84782 packages online
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Short: | a disassembler for Pokemon-Mini |
Author: | Jouni "Mr.Spiv" Korhonen, Fabrizio Bartoloni (Morphos port) |
Uploader: | lanch tiscali it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) |
Type: | dev/cross |
Version: | 0.0.6 |
Architecture: | ppc-morphos |
Date: | 2006-02-09 |
Download: | dev/cross/pmdis-mos.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/cross/pmdis-mos.readme |
Downloads: | 1042 |
PMDis v0.06 - a disassembler for Pokemon-Mini
(c) 2004 Jouni 'Mr.Spiv' Korhonen
If you are familiar with Rossi Monitor which was a popular
monitor for Amiga then you will find PMDis very similar in
spirit and usage.
PMDis has a couple of command line options:
<!-- begin example --!>
tromax:pmdis$ ./pmdis
Usage: ./pmdis [-<options>] rom-file
-l n List n lines
-b address ROM base address in hex
-s n Add n bytes of empty space
-S address Start address for dump disassembly
-E address End address for dump disassembly
<!-- end example --!>
-l will define the number of lines that are displayed during
disassembly or memory dump. Default is 20 lines.
-b sets the base address for loaded rom-file.
-s defines how much extra space is added at the end of loaded
rom-file. This is useful when, for example, patching
existing roms and you need to write your own code at the
end of rom. PMDis does not allow accessing memory areas
outside the loaded rom-file. The default is 0.
-S and -E are used in so called dump mode. The dump mode
allows you to disassemble the entire rom at once. For
example if you want to disassemle PM's code
starting from 0x2100 then use options like:
tromax:pmdis$ ./pmdis -b 0 -S 2100 -E 8000 tp-party.min > dump.txt
-S defaults to the start of the rom-file (i.e. base address)
and -E defaults to the end of the rom-file.
At the moment PMDis has few usable command during the
interactive usage. An example:
<!-- begin example --!>
tromax:pmdis$ ./pmdis tp-party.min
Pokemon-Mini aware Disassembler v0.06
(c) 2004 Jouni 'Mr.Spiv' Korhonen
Loaded 524288 (80000h) bytes. Extra space is 0 bytes.
-> h
Quick Command Reference
<CRLF> -> repeat some previous commands without parameters
: address bytes .. -> poke bytes into memory
D -> disasseble starting from previous address
d [address] -> disasseble starting from address
h -> print short command manual
help -> print short command manual
m [address] -> dump memory starting from address
r name start [len] -> read file into rom starting from start
rom -> print PM rom info
w name start end -> save rom between start and end
x -> exit
<!-- end example --!>
: pokes bytes/shorts/longs into the rom. like:
-> : 10 22 _22 1af 123d5
would write following bytes starting from 0x10:
0x22 0x16 0x01 0xaf 0x00 0x01 0x23 0xd5
Note if the number starts with an underscore then PMDis
handles it as a decimal. This rule applies to all numbers
and addresses.
d disassembles nn lines of code starting from address. If you
leave the address out the disassembly continues from where the
disassembly stopped last time.
D re-disassembles the previous disassembly.
m dumps nn lines of memory in hexadecimals and in ascii
formats. If you leave the address out the the dump continues
from where the dump stopped last time.
<CRLF> if you press enter/return after 'd' and 'm' commands
it is handled as 'd' and 'm' commands without the address
h and help displays a short help page.
r reads data file named 'name' into the rom-file starting from
start with optional max length.
rom displays the rom-file information. If the rom-file is a
NGP cart rom then the header structure information get
x exits the PMDis.
w writes rom data between start and end addresses to a file
named 'name'.
Copyright & Distribution:
PMDis is freeware! You go and do what ever you want with these
sources. If you use them for your own projects, please, give
me a credit.
If you happen to e.g. add new commands, please, support the
Pokemon-Mini scene and send them to me and other developers.
History: first public release |
Contents of dev/cross/pmdis-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 17792 52228 34.1% -lh5- 527c Feb 7 11:51 pmdis/pmdis
[generic] 1886 5241 36.0% -lh5- 95e0 Feb 7 12:08 pmdis/pmdis-mos.readme
[generic] 1767 4765 37.1% -lh5- 7969 Jun 7 2004 pmdis/readme.txt
[generic] 121 335 36.1% -lh5- cdb0 Feb 7 11:50 pmdis/sources/.dep
[generic] 4158 17249 24.1% -lh5- d779 May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/disasm.c
[generic] 297 871 34.1% -lh5- bef5 May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/disasm.h
[generic] 356 980 36.3% -lh5- 950d May 25 2004 pmdis/sources/dissasm.h
[generic] 1796 5613 32.0% -lh5- c72d May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/main.c
[generic] 761 1511 50.4% -lh5- 30b4 May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/Makefile
[generic] 976 2695 36.2% -lh5- cde6 Jun 7 2004 pmdis/sources/pm.h
[generic] 619 3635 17.0% -lh5- a25f May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/pmhelper.c
[generic] 431 1167 36.9% -lh5- 9950 Jun 7 2004 pmdis/sources/pmstatics.c
[generic] 785 4217 18.6% -lh5- f033 Jun 5 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_3f.c
[generic] 635 2484 25.6% -lh5- 2ddb May 29 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_40_7f.c
[generic] 883 3711 23.8% -lh5- 6fc6 May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_80_9f.c
[generic] 1019 4134 24.6% -lh5- 61f3 Jun 5 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_a0_df.c
[generic] 1931 11375 17.0% -lh5- a0bf Jun 7 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_ce_cf.c
[generic] 1330 3465 38.4% -lh5- 058e Jun 5 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_disasm.c
[generic] 670 3012 22.2% -lh5- f7bc May 30 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_e0_ff.c
[generic] 1085 5835 18.6% -lh5- 4aa3 May 31 2004 pmdis/sources/pm_fixed.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 39298 134523 29.2% Feb 8 19:50
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