but
do no longer work with GoldEd, release 6.
An older version of the script that works with GoldEd, release 6,
can be found in `aminet:dev/c/ged6indent.lha'.
There is also a related tool in `aminet:text/edit/Smartindent.lha',
indenting your code online - not only on request like this script.
Maybe you prefer this approach.
Copy the ARexx-script `ged6indent.ged' to `GoldEd:ARexx/', and
build up a new menu entry for it, for example:
COMMAND: GoldEd:Arexx/ged6indent.ged
TYPE : Arexx
OUTPUT : CON:0/2048/384/128/Indent/AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE/SCREEN*
Error messages will then appear at the bottom of the front-most
screen, which should be the screen of GoldEd.
By default, `indent' will be invoked using options matching the
style GoldEd supports in its initial configuration. If you do not
like this style, you can set an environment variable named
`ged6indent.prefs' with your preferred style, for example:
setenv ged6indent.prefs "-bl -bli0 -i4 -sob -sc -npsl -npcs -lp"
You can add a line like the above to your s:user-startup.
Refer to the manual of indent for the meaning of these options.
In case of `indent' shows up any error messages, a window will open
and display these messages. The source code in the current editor
window remains untouched.
But usually the message reported by `indent' are not of much use.
You better run a compiler on your faulty source code to find out
If you do not want to indent the whole file, but just the function
the cursor currently is on, there is a second script included called
To find the beginning of the current function, it searches backwards
for a `{' at the first column of a line. If found, it searches for
the corresponding `}' and marks the text in between.
This block is written to a temporary file, processed by `indent' and
reloaded again. Because of the block operations, there will be some
flickering on the screen.
Installation and configuration also work as described above.
The version of `indent' included on the Geek Gadgets always opens an
output window on the screen, even if `indent' does not show any
messages. I do not know why exactly, but it seems to be related to
the way ixemul.library handles the `stdout' stream. To avoid this,
use the SAS-compiled port in aminet:dev/c/Indent191.lha.
For `ged6findent.ged' it is important that the first curly brace
(`{') of the function is in the first column of a line. This means,
if you think you have to use a style like
int sepp(char *hugo) {
the script will be unable to determine where the function starts.
Instead, you have to use
int sepp(char *hugo)
to make it work properly.
Because `ged6findent.ged' uses the internal bracket matching
routines of GoldEd, it also has the same quirks. For example,
void sepp(int x)
if (x) {
will not work. This is because bracket matching in GoldEd does not
care about which language the code is written in, and therefore does
not recognise the escaped `\"'.
As a workaround, you can use the global `ged6indent.ged' for code
that contains fragments like the above.
v1.3, 5-Aug-1999
- basically took `ged4indent.lha' and replaced all 4's by 6's
- renamed ged4indent.prefs to ged6indent.prefs; if you are upgrading
from the old v4 script, remember to change a possible `setenv' in
your s:user-startup
- replaced PING/PONG by QUERY LINE/GOTO LINE due to GoldEd6's new
behavior of purging PING-information after loading a file. The
column is not restored anymore. Instead, the cursor jumps to the
beginning of the line (using GOTO INDENT).
- `ged6findent.ged' now restores the find string, so the find
requester does not display a `{' to the user the next time he
wants to search the text.
- added status message "Reformatting..." while script is running
- fixed a typo in one of the requester texts
v1.2, 25-Sep-1997
- added `ged4findent.ged' which indents only the current function
- temporary files are always removed, even in case of error
- cursor position is always restored, even in case of error
v1.1, 11-Jun-1997
- added support for environment variable `ged4indent.prefs'
- indented version is first created in a temporary file, and only
read into editor again if no error occurred
v1.0, 26-Jan-1997
- initial release