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Short:AmigaE Modules for BGUI v41.8
Author: ddutoit at (Dominique Dutoit)
Uploader:ddutoit arcadis be (Dominique Dutoit)
Download:dev/e/BGUI_Ev41_8.lha - View contents


	BGUI is a graphical user interface library, written by Ian J. Einman,
	for the Amiga computer which allows for easy, flexible and fast GUI
	creation. It is based on BOOPSI (Basic Object-Oriented Programming
	System for Intuition) and consists of a single shared library which
	is easy to install.

	- Programmers:

		* BGUI gives you the ability to easily create automatically font
		  sensitive and resizable windows.  You won't use gadtools.library

		* BGUI handles input and notification; your application can almost
		  run by itself.

		* BGUI has been used for many projects, and is well tested and
		  developed. There are many other experienced programmers who can help
		  you get started.

		* BGUI interfaces can adapt to user preferences, and localize

		* BGUI comes with enough object classes to get you going, and third
		  parties have written classes as well.  Example source is included to
		  show you how to write your own.

		* BGUI is free! No license or fees required for shareware or commercial

	- Users:

		* BGUI interfaces are font sensitive, resizable, often localized, and
		  can adjust to your preferences.

		* BGUI has far smaller memory and disk requirements than other GUI
		  systems, while retaining the most important features.

		* Many BGUI applications include everything you need to get started,
		  there is rarely a need to obtain yet another file.

		* BGUI is free!

	This archive contains modules and examples on how to use BGUI with AmigaE.




	See History.


	AmigaE 3.x (v3.2e strongly recommended)

	The lastest BGUI library is available on :


	Note that you must download the lastest library in order to use these modules
	and examples. Or contact me, and I'll send the library.



	- New classes and examples written by Daniel Kasmeroglu.
	- Updated macros.
		o StartMenu - starts a newmenu structure
		o End       - ends a newmenu structure
		  ex : StartMenu,
	- Updated examples.
	- BGUI.library is not included in this archive.


	- New objects and constants for BGUI v41.6.
	- Updated macros.
	- Updated examples.
	- BGUI.library v41.6 for 68000 is included.
	- BGUI.library v41.6 for 68020 is included.
	- A ListView based custom class written in AmigaE
	  by Piotr Gapinski is included.
	- bgui_macros.m is renamed bguim.m.
	- bgui modules are still located in libraries but this
	  may change in the future.


	- New objects and constants for BGUI v41.5.
	- New naming convention.
	- Updated macros.
	- Updated examples.
	- the new BGUI.library is included³.
	- magnify_bgui.gadget included³.
	- palette_bgui.gadget included³.


	- New functions, objects and constants for BGUI v41.4.
	- 2 new examples written in AmigaE (ColorWheel.e and CXDemo.e).


	- New functions, objects and constants for BGUI v41.3
	- Magnify object via a shared library (gadgets/magnify_bgui.gadget)²
	- 12 examples, including BGUIDemo, TestPalette and TestMagnify


	- New objects and constants
	- Five new macros not found in v41.1
	  (GetPathButton, GetFileButton, PopupButton, DisableObject & EnableObject)
	- Palette object via a shared library (gadgets/palette_bgui.gadget)¹
	- Fixed macros for quick creation of menu
	- Three examples written in AmigaE and using new BGUI features


	- First release (only standard modules)
	¹&² Gadgets not included in this archive.
	³ previously not included.


	Original BGUI resources      - Jan van den Baard
	BGUI C headers and libraries - Ian J. Einman (
	BGUI AmigaE modules          - Dominique Dutoit (

	Authors are named in each file.

	Many thanks to Peter Mysliwy and Daniel Kasmerogl for their support.

Contents of dev/e/BGUI_Ev41_8.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  207     349  59.3% -lh5- a58c Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/bgui.m
[generic]                  229     436  52.5% -lh5- 8316 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/gadgets/nlistview_bgui.m
[generic]                  192     318  60.4% -lh5- f27b Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/gadgets/palette_bgui.m
[generic]                  279     484  57.6% -lh5- 6a89 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/gadgets/popbuttonclass.m
[generic]                 9181   24124  38.1% -lh5- 7587 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/libraries/bgui.m
[generic]                 4597   13312  34.5% -lh5- bbdf Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/libraries/bguic.m
[generic]                 4777   19398  24.6% -lh5- 47b7 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/libraries/bguim.m
[generic]                   56      67  83.6% -lh5- 4f88 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/nlistview_bgui.m
[generic]                   47      47 100.0% -lh0- 5c85 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/emodules/palette_bgui.m
[generic]                 1883    6872  27.4% -lh5- ecea Mar  8  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/Area.e
[generic]                 2262   12182  18.6% -lh5- 2816 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/Backdrop.e
[generic]                 1663    7269  22.9% -lh5- b491 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/Colors.e
[generic]                 3110   15623  19.9% -lh5- eb79 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/ColorWheel.e
[generic]                 2093   12797  16.4% -lh5- 17f0 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/CXDemo.e
[generic]                 1222    7918  15.4% -lh5- 43bd Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/dm.e
[generic]                 1212    4940  24.5% -lh5- 3eeb Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/file.e
[generic]                 2048    8048  25.4% -lh5- 2ae9 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/Images.e
[generic]                 1668    8470  19.7% -lh5- b52d Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/List.e
[generic]                 1745    8355  20.9% -lh5- 6a92 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/MultiFont.e
[generic]                 2052    9358  21.9% -lh5- 5682 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/MultiSelect.e
[generic]                 1608    2660  60.5% -lh5- 197f May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/area
[generic]                 1813    4264  42.5% -lh5- f775 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/backdrop
[generic]                 1396    3012  46.3% -lh5- 38b7 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/colors
[generic]                 2195    4132  53.1% -lh5- dbe3 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/colorwheel
[generic]                 1608    3220  49.9% -lh5- d4ac May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/cxdemo
[generic]                 1334    4420  30.2% -lh5- 0ed7 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/dm
[generic]                 2351    7323  32.1% -lh5- da3c Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/PopButton.e
[generic]                 2536    7324  34.6% -lh5- 2574 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/TestPalette.e
[generic]                 2783    7824  35.6% -lh5- 4035 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/viewgroup
[generic]                 4058   21645  18.7% -lh5- f1e4 Mar  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/ViewGroup.e
[generic]                 1433    2964  48.3% -lh5- 958b May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/addbuttons
[generic]                 1727    5435  31.8% -lh5- 1019 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/AddButtons.e
[generic]                 6570   24976  26.3% -lh5- 5417 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/bguidemo
[generic]                 1153    2420  47.6% -lh5- 798c May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/file
[generic]                 1646    2940  56.0% -lh5- db8b May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/images
[generic]                 1404    3052  46.0% -lh5- 5354 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/list
[generic]                 1346    2792  48.2% -lh5- a175 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/multifont
[generic]                 1629    3424  47.6% -lh5- 0178 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/multiselect
[generic]                 2160    4784  45.2% -lh5- 99bb May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/popbutton
[generic]                 1939    4212  46.0% -lh5- fc25 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/testpalette
[generic]                  833    1279  65.1% -lh5- 42e9 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/
[generic]                 3423    5496  62.3% -lh5- 5168 Apr  5  1997 bgui_ev41_8/gadgets/bgui_palette.gadget
[generic]                 4444    7448  59.7% -lh5- e608 Apr  5  1997 bgui_ev41_8/gadgets/bgui_popbutton.gadget
[generic]                 3995    9508  42.0% -lh5- e0df Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/gadgets/nlistview_bgui.gadget
[generic]                 8269   34610  23.9% -lh5- 7182 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/examples/BGUIDemo.e
[generic]                  422     988  42.7% -lh5- 9ad6 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/gadgets/palette_bgui.e
[generic]                  623    1440  43.3% -lh5- e063 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/gadgets/popbuttonclass.e
[generic]                17026   69737  24.4% -lh5- 3c60 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/libraries/bgui.e
[generic]                 6943   29679  23.4% -lh5- bb5d Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/libraries/bguic.e
[generic]                 5022   31115  16.1% -lh5- a054 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/sources/libraries/bguim.e
[generic]                 5510   16878  32.6% -lh5- 8dda Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/bgui.doc
[generic]                 1136    2552  44.5% -lh5- 8bfb Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/buttonclass.doc
[generic]                  406     730  55.6% -lh5- 7018 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/checkboxclass.doc
[generic]                11150   37145  30.0% -lh5- 5aa3 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/listviewclass.doc
[generic]                 2224    5483  40.6% -lh5- 71c8 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/methods.doc
[generic]                 1443    4143  34.8% -lh5- e794 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/mxclass.doc
[generic]                  896    2032  44.1% -lh5- 7b00 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/pageclass.doc
[generic]                  961    2579  37.3% -lh5- 8344 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/progressclass.doc
[generic]                  838    2113  39.7% -lh5- 2fe2 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/propclass.doc
[generic]                  883    2901  30.4% -lh5- 67e1 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/separatorclass.doc
[generic]                  885    2763  32.0% -lh5- a815 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/seperatorclass.doc
[generic]                  826    2263  36.5% -lh5- a899 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/sliderclass.doc
[generic]                11233   35767  31.4% -lh5- c6a1 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/baseclass.doc
[generic]                 2933    9605  30.5% -lh5- 56bf Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/commodityclass.doc
[generic]                 1021    2273  44.9% -lh5- 8b3c Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/cycleclass.doc
[generic]                 1981    5730  34.6% -lh5- 085d Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/externalclass.doc
[generic]                 1260    3328  37.9% -lh5- 4010 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/filereqclass.doc
[generic]                 3566   11208  31.8% -lh5- d1da Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/frameclass.doc
[generic]                 4456   14384  31.0% -lh5- 0e73 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/groupclass.doc
[generic]                  795    2099  37.9% -lh5- 32f7 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/indicatorclass.doc
[generic]                 1469    3660  40.1% -lh5- 1612 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/infoclass.doc
[generic]                 2432    6633  36.7% -lh5- e284 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/labelclass.doc
[generic]                 2705    8183  33.1% -lh5- b777 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/magnifyclass.doc
[generic]                 2222    6189  35.9% -lh5- 22e6 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/paletteclass.doc
[generic]                  289     465  62.2% -lh5- d429 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/docs/nListView_bgui.gadget
[generic]                  235     447  52.6% -lh5- 571b Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/docs/
[generic]                 1021    2484  41.1% -lh5- 34c2 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/docs/nListView_Class.readme
[generic]                  235     447  52.6% -lh5- 571b Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/docs/
[generic]                 1311    3085  42.5% -lh5- 0f87 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/stringclass.doc
[generic]                 1503    4220  35.6% -lh5- d4a2 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/vectorclass.doc
[generic]                10495   31920  32.9% -lh5- 53a0 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/docs/windowclass.doc
[generic]                  235     447  52.6% -lh5- 571b Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/docs/
[generic]                 1342    3344  40.1% -lh5- 0abc Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/docs/nListView_Class.doc
[generic]                 5952   15152  39.3% -lh5- 549f Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/examples/bgui_06
[generic]                 2658    8983  29.6% -lh5- 7d39 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/examples/bgui_06.e
[generic]                 6063   19086  31.8% -lh5- a849 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/examples/nListview_Class_06.e
[generic]                 2476    6464  38.3% -lh5- b6b9 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/examples/nlistview_class_06.m
[generic]                 3895   16429  23.7% -lh5- 3544 Mar 18  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newareaclass/NewAreaClass.e
[generic]                 1904    5098  37.3% -lh5- 0360 Mar 18  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newareaclass/NewAreaClass.m
[generic]                  259     416  62.3% -lh5- b518 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/author.readme
[generic]                 3995    9508  42.0% -lh5- e0df Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/libs/nlistview_bgui.gadget
[generic]                  503    1109  45.4% -lh5- 14fa Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/modules/bgui/nlistview_bgui.e
[generic]                  229     436  52.5% -lh5- 8316 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/modules/bgui/nlistview_bgui.m
[generic]                   56      67  83.6% -lh5- 4f88 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/nlistview_class/modules/nlistview_bgui.m
[generic]                 3261    7972  40.9% -lh5- 554d May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newareaclass/NewAreaTest
[generic]                 2005    8655  23.2% -lh5- 2a0a May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newareaclass/NewAreaTest.e
[generic]                 2201    7983  27.6% -lh5- 9798 Mar 18  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newfieldlistclass/NewFieldListClass.e
[generic]                  979    2152  45.5% -lh5- d5b3 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newfieldlistclass/NewFieldListClass.m
[generic]                 1574    5501  28.6% -lh5- 1feb May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newfieldlistclass/NewStrClass.e
[generic]                  771    1456  53.0% -lh5- d6a8 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newfieldlistclass/NewStrClass.m
[generic]                 3085    7208  42.8% -lh5- 7456 May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newfieldlistclass/UseFieldList
[generic]                 2444   10436  23.4% -lh5- d69c May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/classes/newfieldlistclass/UseFieldList.e
[generic]                 1857    4143  44.8% -lh5- debd May  2  1997 bgui_ev41_8/BGUI_Ev41_8.readme
[generic]                 1603    3496  45.9% -lh5- 8fa1 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/changes41.1.readme
[generic]                 2316    5116  45.3% -lh5- b1b6 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/changes41.2.readme
[generic]                 1579    3723  42.4% -lh5- 61ce Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/changes41.3.readme
[generic]                 2436    5527  44.1% -lh5- d2f8 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/changes41.4.readme
[generic]                 2548    5240  48.6% -lh5- 9128 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/changes41.5.readme
[generic]                 2651    5562  47.7% -lh5- 2081 Apr  4  1997 bgui_ev41_8/changes41.6.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       109 files  273409  878908  31.1%            May  3  1997
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