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Short:Yet Another Map Editor v0.0b, by CAT/RST!
Author:CAT (Toby Zuijdveld)
Uploader:blaze box net au (Steven Cooke)
Download:dev/misc/YAMEv00b.lha - View contents

      _   _ _  /\___ _   _    //\\__ _   _  /\_ _ /\__/\_ _   /\__/\_  _
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                              is proud to present:

                      Y A M E   v 0 . 0 b   b y   C A T  !

I am, and will be, in no way accountable for any mishap that may occur from
the use of this program.  Nyah.

What is it?
Who likes games such as...  SWIV?  And BoulderDash?  And Lemmings?

Ever wondered how they managed to cram such a HUGELY big level into a 512k
machine?  Look more closely; see the lazy artists used bits of the same
scenery all over the place?

I hate to be the one to tell you, but this wasn't just a boring paintjob.

Maybe it would take up a lot less memory, if the artists drew lots of little
`bits' of the background, and the programmer `pasted' them all over the place.

The programmer could use the same bits in differant places, eg a cloud, could
be placed at the top of the screen, or at the bottom, or on the sides...

OK everyone knows what I'm talking about right?  YAME's a map editor!

But there's so many!
Why another map editor?  Well, cruising around on my local BBS (yes, people
still do that!), the best I could find was MapEd, which didn't support more
than 256 blocks!  I had a rawdata map I wanted to use, and MapEd wouldn't
allow that either.

YAME supports 4 and a half differant types of map layout.  Err.  Sort of :)
              Up to 1024 blocks!
              Saves previews at 5 differant sizes!
              Intuition interface means - EASY TO USE!
              FREEWARE - may be copied freely as long as the contents of this
                         archive remain intact and as whole, no profit must be
                         made for the copying of the archive, magazines, Fred
                         Fish, AmiNet CDs are free to spread this if they so
                         wish.  Commercial releases which use this mapeditor,
                         well, a thankyou letter/maybe a free game would be
                         nice :)

YAME can be run from either CLI or Workbench.  Tooltypes and CLI arguments are
not supported, but the builtin Prefs editor is decent enough :)

The program opens up two windows.  One known as the map window, one as the
block window.

In the map window, you edit the mapdata.  Click the left mouse button to
change the current block co-ordinate to the block you last selected...

In the block window.  Here you click the left mouse button to select a
differant block.

Each window has slider bars which will scroll thru the map/block area,
allowing you to see the whole thing.  Each window is sizeable (only for use
when I get the ScreenModeRequest working! (see Bugs) )

| |-Map         Brings up a requester.  Here you select a map file.  See
| |                     Map Types for more information on the map formats.
| |-Blocks      Here you select an iff file.  Any width and height is
|                       supported.  Each block is cut out to be 16*16 at the
|                       moment.  You should only try to load 2-->256 colour
|                       IFFs for now.
|-Save map
| |-YAME        Saves out the map as the latest YAME format.
| |-FREDIT      Saves out the map in MapEd format (included in archive)
| |-AME         The program for these two formats is also in the archive, but
| |-TAME        incomplete.  I never recieved a complete archive of TAME.
| |-Raw         Saves out in raw format (without a header.)  Not recommended.
| |-Preview     Saves out a preview of your size choice.
|-Preview       Shows a preview of the map.  Asks for differant sizes:
|                       1 - Full size
|                       2 - Half size
|                       3 - Quarter size
|                       4 - Eighth size
|                       5 - Sixteenth size
|-Credits       Brings up a small requester about the program.
|-Quit          Urr...  duh!
|-Prefs         Brings up the preferance window.
|-New           Creates a new map, filled with block 0.

Here you can enter the default x and y sizes (for use with New), the path to
the MapEd.DAT file (for use with Credits), the screenmode and font requestor
(which are both currently disabled.)

Also, the button marked Change save prefs, will ask a few questions relating
to the output of the YAME map files.

Save, Use and Cancel are self-explanitory.

The Prefs will also save out the positions of the block and map windows, for
your convenience.

Map Types
See MapEd and TAME for information on the FREDIT, AME and TAME mapformats.

Please note that the .BLK files used with AME and TAME are not supported by
YAME (getting confused?:), only IFFs are.

  The previews are saved out in IFF format, in the number of colours that are
  currently in use by the program.

  These files contain no header, no x and y sizes, just the mapdata.  Can be
  stored in bytes (128 blocks supported), words (1024 blocks) and longwords
  (same as words for now.)  When loading raw maps, YAME will also ask for an
  offset into the file (to avoid weird headers!)

  These files have a 6 byte header.  I had to guess the first 4 bytes, and
  the last two are a mystery to me!

Offset  Description
  0       Header (word) = $1234
  2       X size (byte)
  3       Y size (byte)
  4-5     ???
  6       Mapdata (words)

  The attribute data is not supported (skipped).  YAME will try and load the
  associating block file(s) straight away if it can find any.

  These files don't have headers.  Datas are stored in differant files, which
  is just plain messy.  YAME first looks for the .Dat file, reads the x and y
  sizes and palette information (and uses it too!), then looks for the .Map
  file, and reads the data.

  These file have an 8 byte header.  Probably my favourite external format,
  it's just so easy and straightforward :)

Offset  Description
  0       Header (4 bytes) = "MAP "
  4       X size (word)
  6       Y size (word)
  8       Mapdata (bytes)

There are plenty of examples of the last 4 formats in the Examples/ drawer
to keep you occupied for a few minutes :)

  Well naturally I had to invent my own standard :) YAME map files are stored
  in IFF format.  Chunks may be stored in any order, but must be of the right
  size.  All chunks need not exist, but BODY chunks MUST be the last chunk
  in the file.  Of course it doesn't make sense to exclude the MAPX and MAPY
  chunks :)

Offset  Size    Chunk name      Description
  0       4                       Header (4 bytes) = "FORM"
  4       4                       Subheader (4 bytes) = "YAME"
          4       VERS            Version information, only of use to YAME.
                                  (2 words)
          108     PATH            Pathname for blocks file.  (108 bytes)
          32      GFXN            Filename for blocks file.  (32 bytes)
          4       MAPX            X size (longword)
          4       MAPY            Y size (longword)
                  BODY            Mapdata (words) stored in across, downwards

Bugs (shock, horror!)
BLITZ!  A common profanity used of late, along with FU...  DGE!

OK most of these problems are overcomable, I just don't know how :)

RTEZScreenModeRequest and RTEZFontRequest don't actually seem to fill my
variables up with new and interesting data, seems to just leave them be

PICreateRequest doesn't fit on a lores screen <grin>

No error checking for statements like Bitmap and Dim means the program will
exit of it's own accord every now and then :)

Things to do
1)  Fix bugs :)
2)  Introduce INFO chunk to YAME map standard, for creator's comments and the
        like.  If anyone can see the point in this, tell me and I'll do it.
3)  Introduce more map formats, if I can get my hands on any.
4)  I need layout information on the Blitz 2 mapeditor .gps and .mapstuff
        files.  Does anyone know this???
5)  Introduce the group function, like in Blitz 2 mapeditor.  Very handy!
6)  Whatever YOU suggest!
7)  Introduce more bugs :)

Thanks go to

(in no particular order)

Commodore, Escom and the hundreds of others for going bankrupt :)
ACID Software for producing the best programming tool ever to walk the Earth.
Nico François for creating his excellent reqtools.library.
Neil O'Rourke for creating his excellent ReqTools and Progress BlitzLibs.
Fabrizio Farenga for MapEd v1.5, for which without YAME would never have been
        born.  Maybe :)
Zaphod for FREDITOR, for which without MapEd would never have been born :)
Anthony Ball for TAME and his really ugly mapformats (but they were based on
        Atari ST programs, so I don't really blame you:)
Tiertex for your map editor, which led Anthony to making AME.
Atari for Gauntlet and Gauntlet 2.
The Bitmap Brothers for Speedball.
Ben Campbell and JS Hong for The Caffiene-Free Diet Shoot-Em-Up :)
Dongleware for Catch Em!  (I only used maps on the coverdisk demo!)
Frank Wille for his Phantasm Map Editor (and the nice example map :)

Contact me
Send all your comments, suggestions, criticisms, help, mapformats and
beautiful women to me c/o: (Ian Hoskins).

That's it!  I think.

Contents of dev/misc/YAMEv00b.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1437    4008  35.9% -lh5- 9b4f Aug 30  1993 examples/freditor/
[generic]                 6637   10096  65.7% -lh5- f085 Apr 22  1991 examples/freditor/CAVE.IFF
[generic]                16448   25846  63.6% -lh5- 3ff2 Apr 22  1991 examples/freditor/GAUNTLED.IFF
[generic]                  285    1164  24.5% -lh5- 40a3 Sep  4  1995 examples/freditor/
[generic]                  393     768  51.2% -lh5- d872 Aug 30  1993 examples/freditor/
[generic]                10403   25058  41.5% -lh5- 407a Apr 22  1991 examples/freditor/SPEEDBALL.IFF
[generic]                 4378   14400  30.4% -lh5- c3cd Sep 27  1995 examples/phn_map/
[generic]                25064   30344  82.6% -lh5- 54c3 Apr 22  1991 examples/phn_map/blkimgs.iff
[generic]                 1119    2682  41.7% -lh5- e41e Apr 22  1991 examples/tame/ChrAME1.iff
[generic]                  213    1926  11.1% -lh5- 1fac Sep  8  1992 examples/tame/MapAME.chr
[generic]                   70      70 100.0% -lh0- 0ebc Sep  8  1992 examples/tame/TAME0.dat
[generic]                  231    1920  12.0% -lh5- e846 Sep  8  1992 examples/tame/
[generic]                   36     524   6.9% -lh5- e973 Apr 22  1991 fonts/big.font
[generic]                  876    1492  58.7% -lh5- afd7 Apr 22  1991 fonts/big/8
[generic]                 1044    4392  23.8% -lh5- 9b6a Aug  8  1995 maped/
[generic]                13598   28232  48.2% -lh5- 80c1 Sep  5  1995 maped/MapEd
[generic]                 5966    9886  60.3% -lh5- d0bb Apr 22  1991 maped/MapEd.DAT
[generic]                 3011    6994  43.1% -lh5- 5a1e Sep  5  1995 maped/MapEd.GUIDE
[generic]                  739    5128  14.4% -lh5- 3341 Aug  8  1995 maped/
[generic]                  456     896  50.9% -lh5- d449 Sep  5  1995 maped/Maped.history
[generic]                   44     176  25.0% -lh5- ba54 Sep  9  1994 phn_map/cursor.spr
[generic]                  725    1564  46.4% -lh5- eaa2 Sep  9  1994 phn_map/mapedit7.fnt
[generic]                 1819    3849  47.3% -lh5- 7c37 Sep 28  1995 phn_map/phn-mapedit.doc
[generic]                  265     543  48.8% -lh5- a5f7 Sep 28  1995 phn_map/
[generic]                  953    1725  55.2% -lh5- 57d5 Sep 28  1995 phn_map/
[generic]                11527   17692  65.2% -lh5- 6e31 Sep 28  1995 phn_map/phn-mapedit
[generic]                 1252    1252 100.0% -lh0- 6a81 Sep  8  1992 tame/Getting_Started.doc
[generic]                  525    1763  29.8% -lh5- 50b0 Sep  8  1992 tame/
[generic]                   27      27 100.0% -lh0- 7663 Sep  8  1992 tame/Tame
[generic]                 7088    7088 100.0% -lh0- 79ab Sep  8  1992 tame/Tame.doc
[generic]                  524    1763  29.7% -lh5- 8c36 Sep  8  1992 tame/
[generic]                  524    1135  46.2% -lh5- 29d8 Sep  8  1992 tame/
[generic]                21275   21920  97.1% -lh5- cd7b Sep  8  1992 tame/Turbo_Amiga_Map_Editor
[generic]                29808   29808 100.0% -lh0- ecf5 Sep 18  1995 tools/mapedit
[generic]                  259     383  67.6% -lh5- 8f14 Oct 19  1995 tools/
[generic]                  648    2657  24.4% -lh5- a29e Aug  8  1995
[generic]                  157     356  44.1% -lh5- 7f4d Sep 18  1995 tools/mapedit.shapes
[generic]                49541  134032  37.0% -lh5- 91a7 Apr 22  1991 yame
[generic]                  256     383  66.8% -lh5- a211 Apr 22  1991
[generic]                 4404   10116  43.5% -lh5- 3aed Apr 22  1991 YAMEv00b.readme
[generic]                 5254   10780  48.7% -lh5- 3f9a Apr 22  1991 yamedatas/blitz2.logo2
[generic]                 4119    8154  50.5% -lh5- 9540 Apr 22  1991 yamedatas/CaT
[generic]                  308    3584   8.6% -lh5- 4bb4 Sep 23  1993 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/
[generic]                  553    3584  15.4% -lh5- d1ec Sep 23  1993 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/
[generic]                 1241    3584  34.6% -lh5- 2684 Sep 23  1993 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/
[generic]                 4428    6404  69.1% -lh5- 77c3 Apr 22  1991 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/DarkTiles.iff
[generic]                  482    3584  13.4% -lh5- 2c4a Sep 23  1993 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/
[generic]                  465    3584  13.0% -lh5- 311f Sep 23  1993 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/
[generic]                 3046    4912  62.0% -lh5- de93 Apr 22  1991 examples/mapedit.demo/blocks.iff
[generic]                  605    2880  21.0% -lh5- 37df Nov 30  1995 examples/mcscroll/
[generic]                 1095    3802  28.8% -lh5- a6e9 Apr 22  1991 examples/mcscroll/MapBlocks1.IFF
[generic]                 6226    8952  69.5% -lh5- 4f5c Apr 22  1991 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/mountains.iff
[generic]                 5003   13498  37.1% -lh5- 8b91 Apr 22  1991 examples/thecaffienefreedietshootemup/TechTiles.iff
[generic]                  547     918  59.6% -lh5- f830 Jul 28  1992 examples/catchem/
[generic]                  687    1530  44.9% -lh5- e576 Jul 28  1992 examples/catchem/
[generic]                  393     742  53.0% -lh5- b102 Jul 28  1992 examples/catchem/
[generic]                 1212    3156  38.4% -lh5- 04e4 Jul 28  1992 examples/catchem/
[generic]                   77     240  32.1% -lh5- 436f Sep 18  1995 examples/mapedit.demo/
[generic]                 2122    2524  84.1% -lh5- 3b13 Apr 22  1991 examples/8wayscroller/8wayscrollerblocks.iff
[generic]                18664   28242  66.1% -lh5- 92ea Apr 22  1991 examples/catchem/bloecke1.iff
[generic]                18925   26924  70.3% -lh5- 5dc1 Apr 22  1991 examples/catchem/bloecke2.iff
[generic]                14025   24920  56.3% -lh5- b4bc Apr 22  1991 examples/catchem/bloecke3.iff
[generic]                  700    1342  52.2% -lh5- 89ad Jul 28  1992 examples/catchem/
[generic]                 2178   26404   8.2% -lh5- 2678 Oct 24  1996 examples/8wayscroller/
[generic]                  367    2232  16.4% -lh5- 2fe6 Apr 22  1991 examples/yame/
[generic]                10874   14314  76.0% -lh5- 7bf0 Apr 22  1991 examples/yame/graphics.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        66 files  327621  624848  52.4%            Jul  5  1997
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