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dev/misc/VirtualWorlds.lha |
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Virtual Worlds is a new adventure creation system which allows users
to easily create large text and graphic adventures.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Virtual Worlds is shareware, but dont worry. Only 15 uk pounds for registration so I won't be burning massive holes in your pockets.....
Distribute this archive as stated in the documents in the archive.
I made sure that they are very explicit, but basically keep the archive
intact and distribute it and Im happy. Magazines (Disk+Paper(I should be
so lucky) based) magazines, please contact me if you want to distribute
anything/preview/write an article(!) on anything to do with Virtual Worlds,
or even Virtual Software and the Blitz Libraries Ive done - see dev/basic
VS-Includes.lha for them.
Anyway - heres a list of >FEATURES< of VirtualWorlds
- utilises 2.0+ and 3.0+ system enhancements
- Screen font sensitive
- Selectable screen modes OS3.0+
- uses KeyFiles for registerred users
- No programming knowledge required, all event handling is edited via a
point and click interface (basics of which are in this version)
- IFF Anim Support as well as still graphics.
- Population - NPC's that have their own objectives - not in this version
- In-line editing of adventures - ability to edit the adventure whilst you
are actually playing it.
- Requires WB2.0+, 1.0 Meg RAM, Amiga(any model).
- Occassionally works on 1.3 machines - irregularity believed to be due to Blitz
Basic 2, there may be a version that works on OS1.3 in the future.
- uses standard installer to install on hard disk (I hate progs that dont)
- License agreement for distribution of adventures you create
Thats all I can think of for now, but theres bound to be more I forgot, and
others that will creep in by release. Mail me at
or Snail mail me at
Virtual Software
37 Norfolk Road
West Sussex
BN17 5PW
Hope to hear from you soon.....
Mark Tiffany
Contents of dev/misc/VirtualWorlds.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
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[generic] 3240 12435 26.1% -lh5- be75 Dec 1 1994 VW_UnArchived/InstallVW
[generic] 3221 12247 26.3% -lh5- c3ad Oct 30 1994 VW_UnArchived/InstallVW.bak
[generic] 371 733 50.6% -lh5- 376a Oct 30 1994 VW_UnArchived/InstallVW.info
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[generic] 2030 4578 44.3% -lh5- 1b02 Feb 12 1995 VW_UnArchived/Readme.DOC
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[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh5- 0197 Jan 10 1980 VW_UnArchived/VW.info
[generic] 37 37 100.0% -lh0- 266f Jun 11 1994 VW_UnArchived/S/startup-sequence
[generic] 1008 2542 39.7% -lh5- 9d52 Dec 1 1994 VW_UnArchived/Icons/VW_MWB.info
[generic] 538 3021 17.8% -lh5- 57a9 Oct 30 1994 VW_UnArchived/Icons/VW_NORM.info
[generic] 1667 6373 26.2% -lh5- a257 Oct 30 1994 VW_UnArchived/Icons/VWDOC_MWB.info
[generic] 558 2540 22.0% -lh5- d9f8 Dec 1 1994 VW_UnArchived/Icons/VWProject_MWB.info
[generic] 452 1231 36.7% -lh5- 698a Oct 30 1994 VW_UnArchived/Icons/VWProject_NORM.info
[generic] 1050 3620 29.0% -lh5- f8f5 Jan 9 1995 VW_UnArchived/VW/RegistrationForm
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[generic] 244 469 52.0% -lh5- 7b54 Jan 10 1980 VW_UnArchived/VW/RegistrationForm.info
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[generic] 234 463 50.5% -lh5- 5c1d Jan 10 1980 VW_UnArchived/VW/VirtualSoftware.DOC.info
[generic] 87390 90524 96.5% -lh5- cd93 Feb 12 1995 VW_UnArchived/VW/VirtualWorlds
[generic] 529 3012 17.6% -lh5- a8a9 Jan 10 1980 VW_UnArchived/VW/VirtualWorlds.info
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[generic] 1348 10328 13.1% -lh5- c4e5 Feb 12 1995 VW_UnArchived/VW/VW.Gfx
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[generic] 239 469 51.0% -lh5- fe60 Jan 10 1980 VW_UnArchived/VW/VW.Guide.info
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[generic] 417 2842 14.7% -lh5- 08d3 Jan 10 1980 VW_UnArchived/VW/VWRun.info
[generic] 13405 33742 39.7% -lh5- 5bd8 Jan 13 1995 VW_UnArchived/VW/vwsp.guide
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[generic] 22804 40452 56.4% -lh5- 4ee9 Apr 27 1994 VW_UnArchived/ASL/asl204.library
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[generic] 4062 7700 52.8% -lh5- 8c93 Sep 2 1992 VW_UnArchived/Fonts/Times/24
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 41 files 320930 546445 58.7% Feb 14 1995
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