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Short:Developer archive for 3D library WILD
Author: ingpippa at
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Download:dev/misc/WildDEV.lha - View contents

        Update: Html docs, very useful ! And new demos source...
        Note that some files are useless, I have to clean up a bit this archive... sorry...

        That's the first developer material for Wild.
           Here are the sources of the demos.
           I use DevPac for the asm, and gcc (egcs) for the C.
           If you try to re-assemble or re-compile them, probably will be
           difficult... I use some scripts for makefile, and... try, you'll see.
           I included them to be seen, not to be recompiled.
          here are the docs. Now, only wild.doc is present, and is also very
          incomplete. Most of the functions aren't still documented... I'll
            here are the NEW docs, in HTML format !! Tips, coding, and an autodoc-like one...
          here are some help files, to code modules.
          But if you want to code a module, say-me before, I'll send you some
          more info...
         Here are the includes (C and Asm) for WILD.
         They are not complete: some in C are missing, and some asm are missing.
         There are also the inline, made with FD2Pragma.
         More includes are needed for the inlines, you can get in the FD2Pragma
         archive, on aminet.

         Here there are a lot of useless files, most are obsolete, but some are
         needed to recompile the oldest demos: the TestSectors are Sectors made
         in asm, to be included in the source code.
         Some other are misc routines, and even my profiler.library.
         If you find something useful, say me!
         And here are my internal docs, some notes, some projects,... some written
         in english, some in italian. Take care, some ideas are changed, but the
         last ones are quite reliable. Read just for curiosity, not take it serious.

Contents of dev/misc/WildDEV.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  869    1895  45.9% -lh5- 336f May 19  1999 README.developer
[generic]                 1877    4260  44.1% -lh5- cddc May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Animate.txt
[generic]                 1215    2206  55.1% -lh5- 0f46 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Appunti.txt
[generic]                 1957    3925  49.9% -lh5- 1fd2 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Bugs.txt
[generic]                  541     975  55.5% -lh5- 73f6 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Collisioni.txt
[generic]                  723    1444  50.1% -lh5- 843a May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Design.doc
[generic]                 2178    4734  46.0% -lh5- 612d May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/FastTexture.txt
[generic]                  996    1852  53.8% -lh5- 6bf4 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/FileFormat.txt
[generic]                  959    1905  50.3% -lh5- 4ed9 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Format_WABL.txt
[generic]                  123     157  78.3% -lh5- 582d May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Format_WILF.txt
[generic]                 2146    4332  49.5% -lh5- cce5 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/History.txt
[generic]                 1380    3143  43.9% -lh5- 2769 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Loader.txt
[generic]                  678     956  70.9% -lh5- 7fd0 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/
[generic]                  495     986  50.2% -lh5- e314 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/Saver.txt
[generic]                  342     611  56.0% -lh5- 705c May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/WildBuilder.txt
[generic]                  759    1652  45.9% -lh5- 8272 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/WildEngineer.txt
[generic]                 1329    2928  45.4% -lh5- 6d3a May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/WildPrefs.txt
[generic]                  417     694  60.1% -lh5- cd46 May 19  1999 Wild/Appunti/WorkPlan.txt
[generic]                  280     376  74.5% -lh5- e901 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/CoderHelp/ExtensionBase.library
[generic]                  866    1885  45.9% -lh5- b913 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/CoderHelp/ExtensionBase.library.s
[generic]                  445     644  69.1% -lh5- 147d May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/CoderHelp/ModuleBase.library
[generic]                 2174    5335  40.7% -lh5- 85c7 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/CoderHelp/ModuleBase.library.s
[generic]                 1199    2541  47.2% -lh5- 1932 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/CoderHelp/ModuleBase_minimal.library.s
[generic]                 5365   17737  30.2% -lh5- c1af May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/doc-Wild.htm
[generic]                  424     735  57.7% -lh5- 64e0 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/DocTemplate.htm
[generic]                 1478    1478 100.0% -lh0- 25e4 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/images/aliensectors.gif
[generic]                  329     667  49.3% -lh5- 4872 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/images/
[generic]                 2285    2285 100.0% -lh0- b554 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/images/manonship.gif
[generic]                  326     667  48.9% -lh5- 1671 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/images/
[generic]                 2290    5175  44.3% -lh5- b2a6 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/phy-3DWorld.htm
[generic]                 3314    8108  40.9% -lh5- ff3f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/phy-Animation.htm
[generic]                 4385   10985  39.9% -lh5- e218 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/phy-Modules.htm
[generic]                 2300    5034  45.7% -lh5- aff2 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/phy-WildApp.htm
[generic]                 1510    3051  49.5% -lh5- bad2 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/tips-AppCoding.htm
[generic]                 2556    5752  44.4% -lh5- 821a May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Html/tips-ObjectEditor.htm
[generic]                 2139    6939  30.8% -lh5- 5ca4 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Docs/Wild.doc
[generic]                 1861    6009  31.0% -lh5- 35ab May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/Cynetic.s
[generic]                 1847    5977  30.9% -lh5- e8b8 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/Cynetic1.s
[generic]                 1795    5805  30.9% -lh5- d463 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/Cynetic2.s
[generic]                 2160    6753  32.0% -lh5- 454f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/Cynetic3.s
[generic]                 1843    6117  30.1% -lh5- 9fb4 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/Cynetic4.s
[generic]                  662    1024  64.6% -lh5- 7c47 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/fusion256.pal
[generic]                  863    1024  84.3% -lh5- 7335 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/ice256.pal
[generic]                  911    1024  89.0% -lh5- a761 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Cynetik/Various1.pal
[generic]                 1900    5607  33.9% -lh5- 556d May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/DangerousScope.c
[generic]                 1718    3666  46.9% -lh5- 1982 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/DangerousScope.o
[generic]                   78      99  78.8% -lh5- 745b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/debugoutput.h
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/entry.s
[generic]                   93     135  68.9% -lh5- 625c May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/mak
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/DangerousScope/startup.o
[generic]                 1888    6130  30.8% -lh5- 59e9 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/Earth.c
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- 92b5 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/mak
[generic]                80520 1120827   7.2% -lh5- 55f1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/WABLScene/earth.wabl
[generic]                  921    1024  89.9% -lh5- 1bbe May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/WABLScene/images/earth.pal
[generic]                54933  262144  21.0% -lh5- 29a5 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/WABLScene/images/earthmap.chu24
[generic]                44548  262144  17.0% -lh5- 1f15 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/WABLScene/images/more.chu24
[generic]                   65      69  94.2% -lh5- db2b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Earth/WABLScene/ms
[generic]                   78      99  78.8% -lh5- 745b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/debugoutput.h
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/entry.s
[generic]                 2459   10444  23.5% -lh5- 3bf5 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/FountainOfFire.c
[generic]                 2430   10297  23.6% -lh5- 0881 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/FountainOfFire.c.nrot
[generic]                 2457   10443  23.5% -lh5- 41cc May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/FountainOfFire.c.ok
[generic]                 2774    8142  34.1% -lh5- 92de May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/FountainOfFire.o
[generic]                   93     135  68.9% -lh5- 53cc May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/mak
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/startup.o
[generic]                 2173   18190  11.9% -lh5- e7d7 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/WABLScene/fountain.wabl
[generic]                  913    1024  89.2% -lh5- a878 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/WABLScene/images/FountainOfFire.pal
[generic]                53711  249856  21.5% -lh5- f4d8 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/WABLScene/images/Purp_Yel_Blue_Pink.chu24
[generic]                39631   39631 100.0% -lh0- 4dd7 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/FountainOfFire/WABLScene/images/Purp_Yel_Blue_Pink.png
[generic]                   78      99  78.8% -lh5- 745b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/debugoutput.h
[generic]                  980    1466  66.8% -lh5- 878b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/
[generic]                  185     308  60.1% -lh5- e92a May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/entry.s
[generic]                 2315   21513  10.8% -lh5- 79ff May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/InitScene.c
[generic]                 1323    1819  72.7% -lh5- 4b14 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/
[generic]                 2316   21513  10.8% -lh5- 7ba4 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/InitScene.c_old
[generic]                 2285   20179  11.3% -lh5- 2dff May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/InitScene.c_palettes
[generic]                 3681   21984  16.7% -lh5- fc46 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/initscene.o
[generic]                 2153   19314  11.1% -lh5- c696 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/InitScene_reversebsp.c
[generic]                 4276   21341  20.0% -lh5- 4a5e May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/InitScene_reversebsp.o
[generic]                  949    2491  38.1% -lh5- 6760 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/Kube.c
[generic]                 1319    1818  72.6% -lh5- 4b63 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/
[generic]                 1113    2238  49.7% -lh5- 1e91 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/kube.o
[generic]                   81      94  86.2% -lh5- 0069 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/mak
[generic]                   87     104  83.7% -lh5- 5b71 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/makrv
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Kube/startup.o
[generic]                   78      99  78.8% -lh5- 745b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/debugoutput.h
[generic]                  127     160  79.4% -lh5- 2035 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/entry.o
[generic]                  195     311  62.7% -lh5- 0e6e May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/entry.s
[generic]                  800    1938  41.3% -lh5- 24f1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/LoadSave.c
[generic]                  895    1680  53.3% -lh5- 5337 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/loadsave.o
[generic]                  204     321  63.6% -lh5- 718a May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/makefile
[generic]                  686    1530  44.8% -lh5- 3e70 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/startup.c
[generic]                  234     491  47.7% -lh5- f7c6 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/startup.h
[generic]                  322     608  53.0% -lh5- 3ac8 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/LoadSave/startup.o
[generic]                  185     308  60.1% -lh5- e92a May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/entry.o
[generic]                  195     311  62.7% -lh5- 0e6e May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/entry.s
[generic]                  127     160  79.4% -lh5- 2035 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/
[generic]                  112     159  70.4% -lh5- d9f3 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/entry.s
[generic]                   99     127  78.0% -lh5- d2af May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/mak
[generic]                  913    2032  44.9% -lh5- 5329 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/PPCTImageMapping.c
[generic]                  977    1728  56.5% -lh5- afac May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/PPCTImageMapping.o
[generic]                  830    2085  39.8% -lh5- 3879 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/startup.c
[generic]                  237     520  45.6% -lh5- da62 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/startup.h
[generic]                  640    1413  45.3% -lh5- 0164 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/gccold/startup.o
[generic]                  196     401  48.9% -lh5- 226d May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/makefile
[generic]                  988    2380  41.5% -lh5- b086 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/PPCTImageMapping.c
[generic]                  828    1456  56.9% -lh5- 113c May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/PPCTImageMapping.o
[generic]                 1047    2604  40.2% -lh5- 8785 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/PPCTImageMapping_PPC.c
[generic]                 1021    2469  41.4% -lh5- 6460 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/PPCTImageMapping_UsePPC.c
[generic]                  884    1568  56.4% -lh5- 1360 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/PPCTImageMapping_UsePPC.o
[generic]                  839    2085  40.2% -lh5- 7629 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/startup.c
[generic]                  223     496  45.0% -lh5- 1289 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/startup.h
[generic]                  640    1248  51.3% -lh5- 3ef6 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/PPctImageMapping/startup.o
[generic]                   78      99  78.8% -lh5- 745b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/debugoutput.h
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/entry.s
[generic]                   80     102  78.4% -lh5- b20c May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/mak
[generic]                 1261    3248  38.8% -lh5- 62e9 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/SimpleWorld.c
[generic]                 1348    2626  51.3% -lh5- a653 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/simpleworld.o
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/SimpleWorld/startup.o
[generic]                   78      99  78.8% -lh5- 745b May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/debugoutput.h
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/entry.s
[generic]                 1524    6601  23.1% -lh5- 2ef2 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/InitScene.c
[generic]                 2102    6694  31.4% -lh5- ef0e May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/InitScene.o
[generic]                   80     100  80.0% -lh5- 67e5 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/mak
[generic]                 1153    3216  35.9% -lh5- e4c9 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/Single.c
[generic]                 1305    2603  50.1% -lh5- 34b6 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/single.o
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Developer/Examples/src/Single/startup.o
[generic]                  265     595  44.5% -lh5- 2de2 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/displaymodule_protos.h
[generic]                  304     695  43.7% -lh5- f2b0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/drawmodule_protos.h
[generic]                  346     782  44.2% -lh5- 7c5b May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/loadermodule_protos.h
[generic]                  272     568  47.9% -lh5- a450 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/module_protos.h
[generic]                  233     463  50.3% -lh5- e921 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/ppct_protos.h
[generic]                  324     715  45.3% -lh5- 861c May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/savermodule_protos.h
[generic]                  169     279  60.6% -lh5- 07c9 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/vektorial_protos.h
[generic]                  583    1721  33.9% -lh5- 75b2 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/wild_protos.h
[generic]                 1006    1487  67.7% -lh5- b4af May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/
[generic]                  222     586  37.9% -lh5- de0b May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/wildengineer_protos.h
[generic]                  317     720  44.0% -lh5- a445 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/clib/wildprefs_protos.h
[generic]                  445    1651  27.0% -lh5- 275d May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/brokermodule_lib.h
[generic]                  158     369  42.8% -lh5- c259 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  464    1821  25.5% -lh5- fc1d May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/displaymodule_lib.h
[generic]                  160     369  43.4% -lh5- 89d7 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  494    1987  24.9% -lh5- b649 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/drawmodule_lib.h
[generic]                  157     369  42.5% -lh5- 4f38 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  445    1653  26.9% -lh5- 1d98 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/lightmodule_lib.h
[generic]                  159     370  43.0% -lh5- 8802 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  573    2499  22.9% -lh5- 87c3 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/loadermodule_lib.h
[generic]                  162     370  43.8% -lh5- 3bb0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  406    1450  28.0% -lh5- dd78 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/module_lib.h
[generic]                  159     369  43.1% -lh5- 6c13 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  128     338  37.9% -lh5- 6919 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  546    2284  23.9% -lh5- 58f5 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/savermodule_lib.h
[generic]                  161     370  43.5% -lh5- 54d9 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  442    1653  26.7% -lh5- 0fb7 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/tdcoremodule_lib.h
[generic]                  127     338  37.6% -lh5- 5273 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvo/
[generic]                  335    1231  27.2% -lh5- ecaf May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/brokermodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  359    1401  25.6% -lh5- 4dea May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/displaymodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  388    1567  24.8% -lh5- d045 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/drawmodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  335    1233  27.2% -lh5- 6e6f May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/lightmodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  458    1959  23.4% -lh5- 0649 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/loadermodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  303    1030  29.4% -lh5- e382 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/module_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  429    1750  24.5% -lh5- 2404 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/savermodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                  338    1233  27.4% -lh5- 13b0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/tdcoremodule_lib.h
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- de60 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/cLvoPPC/
[generic]                   88     210  41.9% -lh5- 72dd May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Display.i
[generic]                   88     210  41.9% -lh5- 72dd May 19  1999 Wild/Include/DisplaySys.i
[generic]                  429    1010  42.5% -lh5- b9e7 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Extensions/ppct.h
[generic]                  310     721  43.0% -lh5- 6813 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Extensions/ppct.i
[generic]                  102     198  51.5% -lh5- 8a09 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Extensions/ppct_lib.i
[generic]                  127     338  37.6% -lh5- a28d May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Extensions/
[generic]                  120     170  70.6% -lh5- fe2e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Extensions/vektorial.h
[generic]                  341     738  46.2% -lh5- 8cbb May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Extensions/vektorial.i
[generic]                  128     235  54.5% -lh5- fd85 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/brokermodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  126     252  50.0% -lh5- adf7 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/displaymodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  150     300  50.0% -lh5- 0b62 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/drawmodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  127     236  53.8% -lh5- 65e1 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/lightmodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  196     395  49.6% -lh5- eac8 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/loadermodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  980    1510  64.9% -lh5- e5e0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  102     190  53.7% -lh5- 3341 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/module_lib.fd
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  188     325  57.8% -lh5- 3a86 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/ppct_lib.fd
[generic]                  215     473  45.5% -lh5- 13bc May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/ppctppc_lib.fd
[generic]                  182     342  53.2% -lh5- 8187 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/savermodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  129     338  38.2% -lh5- fc52 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  121     225  53.8% -lh5- 93a3 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/tdcoremodule_lib.fd
[generic]                  146     210  69.5% -lh5- a398 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/vektorial_lib.fd
[generic]                  408     960  42.5% -lh5- 2640 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/wild_lib.fd
[generic]                  979    1511  64.8% -lh5- 0c19 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/
[generic]                  142     291  48.8% -lh5- 0ba3 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/wildengineer_lib.fd
[generic]                  151     266  56.8% -lh5- c49e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/wildprefs_lib.fd
[generic]                  107     196  54.6% -lh5- d20a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/FD/wildprefs_lib.i
[generic]                 1967    7798  25.2% -lh5- 6ee4 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/gcc/compiler.h
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 5c66 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/gcc/debug.h
[generic]                  398    1696  23.5% -lh5- 360e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/displaymodule.h
[generic]                  454    1860  24.4% -lh5- 08a4 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/drawmodule.h
[generic]                  563    2329  24.2% -lh5- fc2a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/loadermodule.h
[generic]                  354    1371  25.8% -lh5- 45a1 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/module.h
[generic]                  474    1361  34.8% -lh5- 0f90 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/ppct.h
[generic]                  542    2156  25.1% -lh5- 5b78 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/savermodule.h
[generic]                  295     702  42.0% -lh5- 3fed May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/vektorial.h
[generic]                 1028    5383  19.1% -lh5- c7c8 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/wild.h
[generic]                  981    1467  66.9% -lh5- 4819 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/
[generic]                  488    2207  22.1% -lh5- cf5e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/wildengineer.h
[generic]                  458    1645  27.8% -lh5- e375 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/inline/wildprefs.h
[generic]                  510     999  51.1% -lh5- b793 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Misc/wildengineer.h
[generic]                  698    1419  49.2% -lh5- eaa0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Misc/wildprefs.h
[generic]                  115     190  60.5% -lh5- ed7a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Modules/Display/Window/Window.h
[generic]                  456     878  51.9% -lh5- 2ed5 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Modules/Draw/DrScott/DrScott.h
[generic]                  497    1006  49.4% -lh5- 0ccf May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Modules/Draw/Editor/editor.h
[generic]                  852    4329  19.7% -lh5- fc59 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/pragma/wild_lib.h
[generic]                  732    2308  31.7% -lh5- 1151 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/PyperLibMaker.i
[generic]                 2027    4940  41.0% -lh5- d85a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/PyperMACRO.i
[generic]                   76      76 100.0% -lh0- 281e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/sqrt
[generic]                  247     449  55.0% -lh5- ed4f May 19  1999 Wild/Include/sqrt.s
[generic]                   28      40  70.0% -lh5- 8d08 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Untitled
[generic]                  375    1157  32.4% -lh5- da96 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/wabl/displaywabl.h
[generic]                   37      44  84.1% -lh5- 3493 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/wabl/Untitled
[generic]                  978    2703  36.2% -lh5- ff7a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/wabl/wabl.h
[generic]                 1005    1487  67.6% -lh5- 0dd2 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/wabl/
[generic]                  251    1094  22.9% -lh5- 8a28 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/wabl/wablexts.h
[generic]                  184     394  46.7% -lh5- 88e9 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/allmodules.i
[generic]                 2056    4878  42.1% -lh5- a551 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/animation.h
[generic]                  782    2033  38.5% -lh5- 4736 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/animation.i
[generic]                  141     165  85.5% -lh5- bbec May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker.i
[generic]                  797    1591  50.1% -lh5- fa46 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_scanline.i
[generic]                 1356    2963  45.8% -lh5- 2342 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C1.h
[generic]                 1395    2995  46.6% -lh5- 78db May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C1.i
[generic]                  840    1783  47.1% -lh5- 0ea1 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C2.i
[generic]                  959    2112  45.4% -lh5- d041 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C5.h
[generic]                  913    2006  45.5% -lh5- bdc9 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C5.i
[generic]                  922    2019  45.7% -lh5- eebd May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C5_pasm.i
[generic]                  106     148  71.6% -lh5- f0d3 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/broker_typeA1C7.i
[generic]                  133     180  73.9% -lh5- c575 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display.i
[generic]                  184     324  56.8% -lh5- 8d79 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display_typeB1.h
[generic]                  731    1259  58.1% -lh5- 8513 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display_typeB1.i
[generic]                  185     339  54.6% -lh5- 8dc6 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display_typeB2.h
[generic]                  564     999  56.5% -lh5- 089e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display_typeB2.i
[generic]                  566    1000  56.6% -lh5- 7d56 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display_typeB2_pasm.i
[generic]                  129     211  61.1% -lh5- f8bb May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/display_typeB3.h
[generic]                  184     263  70.0% -lh5- 0b8a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/draw.i
[generic]                   86      93  92.5% -lh5- cb0e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/fx.i
[generic]                  340     712  47.8% -lh5- 4361 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/level.i
[generic]                  109     127  85.8% -lh5- cd37 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/light.i
[generic]                  235     340  69.1% -lh5- d32a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/light_typeA1D1.i
[generic]                  240     339  70.8% -lh5- 4317 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/light_typeA1D2.h
[generic]                  241     360  66.9% -lh5- 63e1 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/light_typeA1D2.i
[generic]                  175     238  73.5% -lh5- ef3c May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/light_typeA1D3.h
[generic]                  182     261  69.7% -lh5- 1fbc May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/light_typeA1D3.i
[generic]                  179     348  51.4% -lh5- a6d9 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/loader.h
[generic]                 1004    1486  67.6% -lh5- d7fb May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                  126     149  84.6% -lh5- 2895 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/loader.i
[generic]                   77      81  95.1% -lh5- c41c May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/macros.h
[generic]                  225     539  41.7% -lh5- d439 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/modules_macros.i
[generic]                  523    1361  38.4% -lh5- fd4e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/modules_refreshtrack.i
[generic]                   88     101  87.1% -lh5- 49a0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/music.i
[generic]                 1022    3982  25.7% -lh5- f01c May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/objects.h
[generic]                 1002    1487  67.4% -lh5- 3624 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                  810    2913  27.8% -lh5- afeb May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/objects.i
[generic]                  157     307  51.1% -lh5- 46d4 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/saver.h
[generic]                   88     101  87.1% -lh5- a06a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/sound.i
[generic]                  934    2909  32.1% -lh5- ec2a May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore.h
[generic]                 1004    1487  67.5% -lh5- 8322 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                 3960    9640  41.1% -lh5- a187 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore.i
[generic]                  995    1472  67.6% -lh5- 69ee May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                 2815    6866  41.0% -lh5- e97f May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore.i.old
[generic]                 3544    8440  42.0% -lh5- 1780 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore_pasm.i
[generic]                 1615    3518  45.9% -lh5- 4bd6 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore_typeA1.h
[generic]                 1676    3543  47.3% -lh5- d2be May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore_typeA1.i
[generic]                 1093    2436  44.9% -lh5- 3a4e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/tdcore_typeA1_pasm.i
[generic]                 3431   10422  32.9% -lh5- 417c May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wild.h
[generic]                 1000    1488  67.2% -lh5- 8101 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                 7455   20258  36.8% -lh5- 3b7e May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wild.i
[generic]                  998    1473  67.8% -lh5- c819 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                 6480   17757  36.5% -lh5- 3510 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                 6065   16518  36.7% -lh5- 27e9 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wild.i.old
[generic]                  274     724  37.8% -lh5- 6091 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wild_lib.i
[generic]                  126     338  37.3% -lh5- 903c May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/
[generic]                 4650   13853  33.6% -lh5- 34a0 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wild_pasm.i
[generic]                   70     120  58.3% -lh5- cef5 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wildlibs.h
[generic]                  459     905  50.7% -lh5- b838 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/Wild/wildMACRO.i
[generic]                  125     332  37.7% -lh5- 1910 May 19  1999 Wild/Include/WildInc.i
[generic]                16217   65536  24.7% -lh5- 50e3 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/256x256_Misc.chu
[generic]                  203     301  67.4% -lh5- 8d1b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/AboutCollisioni.txt
[generic]                 1229    2144  57.3% -lh5- a1bf May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ALGO_PyramidalColorTree
[generic]                  183     229  79.9% -lh5- 8ce8 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ALGO_PyramidalColorTree.bas
[generic]                 2255    6860  32.9% -lh5- 6383 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/AlphaRGBMaker
[generic]                  770    2043  37.7% -lh5- 82c8 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/AlphaRGBMaker.bas
[generic]                  829    5939  14.0% -lh5- f4d9 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/BigPlatform.dxf
[generic]                 2521   25179  10.0% -lh5- fc4d May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/CaveLittleWorld.dxf
[generic]                  412    3567  11.6% -lh5- ac32 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_2base.dxf
[generic]                  440    4200  10.5% -lh5- 2e10 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_3rots.dxf
[generic]                 1401    6720  20.8% -lh5- 9395 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_full.dxf
[generic]                  242    1533  15.8% -lh5- fcc1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_rotator.dxf
[generic]                   46      79  58.2% -lh5- c683 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/DXF/SingleFace.dxf
[generic]                  851    1248  68.2% -lh5- bd7c May 19  1999 Wild/Support/HtmlToGuide
[generic]                  226     319  70.8% -lh5- 1a4a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/HtmlToGuide.bas
[generic]                 1560    3576  43.6% -lh5- c82e May 19  1999 Wild/Support/MakePrefsScripts
[generic]                  689    1650  41.8% -lh5- dfdd May 19  1999 Wild/Support/MakePrefsScripts.bas
[generic]                 1645    7254  22.7% -lh5- dcad May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/BigPlatform1.meta
[generic]                  160     371  43.1% -lh5- bcbf May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/
[generic]                 1583    6963  22.7% -lh5- ff32 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/BigPlatform1.meta.old
[generic]                  626    2250  27.8% -lh5- 33ec May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/BigPlatform2.meta
[generic]                  127     338  37.6% -lh5- 9de1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/
[generic]                  627    2253  27.8% -lh5- ceff May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/BigPlatform2.meta.old
[generic]                 1119    4718  23.7% -lh5- 863b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_2base.meta
[generic]                  128     338  37.9% -lh5- a652 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/
[generic]                  825    3396  24.3% -lh5- f10c May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_2base.meta.old
[generic]                 1397    6618  21.1% -lh5- 93cd May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_3rots.meta
[generic]                  127     338  37.6% -lh5- c5b8 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/
[generic]                 1384    6522  21.2% -lh5- 20ce May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_3rots.meta.old
[generic]                  128     190  67.4% -lh5- 1c41 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_full.meta
[generic]                  619    2225  27.8% -lh5- 692b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_rotator.meta
[generic]                  127     338  37.6% -lh5- c5b8 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/
[generic]                  644    2272  28.3% -lh5- 904d May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Cynematic/Skrumpler/CYN_rotator.meta.old
[generic]                  175     416  42.1% -lh5- 24eb May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Single.meta
[generic]                  126     338  37.3% -lh5- 9fe4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/
[generic]                  108     165  65.5% -lh5- df69 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META/Single.meta.old
[generic]                 4549   16840  27.0% -lh5- ebd7 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META2Wild
[generic]                 1193    3691  32.3% -lh5- 6117 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/META2Wild.BAS
[generic]                12861   55828  23.0% -lh5- 1920 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAEdit
[generic]                 3173   10668  29.7% -lh5- 729b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAEdit.bas
[generic]                 7285   32544  22.4% -lh5- 94f5 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAStuff
[generic]                 2693    7180  37.5% -lh5- 9cfc May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAStuff.bas
[generic]                 2988    7951  37.6% -lh5- 0ce0 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAStuff_a.bas
[generic]                 3359    8740  38.4% -lh5- 20d4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAStuff_b.bas
[generic]                 2960    8355  35.4% -lh5- 6d69 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/METAStuff_c.bas
[generic]                 1847    5256  35.1% -lh5- bec4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/MultiColorDemo
[generic]                  959    2805  34.2% -lh5- 56c8 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/MultiColorDemo.bas
[generic]                  149     199  74.9% -lh5- 886a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/MyDiff/mydiff.c
[generic]                 1306    1798  72.6% -lh5- 3658 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/MyDiff/
[generic]                 2477    6404  38.7% -lh5- 075a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PRECALC_ShadePaletteI
[generic]                  905    1798  50.3% -lh5- f221 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PRECALC_ShadePaletteI.bas
[generic]                 2738    8868  30.9% -lh5- b8d2 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PRECALC_ShadePaletteRGB
[generic]                 1009    2626  38.4% -lh5- 791b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PRECALC_ShadePaletteRGB.bas
[generic]                 2135    7094  30.1% -lh5- 196d May 19  1999 Wild/Support/Profiler.s
[generic]                 1685    5807  29.0% -lh5- a8b0 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/profiler.i
[generic]                 1122    1748  64.2% -lh5- a9d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/profiler.library
[generic]                 2522    7940  31.8% -lh5- 35c3 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/profiler.library.s
[generic]                  284     436  65.1% -lh5- 745a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/test
[generic]                  475    1346  35.3% -lh5- 567e May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/test.s
[generic]                  395     676  58.4% -lh5- bea3 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/testUsingGoodCode
[generic]                  301     832  36.2% -lh5- 6083 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ProfilerLibrary/testUsingGoodCode.s
[generic]                  657    1305  50.3% -lh5- dba4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PyTree+.s
[generic]                  588    1184  49.7% -lh5- 3f3e May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PyTree.s
[generic]                  977    1936  50.5% -lh5- 624f May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PyTreeUse
[generic]                  348     625  55.7% -lh5- bb93 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/PyTreeUse.bas
[generic]                  488     668  73.1% -lh5- 5ccd May 19  1999 Wild/Support/RawKeys
[generic]                 1043    2689  38.8% -lh5- 8c78 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/RawKeys.s
[generic]                 3097    8348  37.1% -lh5- 3aa4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ShadedResize
[generic]                 1117    2377  47.0% -lh5- cfcb May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ShadedResize.bas
[generic]                  642     836  76.8% -lh5- 5cb1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TABLE_CosQ2sen
[generic]                  136     162  84.0% -lh5- be89 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TABLE_CosQ2sen.bas
[generic]                 1301    3260  39.9% -lh5- c1c3 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TABLE_PyTree
[generic]                  730    1917  38.1% -lh5- 7c75 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TABLE_PyTree.bas
[generic]                  737    1048  70.3% -lh5- cad0 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TABLE_SinCos1616
[generic]                  196     256  76.6% -lh5- 9fa6 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TABLE_SinCos1616.bas
[generic]                 1049    6965  15.1% -lh5- e1ac May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Ball.s
[generic]                   76     151  50.3% -lh5- 2218 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/Positions
[generic]                 1496   11353  13.2% -lh5- 03b7 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruBase.sec.s
[generic]                  784    5406  14.5% -lh5- 1a30 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHead.sec.s
[generic]                  867    5796  15.0% -lh5- 99eb May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHeadA.sec.s
[generic]                  865    5766  15.0% -lh5- 8709 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHeadB.sec.s
[generic]                  860    5730  15.0% -lh5- a9ac May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHeadC.sec.s
[generic]                  866    5796  14.9% -lh5- b796 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHeadD.sec.s
[generic]                  866    5766  15.0% -lh5- e7ec May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHeadE.sec.s
[generic]                  860    5730  15.0% -lh5- d620 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruHeadF.sec.s
[generic]                 1670   14701  11.4% -lh5- bb48 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruTre.sec.s
[generic]                 1901   15661  12.1% -lh5- 024e May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruTreA.sec.s
[generic]                 1907   15754  12.1% -lh5- 0ce7 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Cynematic/Skrumpler/SkruTreB.sec.s
[generic]                 1825   16081  11.3% -lh5- 05eb May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Platform.sec.s
[generic]                 2035   16428  12.4% -lh5- 22f4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Platform2.sec.s
[generic]                  893    5550  16.1% -lh5- e9e9 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Platform3.sec.s
[generic]                  392    1244  31.5% -lh5- 8764 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Single.sec.s
[generic]                  492    2074  23.7% -lh5- 9514 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Single2.sec.s
[generic]                 1063    6728  15.8% -lh5- 55a4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Tree.s
[generic]                 1060    6732  15.7% -lh5- 4b51 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Tree2.s
[generic]                 1084    6751  16.1% -lh5- cdcb May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/Tree3.s
[generic]                 1059    6600  16.0% -lh5- 71f6 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/TestSectors/UFO.s
[generic]                 1587    3564  44.5% -lh5- 4bff May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ThreeGradeSolve
[generic]                  801    1880  42.6% -lh5- 75ea May 19  1999 Wild/Support/ThreeGradeSolve.bas
[generic]                  520    2517  20.7% -lh5- 046b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/EditWABL.MUIB
[generic]                  547    1216  45.0% -lh5- 3491 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/
[generic]                 2240    4988  44.9% -lh5- 7a19 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/EditWABLAlien
[generic]                  588    1251  47.0% -lh5- e656 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/EditWABLAlien.c
[generic]                  461     760  60.7% -lh5- a8db May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/EditWABLAlien.o
[generic]                  431     899  47.9% -lh5- 4856 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/guimake.c
[generic]                  276     467  59.1% -lh5- d2a7 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/guimake.o
[generic]                   80     108  74.1% -lh5- cba0 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WABL/editWABLalien/maker
[generic]                  163     236  69.1% -lh5- 9a0e May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/
[generic]                  158     261  60.5% -lh5- 5547 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/callload.o
[generic]                  173     290  59.7% -lh5- 0970 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/callload.s
[generic]                  127     160  79.4% -lh5- 2035 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/entry.s
[generic]                 1496    3120  47.9% -lh5- 7480 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/EX
[generic]                   89     112  79.5% -lh5- 6e5a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/InLineFuncdemo.c
[generic]                   75      94  79.8% -lh5- b1ed May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/InLineFuncdemo.s
[generic]                   73      83  88.0% -lh5- a4a6 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/make
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/startup.o
[generic]                  116     168  69.0% -lh5- 3d7b May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/SwitchDemo.c
[generic]                  146     227  64.3% -lh5- 53c4 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/FirstTry/SwitchDemo.o
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/entry.o
[generic]                  121     138  87.7% -lh5- 1493 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/IO.c
[generic]                   54      54 100.0% -lh0- 1c6a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/IO.h
[generic]                  154     205  75.1% -lh5- 52bc May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/io.o
[generic]                  651    1829  35.6% -lh5- 436c May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/LoadMETA.c
[generic]                  635    1201  52.9% -lh5- 4811 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/LoadMETA.o
[generic]                  667    1888  35.3% -lh5- 00ea May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/Meta.c
[generic]                  521    1506  34.6% -lh5- b8b2 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/Meta.h
[generic]                  656    1309  50.1% -lh5- 07d8 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/meta.o
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/startup.c
[generic]                  650    1412  46.0% -lh5- 492f May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/startup.o
[generic]                  386    1040  37.1% -lh5- baf1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/Strings.c
[generic]                  112     186  60.2% -lh5- 3c3e May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/Strings.h
[generic]                  374     909  41.1% -lh5- f09f May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/Modules/Strings.o
[generic]                  127     160  79.4% -lh5- 2035 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/
[generic]                  124     180  68.9% -lh5- a2d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/entry.o
[generic]                  196     312  62.8% -lh5- 733f May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/entry.s
[generic]                 1939    4368  44.4% -lh5- 74b2 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/EX
[generic]                 1829    4080  44.8% -lh5- 441c May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/ex102
[generic]                   71      83  85.5% -lh5- 9ca0 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/makeb
[generic]                  801    1962  40.8% -lh5- bc04 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/startup.c
[generic]                  580    1184  49.0% -lh5- 665a May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/startup.o
[generic]                  524    1217  43.1% -lh5- 4559 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/textmeta.c
[generic]                  726    1770  41.0% -lh5- 7385 May 19  1999 Wild/Support/WILF/TextMETA/textmeta.o
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 Total       450 files  683536 3290057  20.8%            May 19  1999
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