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Short:PPC!!! New 3D modular library for games.
Author: ingpippa at
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Download:dev/misc/WildUSER.lha - View contents

        Hey! Visit Wild's NEW Home page at:

         Please, I'd like to know if this piece of code hangs on different systems:
         particullary, I'd like to know with "strange" combinations, like PPC+GFXBoards,
         PPC+Warp3D,PPC+CyberGFX,... (note: Warp3D is NOT supported natively on PPC:
         I have 2 amigas, one have GFXBoard, other have PPC: can't test the code for
         W3D+PPC... if someone wants the source to try to compile on PPC, i'll give...)

17/2/99  Yeah, big update !!! PowerPC support !!! Now anything (any module) in wild's
         pipeline can be 68k or PPC coded and it's absolutely the same !! I've also
         written a fully PPC pipeline, but note that is not extremely fast (ok, all
         demos are smooooooooth, and even decent in hires, but the one with a looot
         of polys is a bit slow... BUT: consider i HAVEN'T reached my speed limit on
         ppc (ABSOLUTALY NOT!) infact all is coded in C, and even not so optimized...
         I'm learning ppc asm, if I find out something good to debug a bit I'll do
         better... I've even a lot of algo optims to make, like not to recalc things
         on every frame if they don't modify, ... ...).
         There are even some context-switches, because demos are still 68k... Expect
         something better not so remotely...
         Another feature: the animation engine is now even with rotations, (and have
         even been 100% rewritten, but that's another story...), you'll see in the
         new demo (and even in FountainOfFire...)
         One more feature: new fileformat: WSFF !!! Binary-based, MUCH faster than
         WABL, wich is text-based, expecially in loading: something like 5-10 secs
         for 1MB long file, where WABL needed 5-10 minutes... (argh!). It's even
         smaller, but not so much (but next time will support xpk, so compression
         Ah, the PPC pipeline (written in C) is also available for 68k, so if you have
         problems with the old one (asm-written, fffast but sometimes buggy...)
         you can replace some modules...
         More: lots of fixings... lighting is better, now, and even broker bugs...
         and more I can't remember... see it !
         More ? A new web page, with niicer gfx, and something new...

18/2/99  PLEASE!!! Send me your opinions !!! I need to know if somebody likes
         that piece of code !! If, I may do some improooooooooovements, like
         faaaaaaster moduler for AGA, PPC support (I have a ppc board, but I
         WON'T start coding for PPC if NOBODY will use that !!)

18/2/99  New feature !!! The Animation !!!!! Timed, relative, you just have to
         give some commands and any object will do the action you want !!
         Just for now, the animation is only traslational, so no automatic
         rotation, but that's already planned, probably you'll see veery soon
         in a new release. Now, give a try to my new FountainOfFire demo,
         wich shows a very simple movement (a falling, with a Speed to down, and an
         Acceleration to Up) of Drops, so you will see for the first time a lot
         of objects on screen... enjoy!

10/2/99  Some improvements in the DrScott module (the Warp3D one), so
         now it has the grey light like the others. Note, it's Warp3D1.1 compatible,
         but on Warp3D2.0Beta crashes (on my system) or does strange things.
         Maybe on a CGX4 and Permedia2 system is moe stable, but on CV3D version
         1.1 is better, I think... (and also W3D authors said, somewhere...)
         Please, if you have a Permedia2 board, report-me something !!
         More improvements: some tools made public, and fixed a bit;
         Particullary, Dxf2Wabl is a bit better now, but still needs some handly
         made things to the output WABL files to be seen: Ref definitions and more.
         The Saver module !!!! A new kind of module, wich Saves the current Scene
         (or an alien, an everything) into a file (WABL, now). A demo shows that,
         the LoadSave: you can input the simple.wabl of SimpleWorld and output
         somewhere. NOTE: It's NOT FULLY WORKING, STILL !! Lacks Texture & Palette
         save, and some little hand corrections are needed to have the output file
         work as the input. But you will see a WABL new file.

25/1/99  First, I have an homepage ! Here, you can see the developement of
         wild, and the updates, and the whatelse will come in my mind.
         Wild improvements: some bug and hangs fixed in display.
         New display modules for CGFX, no more bad flashings, I used ScrollVPort 
         method and now I have a smooth triple buffering.
         A cli-based program to set prefs, in Tools/ drawer. You can use direclty,
         or use the scripts in every demo's dir.
         A cli-based program to check if a module is Polite. Please, if you have
         some hangs, try this and report-me something.
         And the BIG new:
         DrScott module, the first featuring Warp3D support !
         Ok, still lacks something, and is a bit buggy (a $0100000F alert after
         execution, is a memcorrupt alert. But I saw the system goes on well,
         probably is some mem lost somewhere), and also probably keeps some
         video mem and after some executions hangs.
         But is just the beginning. 
         Note: now has no Lighting, because I want a GOOD lighting module for that
         before activating it. It's not a missing feature, is a disabled one.
         (note more: if you get only a hang, try to execute the demo programs first
         in the normal CGFX mode, then in the WARP3D mode).
15/1/99  A lot of fixing from last release, wich were very incomplete and buggy.
         That's more stable, and has new fondamental functions: in the new demos
         objects are now hakkfully included in the exe like in the old ones: are
         builded with BuildWildObject() or loaded from a file with LoadWildObject().
         More: textures are loaded from 24bit chunky files and remapped FFASTLY into
         the scene's palette. The GFX aspect of the library is the same, because
         I didn't worked on: I mad more to do.
         Next release will feature a better GFX, I hope...

first:  WILD is a new library to make life easyer to 3D games creators:
        it's a complete 3D engine, really modular (so machine-adaptive,
        and you can also write your own modules) and quite fast (my modules
        are all written in 100% assembly).
        What about features ?
        - 3D engine features:
         - BSP System, with Face entities or Dot entities (2d bitmaps,lens flares,...)
         - A cynematic-like system: ALL the objects are defined by parts,subparts (you
           can define any number and any depth of childs of an object!).
           Every part is defined by you with a 3D orthogonal axis system, with an
           O,I,J,K, defined RELATIVELY to the parent object.
           Pratically: you can define a finger, child of a hand, child or a arm,
           child of a body (child of ??? WHAT MONSTER !!??) and when you move or
           rotate the body, the arm and the hand move transparently. You can move
           everything relatively or absolutely too.
           See Cynematic demos to see that.
         - In a scene you can have a lot of lights, and some drawmodules will feature
           also colorful lights.
        - GFX engine:
         - the current modules (but more will come soon) feature:
          - flat or gouraud shading illumination (lights calced in angular & distance mode).
          - texture mapping (linear, now).
          - support for CGFX.
         - color lights. (i have a method, very fast, but no time now to code (sorry, soon!!))
         - better&faster modules (these are quite alpha...)
         - some fileformats for levels, and a Loader module (you will see
           in this archive some first developements of WABL format, a quite
           simple ASCII format (but POWERFUL)).
         - prefs editor: the library is now ok, but the editor is still beta.
         - the engineer system, quite beta now: checks the compatibility of the engine
           (now is not checked) and will auto-repair it, in a quite near future.

        - FUTURE FEATURES (if somebody will use that lib...)
         - PPC support, when (and if) i will get a PPC card (or a PPC Boxer). (not
           so far !)
         - better gfx, better everything.
         - i'm projecting the Animation part, with Actions: you will say to your
           little man: "Walk" and he will walk,"Kick", and will Kick,"Open your
           hand", and will do. Or, shot a bullet, and the bullet will go, until it's
           gravity makes him fall.
        Q: Why did you started writing WILD !?
        A: Wild is thinked to make life easyer to game-developers: in the future,
           it will probably support even 3d cards (cybervision64/3d,bvision,
           (3dfx !?)). So, when you make a game, you only have to concentrate in
           the playability, and in the design of levels. The 3D engine will be
           provided by WILD, and you will be sure your game will run on virtually
           any Amiga, even future Amigas. 
        Q: But my 3D engine is BETTER THAN YOURS !!
        A: Probably that's true. (now, that's SURE!! (just now!))
           And so why don't you write is as a WILD module and distribute it ?
           (You can even write it and distribute only with you game, or make
            it PD).
        Q: Why are you still writing all this useless Q&A when you just have a
           bunch of crappy code !? GO AND WORKkK!!
        A: Ehm... .. . !
        (GAME-)DEVELOPERS!! If you want to help me (writing a module, or more),
        e-mail me !!! I'll give you everything you need! For game writing, you 
        should wait for a more stable release, with will come (i hope) soon.
        About this archive:
         REMEMBER: Assign WildPJ: <WILDPATH>
                   before using the demos: some need that.

         Libs/ : Contains the wild.library (the master library) and all the
                 sublibs. You have to add this directory to the LIBS: assign,
                 just do:
                 Assign LIBS: <WILDPATH>/Libs/ ADD
         Demos/ : Contains some demos of my library. See the Cynetic ones, there
                  is a quite nice object (but you will also see my too-early bsp
                  tree (wich now adds objects as dots, and not face by face, but
                  i'll add very soon)). 1,2,3 are only sub-variants.
         Images/ : Some images of the Wild logo.
         Prefs/ : A preview of the wild prefs editor, now does nearly nothing.
        Thanks! Pyper.

Contents of dev/misc/WildUSER.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 4732   10963  43.2% -lh5- 2cec May 19  1999 readme
[generic]                  104     126  82.5% -lh5- bc94 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_AGA
[generic]                  100     122  82.0% -lh5- d97a May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_CGFX
[generic]                  102     128  79.7% -lh5- e086 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_FASTTD
[generic]                  110     137  80.3% -lh5- 5253 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_FLAT
[generic]                  116     141  82.3% -lh5- 2b3d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_GOURAUD
[generic]                  118     142  83.1% -lh5- 3c0b May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_HIRES
[generic]                  114     138  82.6% -lh5- d1a2 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_LORES
[generic]                  102     125  81.6% -lh5- 0bf3 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_PPCAGA
[generic]                  134     172  77.9% -lh5- e618 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_PPCFULL
[generic]                   99     126  78.6% -lh5- 76e1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_PPCTD
[generic]                  117     147  79.6% -lh5- dac2 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_PPCTEX
[generic]                   99     124  79.8% -lh5- 8e15 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_SAFETD
[generic]                  116     142  81.7% -lh5- b147 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_TEXTURE
[generic]                  121     152  79.6% -lh5- d1ad May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_WARP3D
[generic]                  115     144  79.9% -lh5- 5fba May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/_SetCynetik_WIRE
[generic]                13470   30632  44.0% -lh5- 79a1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/Cynetik
[generic]                22525  262144   8.6% -lh5- 22dd May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/images/misc.chu24
[generic]                17140   17257  99.3% -lh5- d1cd May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/images/misc.png
[generic]                  432     740  58.4% -lh5- fca1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Cynetik/readme
[generic]                  102     122  83.6% -lh5- 8baf May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_AGA
[generic]                   99     118  83.9% -lh5- 95a0 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_CGFX
[generic]                  101     124  81.5% -lh5- 971f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_FASTTD
[generic]                  108     133  81.2% -lh5- b3af May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_FLAT
[generic]                  113     137  82.5% -lh5- a973 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_GOURAUD
[generic]                  116     138  84.1% -lh5- 91b2 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_HIRES
[generic]                  111     134  82.8% -lh5- 0b95 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_LORES
[generic]                  101     121  83.5% -lh5- e3eb May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_PPCAGA
[generic]                  131     168  78.0% -lh5- 9c8a May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_PPCFULL
[generic]                   97     122  79.5% -lh5- 931f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_PPCTD
[generic]                  115     143  80.4% -lh5- ee18 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_PPCTEX
[generic]                   99     120  82.5% -lh5- 1c4e May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_SAFETD
[generic]                  115     138  83.3% -lh5- bd5f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_TEXTURE
[generic]                  120     148  81.1% -lh5- e7e9 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_WARP3D
[generic]                  114     140  81.4% -lh5- 27a4 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/_SetEarth_WIRE
[generic]                 3439    6400  53.7% -lh5- 9390 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/Earth
[generic]               213037 1004508  21.2% -lh5- 14d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/earth.wsff
[generic]                  336     583  57.6% -lh5- 66e4 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Earth/readme
[generic]                  104     128  81.2% -lh5- da3d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_AGA
[generic]                  101     124  81.5% -lh5- 8573 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_CGFX
[generic]                  102     130  78.5% -lh5- 2020 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_FASTTD
[generic]                  110     139  79.1% -lh5- 2443 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_FLAT
[generic]                  115     143  80.4% -lh5- 6442 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_GOURAUD
[generic]                  118     144  81.9% -lh5- 8514 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_HIRES
[generic]                  114     140  81.4% -lh5- b955 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_LORES
[generic]                  103     127  81.1% -lh5- 59a8 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_PPCAGA
[generic]                  134     174  77.0% -lh5- 1041 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_PPCFULL
[generic]                   99     128  77.3% -lh5- 3d36 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_PPCTD
[generic]                  117     149  78.5% -lh5- 3280 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_PPCTEX
[generic]                  101     126  80.2% -lh5- b030 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_SAFETD
[generic]                  117     144  81.2% -lh5- 7098 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_TEXTURE
[generic]                  122     154  79.2% -lh5- 38c5 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_WARP3D
[generic]                  116     146  79.5% -lh5- 7791 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/_SetFountain_WIRE
[generic]                60890  273576  22.3% -lh5- 2db6 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/fountain.wsff
[generic]                 2827    7884  35.9% -lh5- bc80 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/FountainOfFire
[generic]                  544     943  57.7% -lh5- f911 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/FountainOfFire/readme
[generic]                  101     120  84.2% -lh5- 6533 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_AGA
[generic]                   99     116  85.3% -lh5- e12b May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_CGFX
[generic]                  101     122  82.8% -lh5- 80e3 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_FASTTD
[generic]                  107     131  81.7% -lh5- 8c7d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_FLAT
[generic]                  112     135  83.0% -lh5- 8fe1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_GOURAUD
[generic]                  115     136  84.6% -lh5- db40 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_HIRES
[generic]                  111     132  84.1% -lh5- 4e46 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_LORES
[generic]                  100     119  84.0% -lh5- 827c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_PPCAGA
[generic]                  131     166  78.9% -lh5- 559b May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_PPCFULL
[generic]                   97     120  80.8% -lh5- 1512 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_PPCTD
[generic]                  116     141  82.3% -lh5- 2631 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_PPCTEX
[generic]                   98     118  83.1% -lh5- 7752 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_SAFETD
[generic]                  114     136  83.8% -lh5- 762f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_TEXTURE
[generic]                  120     146  82.2% -lh5- b071 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_WARP3D
[generic]                  113     138  81.9% -lh5- 3323 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/_SetKube_WIRE
[generic]                49162  262144  18.8% -lh5- 338b May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/CANYON.chu24
[generic]                55857   63928  87.4% -lh5- 79a1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/CANYON.IFF
[generic]                  918    1024  89.6% -lh5- 4ac7 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/CANYON.pal
[generic]                42124  262144  16.1% -lh5- 97c8 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/EAGLE.chu24
[generic]                44043   51594  85.4% -lh5- 922e May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/EAGLE.IFF
[generic]                  909    1024  88.8% -lh5- d196 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/EAGLE.pal
[generic]                  920    1024  89.8% -lh5- 44c8 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/Kube.pal
[generic]                21353  192512  11.1% -lh5- 785d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/PY.chu24
[generic]                22576   30638  73.7% -lh5- 14a8 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/PY.IFF
[generic]                  918    1024  89.6% -lh5- cac1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/PY.pal
[generic]                34578  262144  13.2% -lh5- 2cda May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/SUNSET.chu24
[generic]                43534   56454  77.1% -lh5- 4188 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/SUNSET.IFF
[generic]                  909    1024  88.8% -lh5- 54ea May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/SUNSET.pal
[generic]                70381  262144  26.8% -lh5- 6046 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/TIGER.chu24
[generic]                64782   67410  96.1% -lh5- 5cbc May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/TIGER.IFF
[generic]                  921    1024  89.9% -lh5- f820 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/TIGER.pal
[generic]                 8315  262144   3.2% -lh5- 6cc8 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/WILD.chu24
[generic]                 9671   20782  46.5% -lh5- a6e1 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/WILD.IFF
[generic]                  412    1024  40.2% -lh5- 5a25 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/images/WILD.pal
[generic]                 4524   20420  22.2% -lh5- bcb5 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/Kube
[generic]                  394     619  63.7% -lh5- 9cc8 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Kube/readme
[generic]                  168    1024  16.4% -lh5- aad0 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Palette.pal
[generic]                  104     134  77.6% -lh5- a911 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_AGA
[generic]                  102     130  78.5% -lh5- 3740 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_CGFX
[generic]                  102     136  75.0% -lh5- f5b7 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_FASTTD
[generic]                  111     145  76.6% -lh5- 2ad4 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_FLAT
[generic]                  116     149  77.9% -lh5- 95c4 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_GOURAUD
[generic]                  118     150  78.7% -lh5- 2f18 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_HIRES
[generic]                  114     146  78.1% -lh5- dfe7 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_LORES
[generic]                  103     133  77.4% -lh5- 115d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_PPCAGA
[generic]                  135     180  75.0% -lh5- 202b May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_PPCFULL
[generic]                  100     134  74.6% -lh5- 9b2b May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_PPCTD
[generic]                  118     155  76.1% -lh5- ffca May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_PPCTEX
[generic]                  102     132  77.3% -lh5- 121c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_SAFETD
[generic]                  117     150  78.0% -lh5- 949e May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_TEXTURE
[generic]                  125     160  78.1% -lh5- cc92 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_WARP3D
[generic]                  117     152  77.0% -lh5- c211 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/_SetSimpleWorld_WIRE
[generic]                66131  262144  25.2% -lh5- 61b3 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/Images/Fract_Marbl_Stone_Paper.chu24
[generic]                48046   48046 100.0% -lh0- 4463 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/Images/Fract_Marbl_Stone_Paper.png
[generic]                  916    1024  89.5% -lh5- a8d4 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/Images/SimpleWorld.pal
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/Images/Texture00000959.chu24
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/Images/Texture00000B95.chu24
[generic]                  916    1024  89.5% -lh5- a8d4 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/Palette.pal
[generic]                  476     795  59.9% -lh5- db82 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/readme
[generic]                  267     414  64.5% -lh5- 6b7c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/readme.bak
[generic]                 1766   13936  12.7% -lh5- a79c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/simple.wabl
[generic]                 1547    2900  53.3% -lh5- d270 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/SimpleWorld/SimpleWorld
[generic]                  103     124  83.1% -lh5- 798c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_AGA
[generic]                  100     120  83.3% -lh5- 1b71 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_CGFX
[generic]                  101     126  80.2% -lh5- 2ffe May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_FASTTD
[generic]                  109     135  80.7% -lh5- 5b69 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_FLAT
[generic]                  114     139  82.0% -lh5- ddf7 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_GOURAUD
[generic]                  116     140  82.9% -lh5- af61 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_HIRES
[generic]                  112     136  82.4% -lh5- 1665 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_LORES
[generic]                  102     123  82.9% -lh5- c196 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_PPCAGA
[generic]                  133     170  78.2% -lh5- 2f06 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_PPCFULL
[generic]                   98     124  79.0% -lh5- cd95 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_PPCTD
[generic]                  116     145  80.0% -lh5- abb6 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_PPCTEX
[generic]                  100     122  82.0% -lh5- 094c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_SAFETD
[generic]                  116     140  82.9% -lh5- e28d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_TEXTURE
[generic]                  121     150  80.7% -lh5- cd06 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_WARP3D
[generic]                  115     142  81.0% -lh5- f459 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/_SetSingle_WIRE
[generic]                   67    1024   6.5% -lh5- fcb5 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Images/old/single.pal
[generic]                 2485  262144   0.9% -lh5- bb3d May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Images/old/texture.chu24
[generic]                  918    1024  89.6% -lh5- 7980 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Images/single.pal
[generic]                46062  262144  17.6% -lh5- 1d2c May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Images/texture.chu24
[generic]                  712    1024  69.5% -lh5- dd82 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Images/wild/single.pal
[generic]                 2479  262144   0.9% -lh5- e689 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Images/wild/texture.chu24
[generic]                  122     166  73.5% -lh5- f199 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/readme
[generic]                 3045    8220  37.0% -lh5- 2166 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/3D/Single/Single
[generic]                 5187   19616  26.4% -lh5- 6d9f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/Misc/LoadSave/g.wsff
[generic]                  903    1664  54.3% -lh5- 56a5 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/Misc/LoadSave/LoadSave
[generic]                  534     961  55.6% -lh5- cf5f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/Misc/LoadSave/readme
[generic]                  192     298  64.4% -lh5- 20fb May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/Misc/UselessThread/readme
[generic]                  270     380  71.1% -lh5- 687f May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/Misc/UselessThread/UselessThread
[generic]                  580    1278  45.4% -lh5- 8812 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/Misc/UselessThread/UselessThread.s
[generic]                 1231    2340  52.6% -lh5- 1c48 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/PPCT/PPCTImageMapping/PPCTImageMapping
[generic]                  442     796  55.5% -lh5- de3a May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/PPCT/PPCTImageMapping/readme
[generic]                  119     646  18.4% -lh5- 0dec May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/PPCT/PPCTImageMapping/ShowAllWithKubePal
[generic]                  911    1024  89.0% -lh5- a761 May 19  1999 Wild/Demos/PPCT/PPCTImageMapping/Various1.pal
[generic]                  945    1612  58.6% -lh5- 8448 May 19  1999 Wild/Icons/
[generic]                 2148    9927  21.6% -lh5- 2d39 May 19  1999 Wild/Icons/
[generic]                 2094    3431  61.0% -lh5- 9e86 May 19  1999 Wild/Icons/
[generic]                18241   18558  98.3% -lh5- 4869 May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildFinal.png
[generic]                 5414    5440  99.5% -lh5- eed3 May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildFinalLores.png
[generic]                30770   30770 100.0% -lh0- bd79 May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildHand.png
[generic]                 1153    1153 100.0% -lh0- ddbf May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildIcon128.png
[generic]                  512     512 100.0% -lh0- 3aa8 May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildIcon8.png
[generic]                 8018    8233  97.4% -lh5- 87a2 May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildMotion.png
[generic]                 4248    4488  94.7% -lh5- b6f2 May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildNoBlur.png
[generic]                 2158    2170  99.4% -lh5- 84ce May 19  1999 Wild/Images/WildPrefs.png
[generic]                11050   27388  40.3% -lh5- 1f90 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild.library
[generic]                 1722    2376  72.5% -lh5- 078a May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerKollage.library
[generic]                 1890    2576  73.4% -lh5- 88e8 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerMosaic+.library
[generic]                 1851    2536  73.0% -lh5- 6ff7 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerMosaic.library
[generic]                  832    1152  72.2% -lh5- 187b May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerNiX+.library
[generic]                  855    1160  73.7% -lh5- 3b8a May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerNiX.library
[generic]                 1861    3432  54.2% -lh5- 2b55 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerPTiX.library
[generic]                  994    1364  72.9% -lh5- 49a8 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerShiX.library
[generic]                 1219    1744  69.9% -lh5- b2b4 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerTiX+.library
[generic]                 2295    4556  50.4% -lh5- 07ea May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Broker/BrokerWTiX.library
[generic]                 1139    1784  63.8% -lh5- f17d May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayCyberColor.library
[generic]                 1982    3576  55.4% -lh5- 8ee4 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayCyborg.library
[generic]                 1823    3220  56.6% -lh5- e3ec May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayCyborgHi.library
[generic]                 1837    3124  58.8% -lh5- f927 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayPeter&James.library
[generic]                 1912    3928  48.7% -lh5- 1edd May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayTryCyber8.library
[generic]                 2868    6972  41.1% -lh5- abe2 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayTryNoe8.library
[generic]                 2887    5816  49.6% -lh5- 2d7c May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayTryPeJam+.library
[generic]                 1900    3572  53.2% -lh5- c63f May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayTryZkren.library
[generic]                  944    1576  59.9% -lh5- f1a6 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Display/DisplayWindow.library
[generic]                 1494    2224  67.2% -lh5- e598 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawCandy+.library
[generic]                 1524    2172  70.2% -lh5- 950b May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawDragon.library
[generic]                 3340    8520  39.2% -lh5- 7967 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawDrScott.library
[generic]                 1638    3676  44.6% -lh5- d7f7 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawEditor.library
[generic]                 1538    2056  74.8% -lh5- 009f May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawFlat.library
[generic]                 1522    2100  72.5% -lh5- 7b6a May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawFluff.library
[generic]                 2903    6232  46.6% -lh5- e544 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawPowerDragon.library
[generic]                  864    1340  64.5% -lh5- 1967 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawPowerFlat.library
[generic]                 1311    1884  69.6% -lh5- 6617 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawPyperGrey32.library
[generic]                 1429    3360  42.5% -lh5- e39e May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawPyperRGB32.library
[generic]                 2023    5264  38.4% -lh5- a920 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawPyperSolid32.library
[generic]                12634   33796  37.4% -lh5- e1af May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawRoaster.library
[generic]                14101   37116  38.0% -lh5- 3a2f May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawSbima.library
[generic]                  702    1060  66.2% -lh5- b543 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Draw/DrawWire.library
[generic]                  694     952  72.9% -lh5- 288a May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Light/LightFlash.library
[generic]                  781    1084  72.0% -lh5- 6cee May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Light/LightKoton.library
[generic]                  760    1020  74.5% -lh5- c60f May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Light/LightRainbow.library
[generic]                 1139    2092  54.4% -lh5- 8c5b May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Light/LightTorch.library
[generic]                 1393    2972  46.9% -lh5- e83e May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Light/LightWTorch.library
[generic]                 4365    8200  53.2% -lh5- 1993 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Loader/LoaderWABL.library
[generic]                 2539    4508  56.3% -lh5- 9d8a May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Loader/LoaderWSFF.library
[generic]                 2064    4084  50.5% -lh5- c588 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Misc/WildEngineer.library
[generic]                 2834    5688  49.8% -lh5- c5f7 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Misc/WildPrefs.library
[generic]                 1979    3644  54.3% -lh5- e8cf May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/PPct.library
[generic]                 2996    6264  47.8% -lh5- 0f3c May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/PPctppc.library
[generic]                 5254   11340  46.3% -lh5- 08d1 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Saver/SaverWABL.library
[generic]                 2448    4864  50.3% -lh5- 82ae May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Saver/SaverWSFF.library
[generic]                  256     256 100.0% -lh0- 314c May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Tables/CosQ2Sen.table
[generic]                  128     338  37.9% -lh5- 11ad May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Tables/
[generic]                21103   36000  58.6% -lh5- 1125 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Tables/PyTree.table
[generic]                 4367    8192  53.3% -lh5- 43b7 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Tables/SinCos1616.table
[generic]                 4408   11852  37.2% -lh5- 36d6 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/TDCore/TDCoreEvolution.library
[generic]                 3746    9596  39.0% -lh5- 9921 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/TDCore/TDCoreMonkey.library
[generic]                 2486    4624  53.8% -lh5- 4a23 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/TDCore/TDCoreSimplyFast.library
[generic]                 1054    1596  66.0% -lh5- 76b2 May 19  1999 Wild/Libs/wild/Vektorial.library
[generic]                  103     141  73.0% -lh5- 4231 May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/Presets/Flat
[generic]                  104     142  73.2% -lh5- a82d May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/Presets/Gouraud
[generic]                  110     143  76.9% -lh5- 5d08 May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/Presets/Texture
[generic]                   97     135  71.9% -lh5- b15c May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/Presets/Wire
[generic]                 6573   18164  36.2% -lh5- d10e May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/WildPrefs
[generic]                  586    1014  57.8% -lh5- 83ae May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/
[generic]                 1695    1695 100.0% -lh0- 2d25 May 19  1999 Wild/Prefs/wildprefs.png
[generic]                  101     112  90.2% -lh5- 262b May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/CloseWild
[generic]                 5045   10580  47.7% -lh5- 21ed May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/Dxf2Wabl
[generic]                 2205    5144  42.9% -lh5- 3b5a May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/HtmlToGuide
[generic]                  157     186  84.4% -lh5- 6916 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/HtmlToGuide_DIR
[generic]                  157     186  84.4% -lh5- 6916 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/HtmlToGuide_DIR.bak
[generic]                66131  262144  25.2% -lh5- 61b3 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/images/Fract_Marbl_Stone_Paper.chu24
[generic]                48046   48046 100.0% -lh0- 4463 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/images/Fract_Marbl_Stone_Paper.png
[generic]                  916    1024  89.5% -lh5- a8d4 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/images/SimpleWorld.pal
[generic]                13617   42252  32.2% -lh5- 1540 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/ObjectEditor
[generic]                12987   39592  32.8% -lh5- 0bc3 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/ObjectEditor.wrk
[generic]                 2565    5516  46.5% -lh5- efb5 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/PoliteModuleCheck
[generic]                 1137    2592  43.9% -lh5- 23d9 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/SetWildAppPrefs
[generic]                 2548    4932  51.7% -lh5- 83e8 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/ShowWabl
[generic]                 1767   13937  12.7% -lh5- b872 May 19  1999 Wild/Tools/simple.wabl
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       237 files 1411048 5474230  25.8%            May 19  1999
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