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Short: | Fully configurable bumprev utility |
Author: | Robin Cloutman, Fredrik Wikstrom (OS4 port) |
Uploader: | Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org> |
Type: | dev/misc |
Version: | 3.5 |
Architecture: | ppc-amigaos |
Date: | 2007-11-20 |
Download: | dev/misc/bump_os4.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/misc/bump_os4.readme |
Downloads: | 1031 |
OS4 port of Robin Cloutman's "Bump" command:
This port also fixes a crash (DSI) that would occur if nothing was entered for
1. Copy Bump to somewhere that's in the command path (f.e. C: or SDK:Local/C)
2. Copy Bump-#? to S:
3. If you copied them somewhere else than "S:", set ENVARC:BUMPCODE to this path
Bump Progname C (bumps revision and generates Progname_rev.h)
Bump Progname C VERSION (bumps version, sets revision to 0 and generates
--- original readme ---
This can easily replace C='s bumprev.
· User defined output formats. (Unlike bumprev)
· Remembers both version and revision. (Unlike bumprev)
· Easy to use. (Unlike bumprev)
· Output almost identical to bumprev. (Unlike... erm...)
· Includes output for C, C++, ARexx, Asm.
· Includes full source. (gcc version egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release))
· Has installer.
· 68000-68060 versions.
Although I have included the source code, I reserve full rights to it.
If you wish to add/change anything, then do it through me - I don't want
lots of versions hanging around...
NAME/A - the base name to use, will create "{NAME}_rev.ver" containing
CODE/M - which code module(s) to use.
VERSION/S - bump the version (and set revision to 0).
SETVERSION/K/N - set the version to this.
NO=NOREVISION/S - don't bump the revision. (Useful for code generation only)
SETREVISION/K/N - set the revision to this.
QUIET/S - don't output any information for the user.
Code Generation:
All code generation files must reside in "S:" or the location pointed to by
the "BUMPCODE" enviroment variable. Each file has the name "bump-*", with the
* replaced by the text in each CODE/M option.
Every line in the file starting with "##" can be -
· "## inform ..." Tell the user something.
· "## suffix ..." Close the current output file, and open another with the
name "{NAME}_rev.{suffix}".
· "## filename ..." Close the current output file, and open another with this
· "## ..." anything else is a comment.
Replaced Symbols:
· "%n" is the name.
· "%v" is the version.
· "%r" is the revision.
· "%d" is the current date.
· "%t" is the current time.
· "%V" is the version of bump used (ie. bump 3.1).
· "%l?" is the length of the second symbol (ie. "%ld" is replaced by "8")
(see Bump-test)
NOTE: You can create more than one output file by using ##suffix and
##filename more than once!
· 1.0 - First effort.
· 1.1 - Added rexx code.
· 1.2 - Added locale support. (REMOVED)
· 1.3 - Minor bug fixed...
· 1.4 - Recompiled with "gcc version egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)" ·
1.5 - Automatically generate required code, only need switch first time.
· 2.0 - Made resident, otherwise no change.
· 2.1 - Rewrote to make it easier to expand...
· 3.0 - Changed template.
Made code output user-defined.
Removed locale support.
Removed automatic code generation.
· 3.1 - Improved code parsing, user info and multiple files allowed.
· 3.2 - Now searches "PROGDIR:", "S:", and $BUMPCODE for code.
· 3.3 - Also searches {NAME} dir.
· 3.4 - Code cleanup and new ## command (filename).
· 3.5 - Recompiled with "gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)"
First Aminet release.
Contents of dev/misc/bump_os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2967 5488 54.1% -lh5- 7da3 Nov 19 17:21 Bump/Bump
[generic] 289 568 50.9% -lh5- 4c12 Aug 11 1999 Bump/Bump-asm
[generic] 327 757 43.2% -lh5- 0835 Aug 11 1999 Bump/Bump-c
[generic] 287 570 50.4% -lh5- edff Aug 11 1999 Bump/Bump-c++
[generic] 274 554 49.5% -lh5- 6b94 Aug 11 1999 Bump/Bump-e
[generic] 259 476 54.4% -lh5- 4f7c Aug 11 1999 Bump/Bump-rexx
[generic] 233 498 46.8% -lh5- 3687 Aug 11 1999 Bump/Bump-test
[generic] 2173 6576 33.0% -lh5- 2f86 Nov 19 17:21 Bump/Bump.c
[generic] 578 1212 47.7% -lh5- f5ed Nov 19 17:18 Bump/Bump.h
[generic] 108 184 58.7% -lh5- 027c Nov 19 17:07 Bump/Bump_rev.h
[generic] 122 230 53.0% -lh5- df16 Nov 19 17:07 Bump/Bump_rev.i
[generic] 2 2 100.0% -lh0- 5797 Nov 19 17:07 Bump/Bump_rev.rev
[generic] 130 243 53.5% -lh5- 06ee Nov 19 17:07 Bump/Bump_rev.s
[generic] 442 819 54.0% -lh5- 0042 Nov 19 17:08 Bump/Makefile
[generic] 1744 3703 47.1% -lh5- 7740 Nov 19 17:44 Bump/bump.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 9935 21880 45.4% Nov 20 06:12
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