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Short:V2.197 create pragma, inline, ... files
Author:Dirk Stoecker et al.
Uploader:polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:dev/misc/fd2pragma-mos.lha - View contents

This is a utility to create:
  - following pragma statements for certain C compilers: amicall, libcall,
    flibcall, tagcall and syscall
  - proto files for C compilers
  - offset (LVO) files for assembler programs
  - stub functions for either tag-functions or all library functions
  - stub functions as assembler text
  - stub functions as useable link library file
  - FD files out of pragma files
  - stubs for C++ compilers (SPECIAL 11, 12 and CLIB)
  - the files with your own headers inserted
  - files for using local pointers for shared library bases in compilers
    which do not support this normally
  - stub functions for Pascal compilers
  - inline files for GCC
  - inline, pragma and stub libraries using FPU registers
  - files needed to develop for Phase5's PowerUP boards
  - unit texts for FPC Pascal compiler
  - BMAP files for AmigaBASIC and MaxonBASIC
  - VBCC assembler inline files
  - VBCC WOS stub texts and link library
  - VBCC PowerUP stub texts and link library
  - VBCC MorphOS stub texts and link library
  - Modules for AmigaE
  - FD files
  - CLIB files
  - SFD files
  - auto library open files for VBCC
  - MorphOS files
  - OS4 XML files
  - OS4 cross-call code stubs

Therefor only the FD file giving the library information is needed. For
some SPECIAL options you may additionally supply the CLIB keyword (or you
need to supply it) giving fd2pragma the prototypes file in clib directory.
Better is to supply the all-in-one SFD format as input.

The command template you get with fd2pragma ? .

Calling the program seems to be (is) very difficult, but it offers you a
large set of functions. A lot of options need a lot of abilities to turn
them on/off!

The documentation contains lots of information about related topics, so
read it!

Short history (full history see source code):
 2.172 09.05.04 : (phx) fixed clib-parsing problem with splitted function
        name and arguments over two lines, more flexible "base,sysv"
        recognition for MorphOS, never use "Device *" pointer in a proto file
        - should be "Library *"
 2.173 10.05.04 : fixed MOS-base,sysv to allow autodetected Tag-Functions
 2.174 23.05.04 : some fixes for MorphOS and VBCC
 2.175 11.07.04 : (phx) has to recognize and skip 'extern "C" {', as a
        result of my modifications in 2.172.
 2.176 21.09.04 : added new MorphOS VBCC inlines and some other OS4 fixes
 2.177 23.09.04 : minor bugfix
 2.178 09.10.04 : (phx) vbcc: use __linearvarargs instead of __aos4varargs
 2.179 09.11.04 : (phx) make it compile natively under AmigaOS 4.x
 2.180 07.12.04 : (phx) don't create vbcc inlines for MUI_NewObject &
        PM_MakeItem - otherwise the preprocessor gets confused
 2.181 20.12.04 : made test for MUI_NewObject and PM_MakeItem based on a field
        containing the names - allows easier expansion
 2.182 16.01.05 : (phx) experimental MorphOS "(sysv)" support, which doesn't
        need a base-register passed as first argument
 2.183 24.01.05 : added support for long long types, nevertheless files using
        that will not produce correct results for now
 2.184 07.02.05 : (phx) Fixed FuncVBCCWOSCode() (special 73) to read the
        function ptr from (bias-2) instead from (bias) for PPC0/2-ABI.
        Picasso96 support.
 2.185 08.02.05 : (phx) Special 38 (proto with vbcc inline) always generates
        an inline-include now, and is no longer restricted to MorphOS & 68k.
        Special Warp3DPPC support.
        Marked some powerpc.library functions, which were erroneously
        detected as tag functions.
 2.186 17.02.05 : fixed PPC0-mode VBCC WOS stubs
 2.187 26.03.05 : (phx) "(sysv,r12base)" in MorphOS FD-files is supported.
        I made it identical to (sysv), which both load the library base
        to r12 (correct in (sysv,r12base) mode and can't hurt in (sysv) mode).
        Allow "(void)" instead of "()" as parameter list.
        Function-pointer types can extend over multiple lines now (does
        this make sense for other types too?).
        New SDL-types: FPSmanager, Mix_Chunk, Mix_Music, Mix_MusicType,
        Mix_EffectFunc_t, Mix_EffectDone_t, Mix_Fading, IPaddress,
        TCPsocket, UDPpacket, UDPsocket, SDLNet_SocketSet,
        SDLNet_GenericSocket, TTF_Font.
        Put some of SDL-gfx functions ("...RGBA()") in the exceptions list.
 2.188 30.03.05 : (phx) Put NewObject() into the NoInline-list.
 2.189 21.05.05 : (phx) Always include emul/emulregs.h in vbcc/MOS inlines.
 2.190 23.08.05 : (phx) Use ".file <name>.o" in assembler sources, HUNK_NAME
        and ELF ST_FILE symbols. It was "<name>.s" before, which is wrong.
 2.191 01.11.05 : (phx) Rewrote FuncVBCCWOSInline() based on the MOSInline-
        function, to be able to handle varargs functions correctly.
        Also fixed WOS-text and -code generation for PPC0-ABI. 
 2.192 06.01.10 : (phx) Do vbcc MorphOS OS-calls with BCTRL instead of BLRL
        to avoid messing up the LR-stack of more recent PowerPCs (G4+).
 2.193 18.09.10 : (phx) GLContext type (tinygl).
 2.194 03.01.11 : (mazze) Fix for building it on CYGWIN.
                          Added AROS support in the proto file.
 2.195 24.05.15 : (phx) Merge data-register pairs from the FD file for
        64-bit data types when generating vbcc 68k assembler inlines.
 2.196 06.02.16 : (phx) Varargs function for rtEZRequestA() is
        rtEZRequestTags(). rtEZRequest() has swapped arguments and needs
        to be implemented in amiga.lib.
 2.197 09.10.16 : (phx) ShortBaseName must not be enforced as lower case.
        Some libraries, like Warp3D and Picasso96API, have upper case letters
        in their FD, proto and clib file names.
 2.198 27.10.18 : (sba) For special 42 format, don't put used registers in the
        clobber list as newer GCC complain about this.

This program is in the public domain. Use it as you want, but WITHOUT ANY

Original author of the program:

* snail-mail:                  * e-mail:                            *
*   Dirk Stoecker              *                *
*   Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 *                *
*   01877 Bischofswerda        * world wide web:                    *
*   GERMANY                    *         *
* phone:                       * pgp key:                           *
*   GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 *   get from WWW pages or keyservers *

Contents of dev/misc/fd2pragma-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 1518    2146  70.7% -lh5- 2ffd Feb 16  2003
[generic]               107239  277744  38.6% -lh5- 8997 May 28 23:14 fd2pragma/fd2pragma
[generic]                99222  443503  22.4% -lh5- 8433 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/fd2pragma.c
[generic]                30740   94243  32.6% -lh5- b1f9 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/
[generic]                 1893    2294  82.5% -lh5- 3203 Dec 18  2015 fd2pragma/
[generic]                 1534    3557  43.1% -lh5- 5c5f May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/fd2pragma.readme
[generic]                 4033   14191  28.4% -lh5- 319c May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/fd2pragma.types
[generic]                 3497   79292   4.4% -lh5- c67b May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Include/inline/macros.h
[generic]                  848    2489  34.1% -lh5- 5c5f May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Include/inline/stubs.h
[generic]                  100     143  69.9% -lh5- 1000 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/makefile
[generic]                  172     365  47.1% -lh5- 22ec May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/makefile.vbcc
[generic]                  441    1473  29.9% -lh5- bba8 May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/examplelib/makefile
[generic]                  933    7967  11.7% -lh5- 0f1d May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakeInline
[generic]                  266     517  51.5% -lh5- f4c8 May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakePPCStuff
[generic]                  629    4583  13.7% -lh5- 6ad8 May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakePragma
[generic]                  643    5348  12.0% -lh5- 6261 May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakeProto
[generic]                 1131    8571  13.2% -lh5- 75e5 May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakeStubLib
[generic]                  436    1174  37.1% -lh5- a92f May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakeStuff
[generic]                  930    7804  11.9% -lh5- 8e4a May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakeUnit
[generic]                  445    1227  36.3% -lh5- cd1f May 28 23:02 fd2pragma/Scripts/MakeVBCC
[generic]                 2006   10243  19.6% -lh5- 42f4 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/amiga68k/MakeALIB.script
[generic]                 1719   11211  15.3% -lh5- be7c May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/amiga68k/MakeProtos.script
[generic]                 2525   13340  18.9% -lh5- ae7c May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/amigappc/MakeALIB.script
[generic]                  898    4388  20.5% -lh5- 9d5f May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/amigappc/MakeProtos.script
[generic]                 2389   12956  18.4% -lh5- 6977 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/amigawos/MakeALIB.script
[generic]                  898    4388  20.5% -lh5- 655e May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/amigawos/MakeProtos.script
[generic]                 2476   13209  18.7% -lh5- 66b8 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/morphos/MakeALIB.script
[generic]                  899    4388  20.5% -lh5- 8d9d May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/Scripts/vbcc/morphos/MakeProtos.script
[generic]                  425    1866  22.8% -lh5- 14e0 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/smakefile
[generic]                 4358   28058  15.5% -lh5- 9154 May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/usefd2pragma
[generic]                 1658    2463  67.3% -lh5- d33f May 28 23:03 fd2pragma/
[generic]                82144  217188  37.8% -lh5- c0f0 May 29 00:09 fd2pragma/fd2pragma_os3
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        32 files  359045 1282329  28.0%            May 29 22:45
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