84783 packages online
dev/c/mylist14.lha |
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Short: | Support SAS/C linkable lib for data structures. |
Author: | cdemaeyer mmm.com (Chris De Maeyer) |
Uploader: | cdemaeyer mmm com |
Type: | dev/c |
Version: | 1.4 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-01-23 |
Download: | dev/c/mylist14.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/c/mylist14.readme |
Downloads: | 653 |
This distribution contains my linkable SAS/C library supporting various
data structures. Eg. stack, queue, lists, priority queues. All this has
been set up on a generic base with dynamic allocation.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
4061 1295 68.1% 14-Oct-96 10:31:48 +include.info
2025 767 62.1% 10-Oct-96 19:12:28 +btree.h
2778 913 67.1% 10-Oct-96 19:12:32 +dlist.h
2309 863 62.6% 10-Oct-96 19:12:34 +priqueue.h
1792 693 61.3% 10-Oct-96 19:12:36 +queue.h
2714 899 66.8% 10-Oct-96 19:12:38 +slist.h
1750 683 60.9% 10-Oct-96 19:12:40 +stack.h
4061 1294 68.1% 14-Oct-96 10:31:44 +lib.info
11836 4282 63.8% 10-Oct-96 19:14:38 +mylists.l20
11912 4303 63.8% 10-Oct-96 19:14:40 +mylists.lib
35887 7431 79.2% 22-Jan-97 10:51:28 +mylists.doc
1991 1079 45.8% 14-Oct-96 10:31:52 +mylists.doc.info
4061 1291 68.2% 14-Oct-96 10:31:42 +sources.info
2030 543 73.2% 10-Oct-96 19:13:38 +btreetest.c
1793 652 63.6% 10-Oct-96 19:13:42 +dlisttest.c
1769 466 73.6% 10-Oct-96 19:13:42 +priqueuetest.c
1829 438 76.0% 10-Oct-96 19:13:44 +queuetest.c
3616 1160 67.9% 10-Oct-96 19:13:46 +repdupes.c
1473 590 59.9% 10-Oct-96 19:13:46 +slisttest.c
1888 505 73.2% 10-Oct-96 19:13:48 +stacktest.c
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
101575 30147 70.3% 22-Jan-97 10:58:12 20 files
Operation successful.
Contents of dev/c/mylist14.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1295 4061 31.9% -lh5- 4e90 Oct 14 1996 MyLists/include.info
[generic] 767 2025 37.9% -lh5- 490d Oct 10 1996 MyLists/include/btree.h
[generic] 913 2778 32.9% -lh5- 7dab Oct 10 1996 MyLists/include/dlist.h
[generic] 863 2309 37.4% -lh5- b64b Oct 10 1996 MyLists/include/priqueue.h
[generic] 693 1792 38.7% -lh5- c9eb Oct 10 1996 MyLists/include/queue.h
[generic] 899 2714 33.1% -lh5- 1061 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/include/slist.h
[generic] 683 1750 39.0% -lh5- 5e10 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/include/stack.h
[generic] 1294 4061 31.9% -lh5- cdf5 Oct 14 1996 MyLists/lib.info
[generic] 4282 11836 36.2% -lh5- c257 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/lib/mylists.l20
[generic] 4303 11912 36.1% -lh5- 9239 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/lib/mylists.lib
[generic] 7431 35887 20.7% -lh5- adad Jan 22 1997 MyLists/mylists.doc
[generic] 1079 1991 54.2% -lh5- 1051 Oct 14 1996 MyLists/mylists.doc.info
[generic] 1291 4061 31.8% -lh5- 0689 Oct 14 1996 MyLists/sources.info
[generic] 543 2030 26.7% -lh5- 7c29 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/btreetest.c
[generic] 652 1793 36.4% -lh5- 109d Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/dlisttest.c
[generic] 466 1769 26.3% -lh5- 62ce Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/priqueuetest.c
[generic] 438 1829 23.9% -lh5- b7f0 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/queuetest.c
[generic] 1160 3616 32.1% -lh5- c3cb Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/repdupes.c
[generic] 590 1473 40.1% -lh5- 4e77 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/slisttest.c
[generic] 505 1888 26.7% -lh5- 63b9 Oct 10 1996 MyLists/sources/stacktest.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 30147 101575 29.7% Jan 23 1997
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