84782 packages online
dev/e/2b_Brush2E.lha |
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Short: | Changes large brushes to E src for MUI (better) |
Author: | bosy plearn.edu.pl |
Uploader: | bosy plearn edu pl (Tomasz Korolczuk) |
Type: | dev/e |
Version: | 1.01 (03.06.98) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-06-05 |
Download: | dev/e/2b_Brush2E.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/e/2b_Brush2E.readme |
Downloads: | 10216 |
This program was fully written by Stefan Stuntz for usage with C
compilers. It was changed to E usage by Hendrik Schulz. I just changed
this program *a little*.
This is normal brush2e tool included in MUI Developer Kit. The standard
version is in some cases unusable, because if You'd like to convert large
(e.g. 20+ kb) brushes to E module, the destination module cannot be
compiled. Then You got to make some modifications (which are VERY
frustrating if You do it a few times... :( in that module, to compile it.
So, I decided to change a little this very useful proggy. A module which
is written now has some other format, but You can use it EXACTLY the same,
as earlier. And You can compile programs with very large bodychunks in
itself :)
Source included.
Program ten jest tylko niewielkâ przeróbkâ orginalnego programu brush2E
doîâczonego do pakietu MUI. W orginale utworzony moduî miaî takâ formë, ûe
kompilator nie mógî sobie poradziê z kompilacjâ, przy wiëkszych braszach.
Teraz format moduîu jest taki, ûe moûna kompilowaê z programem nawet
ogromne obrazki. Uûycie moduîu jest identyczne jak w poprzedniej wersji...
Contents of dev/e/2b_Brush2E.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2609 6144 42.5% -lh5- ba9d Jun 3 1998 Brush2E/brush2e
[generic] 1998 7172 27.9% -lh5- c455 Jun 3 1998 Brush2E/brush2e.e
[generic] 833 1429 58.3% -lh5- 6d70 Jun 3 1998 Brush2E/brush2e.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 5440 14745 36.9% Jun 4 1998
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