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dev/misc/advlite20b117.lha |
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Short: | Powerfull AutodocViewer v2.0 beta v1.17!!! (020 + OS30) |
Author: | ronnytennebekk c2i.net |
Uploader: | autodocviewer c2i net |
Type: | dev/misc |
Version: | 2.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-11-28 |
Requires: | 68020, OS3.0+ and CBM formated autodocs |
Download: | dev/misc/advlite20b117.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/misc/advlite20b117.readme |
Downloads: | 6894 |
AutodocViewerLite v2.0 BETA 1.17
Copyright © 1994-1999 by Ronny Tennebekk
AutodocViewer is completely rewritten from the v1.x releases,
the concept is the same, but is has many new features.
Now it will scan each function for matching functions names
and symbols found in includes and it shows the autodoc in a
html kind of style. Making it possible to jump between autodocs
and includes with one mouse click.
This is a beta release, so there are still features missing.
New features
- Supports ".i" includes
- Autosave last viewed on timeouts
- Toolbar (can be disabled)
- Extensive linking ability
- Alphabetical option of groups and autodocs
- Can use any public screen
Changes in beta v1.17
Know bugs
- When selecting a link and in thoose cases where the
selected link does have a link at the same location
as where it was selected from, ADV will swap between
these function about 3-5 times. I have tried to fix this,
but I haven't found anything wrong, yet!!! Any creative
suggestions would be creatly appriciated!!! If you
want to see this bug, try utility.doc/CheckDate() and
select the SEE ALSO link to Date2Amiga() using topaz/8
font as textfont...
New features
- The group window now support "closer" and "closer"
keystrok search. The nearest match will be a ghosted
entry in the list, when the user hits return the ghosted
item will be selected. The user are also able to delete
last keystroke by pressing "Backspace". The keystroke
buffer will self delete after a certain amount of time,
this time period can be changed in the settings window.
Note!! The time period are messaured in micro seonds.
- The include window has now a changeable window title,
it will no longer just say "Includes...", it will show
the name on the actual include that are displayed
(without the path).
- Minimum font size has been changed from 8 to 6.
- Some cosmetic changes are also done, the user will
not notice any of them.
Bugs fixed
- A minor error while scanning asm includes (.i) files
has been corrected...
- While saving configuration ADV testes if the internal
save buffer is full, this testing had an stupied error
causing AutodocViewer to always believe the save buffer
was full (ready for writting), making the save routine
extremely slow... No wonder I couldn't optimize it more
than 20%... Now it's extremely fast... The optimization
done in the beta v1.16 are probably as succsess full as
the optimization of loading configuration...
Changes in beta v1.16
New features
- Menuitem "Windows -> Edit Includes" has been implemented
this makes it possible to add/remove single include files
- Load configuration is optimized with approx. 70%
- Save configuration is optimized with approx. 20%
Bugs fixed
- When a public screen named "AutodocViewer" already exists,
AutodocViewer Lite just exited. Now a new public screen
called "AutodocViewer.x" are opened instead. Where "x"
are in the range from 1 to 9.
- Resizing Viewer window just after text font change caused a
system failure, this has been corrected.
Changes in beta v1.15
New features
- Now the user are able to scan all functions in the selected
autodoc for matching symbols found in other autodocs and
include files
Bugs fixed
- Stupid me!!! I forgot to check to create groups in the
v1.14 release, so beta v1.14 was unusable. Stupid, stupid,
stupid x 999999999
- Minor optimizations
Changes in beta v1.14
New features
- AutodocViewer can open on any public or custom screen
Bugs fixed
- If an autodoc are added from a root directory, AutodocViewer
was not able to locate it. Reason, it cleared the ":" in
the device name???
- While sorting the groups alphabetical, the AutodocViewer
writes into forbidden memory causing the Amiga to crash.
Corrected, now it writes into correct memory area.
- Rename Group Requester did show the C format string instead
of the result of _LVORawDoFmt().
Updates and support at http://home.c2i.net/regulus
Contents of dev/misc/advlite20b117.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2012 4309 46.7% -lh5- cc72 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/advlite20b117.readme
[generic] 34069 80468 42.3% -lh5- cd0d Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/AutodocViewer
[generic] 898 1629 55.1% -lh5- 5308 Jul 16 1999 advlite20b117/AutodocViewer.info
[generic] 1570 3359 46.7% -lh5- 6d85 Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/Bugfixes
[generic] 4883 9704 50.3% -lh5- 74cf Nov 15 1999 advlite20b117/libs/autodoc.library
[generic] 425 516 82.4% -lh5- 828e Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/ViewerOptions.render
[generic] 388 520 74.6% -lh5- 3468 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/ViewerOptions.select
[generic] 417 514 81.1% -lh5- d17a Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/ViewerRescan.render
[generic] 420 520 80.8% -lh5- f66c Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/ViewerRescan.select
[generic] 422 506 83.4% -lh5- 7579 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/SymbolDelete.render
[generic] 418 508 82.3% -lh5- 0404 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/SymbolDelete.select
[generic] 433 516 83.9% -lh5- 5795 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/ViewerFind.render
[generic] 428 520 82.3% -lh5- e2d5 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/ViewerFind.select
[generic] 416 514 80.9% -lh5- 7697 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/SortAutodoc.render
[generic] 406 522 77.8% -lh5- 7888 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/SortAutodoc.select
[generic] 376 512 73.4% -lh5- 551c Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/SortGroup.render
[generic] 374 520 71.9% -lh5- 0478 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/SortGroup.select
[generic] 16294 22462 72.5% -lh5- 9d86 Nov 11 1999 advlite20b117/images/autodocviewerlogo.iff
[generic] 391 508 77.0% -lh5- e649 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/DeleteGroup.render
[generic] 393 520 75.6% -lh5- 6844 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/DeleteGroup.select
[generic] 368 520 70.8% -lh5- 3509 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/RenameGroup.select
[generic] 434 518 83.8% -lh5- d7a5 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/NewAutodoc.select
[generic] 426 514 82.9% -lh5- fb19 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/NewGroup.render
[generic] 423 520 81.3% -lh5- 650b Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/NewGroup.select
[generic] 376 510 73.7% -lh5- 9315 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/RenameGroup.render
[generic] 398 520 76.5% -lh5- a6ab Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/GroupOptions.select
[generic] 394 506 77.9% -lh5- 67e8 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/GroupUp.render
[generic] 393 518 75.9% -lh5- e80b Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/GroupUp.select
[generic] 438 516 84.9% -lh5- 0c6a Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/NewAutodoc.render
[generic] 400 516 77.5% -lh5- 7fa0 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/FunctionScanAll.Select
[generic] 393 506 77.7% -lh5- 7ea9 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/GroupDown.render
[generic] 366 520 70.4% -lh5- 1a7f Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/GroupDown.select
[generic] 406 512 79.3% -lh5- 0498 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/GroupOptions.render
[generic] 391 520 75.2% -lh5- 4efc Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/CloneGroup.select
[generic] 432 516 83.7% -lh5- abff Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/DeleteAutodoc.render
[generic] 422 522 80.8% -lh5- 0af8 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/DeleteAutodoc.select
[generic] 427 510 83.7% -lh5- c284 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/FunctionScanAll.render
[generic] 445 522 85.2% -lh5- 6fe5 Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/images/AutodocOptions.select
[generic] 447 516 86.6% -lh5- 4818 Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/images/AutodocUp.render
[generic] 442 520 85.0% -lh5- 4cd6 Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/images/AutodocUp.select
[generic] 396 510 77.6% -lh5- 1e16 Nov 27 1999 advlite20b117/images/CloneGroup.render
[generic] 442 518 85.3% -lh5- 9d28 Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/images/AutodocDown.render
[generic] 424 514 82.5% -lh5- a4ae Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/images/AutodocDown.select
[generic] 447 518 86.3% -lh5- 3461 Nov 26 1999 advlite20b117/images/AutodocOptions.render
[generic] 1417 4536 31.2% -lh5- 3b5b Nov 13 1999 advlite20b117/Install
[generic] 1254 2398 52.3% -lh5- 54c1 Nov 13 1999 advlite20b117/Install.info
[generic] 1844 2802 65.8% -lh5- edfd Nov 13 1999 advlite20b117.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 47 files 79878 151265 52.8% Nov 27 1999
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